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nailsIcon...03-11-2018 @ 18:15 
my wood got all bloody
Member 1001, 5711 posts
SQ 240, BP 160, DL 272.5
672.5 kgs @ 102.5kgs UnEq
stephen9069 said:Hasnt sqautted in a month then pause squats 200kg lol ?

It did feel good. I was most nervous about squats as I get a lot of pressure in my head. So naturally I want for something that is really hard. If I was gonna bleed it would have been on that lift. Im sure theres logic in there somewhere lol. Next week should be business as usual although I do need to records a 300kg lift of some description so I can apply to lift the real Dinnie Stones.
nailsIcon...05-11-2018 @ 13:24 
my wood got all bloody
Member 1001, 5711 posts
SQ 240, BP 160, DL 272.5
672.5 kgs @ 102.5kgs UnEq
Monday 05th November 2018

Band Rows -- X rows
x 25 reps
x 25 reps
x 25 reps

Band Face Pulls
x 25 reps
x 25 reps

Band Triceps Overhead Extensions
x 25 reps
x 25 reps
x 25 reps

A1 Band Pull Through
x 20 reps
x 20 reps

A2 Walking Lunges
x 30 reps --Total
x 30 reps --Total

B1 Dead Press
bar x 10 reps
60kg x 5 reps
70kg x 5 reps
80kg x 3 reps

90kg x 3 reps
90kg x 2 reps
90kg x 2 reps
90kg x 2 reps
90kg x 1 rep --At this point I realised my form had got too crappy on the second rep. Therefore I dropped to 1 rep per set. From here I will aim to build 1 rep each week, although I'm a few weeks ahead of the game at this point. So in term so progression I'll keep 90kg for quite some times progressing from to double and then to triples.
90kg x 1 rep
90kg x 1 rep
90kg x 1 rep

B2 Band Planks
~20 Seconds
~30 Seconds
~25 Seconds --Kept a slightly more hollow position than I usually do but it was a great improvement.

SSB Squat
60kg x 5 reps
90kg x 5 reps

100kg x 6 reps
100kg x 6 reps
100kg x 6 reps
100kg x 6 reps --Cut volume slightly today so that I can walk tomorrow.

--At lunch

Kneeling Rollouts
x 10 reps
x 5 reps

Glute Bridges
x 15 reps
x 15 reps

Need more set/reps but a good start.
stephen9069Icon...05-11-2018 @ 19:15 
Frequents the HOUSE of GAIN.
Member 3836, 4233 posts
SQ 225, BP 200, DL 300
725.0 kgs @ 119kgs UnEq
looking very strong mate you haven't dropped anything at all.

Your going to give the dinnie stones a go ?
nailsIcon...05-11-2018 @ 19:38 
my wood got all bloody
Member 1001, 5711 posts
SQ 240, BP 160, DL 272.5
672.5 kgs @ 102.5kgs UnEq
stephen9069 said:looking very strong mate you haven't dropped anything at all.

Your going to give the dinnie stones a go ?

Might be looking strong but feels like a struggle at the moment. Actually I take that back, it's conditioning that has dropped which is why I can't hit all my sets right now. That will come back very soon I'm sure.

I've thought about the Dinnie stones loads and I now I've gone a few steps further; getting replica handles and making enquiries. Should be on track for an attempt in the summer. Gonna see if I can get work to sponsor me, it should get in some sort of press.
nailsIcon...06-11-2018 @ 13:21 
my wood got all bloody
Member 1001, 5711 posts
SQ 240, BP 160, DL 272.5
672.5 kgs @ 102.5kgs UnEq
Post Edited: 06.11.2018 @ 13:32 PM by nails
Tuesday 06th November 2018

Band Rows -- X rows
x 25 reps
x 25 reps
x 25 reps

Band Face Pulls
x 25 reps
x 25 reps

Band Triceps Overhead Extensions
x 25 reps
x 25 reps
x 25 reps

A1 Nordic Curls --Band Assisted
x 5 reps
x 5 reps
x 5 reps --Each set almost ended in a cramp so I kept he volume very low but I need to build these up

A2 Half Kneeling Press (Landmine)
bar x 10 reps (Each Side)
bar x 10 reps (Each Side)
bar x 10 reps (Each Side) --Focus is on mobility with this lift.

B1 Trap Bar Deadlift
85kg x 3 reps
135kg x 3 reps
175kg x 3 reps
215kg x 3 reps
255kg x 3 reps
285kg x 1 rep --I could have gutted out a 300kg lift and got the video I need for the Dinnie Stones but it would have been an ego lift. My form was breaking down and it just didn't feel right in the back so I called it a day. I think this is a mobility issue so I will work on that. Given today's lesson I'm unsure how to proceed with deads at this point. I could get very specific and work purely with the Dinnie handles or I could be more general and just up my all round deadlift ability.

B2 Heavy Bag Elbow Strikes
x 30 seconds
x 30 seconds
x 30 seconds --I like using elbows like this as good movement must be used. Other strikes can allow for a fair but of cheating but elbows require good form or the strike will be ineffective.

--At lunch
Kneeling Rollouts
x 10 reps
x 10 reps
x 10 reps

KB Curls
7.5kg x 15 reps (Each Side)
7.5kg x 15 reps (Each Side)
7.5kg x 15 reps (Each Side)
7.5kg x 15 reps (Each Side)

KB Curls -- Two Hands holding the "horns"
7.5kg x 100 reps
stephen9069Icon...06-11-2018 @ 19:27 
Frequents the HOUSE of GAIN.
Member 3836, 4233 posts
SQ 225, BP 200, DL 300
725.0 kgs @ 119kgs UnEq
That's some strong pulling mate and by the sounds of it it doesn't seem like the 300kg is to far away if form is the issue.

Hate those Nordic curls lol
nailsIcon...07-11-2018 @ 08:41 
my wood got all bloody
Member 1001, 5711 posts
SQ 240, BP 160, DL 272.5
672.5 kgs @ 102.5kgs UnEq
stephen9069 said:That's some strong pulling mate and by the sounds of it it doesn't seem like the 300kg is to far away if form is the issue.

Hate those Nordic curls lol

Thanks mate, it was certainly there, probably had around 320 tbh but I'd rather get good quality reps in rather than bull skulled ego lifts. That's where I've gone wrong in the past so I'm trying to learn. Lets see how that goes. I worked out it's because I've got a mobility problem, I suffer from APT due to all the sitting I do. This something I usually combat with stetches and lifting. However, with 2 weeks off and lots of just sitting around it's got a lot worse. Good news is I'm reversing it rapidly.

The nordics are part of the same issue, I need more ham and glute strength to balance my quads. But you're right, they're horrible.
Wayne_CowdreyIcon...07-11-2018 @ 10:14 
Still got a little bit of strength
Member 400, 22344 posts
What is the requirement for the Dinnie Stones? A videoed 300kg lift? Is there a list of valid lifts? I imagine a 20" dead lift wouldn't be valid!
nailsIcon...07-11-2018 @ 10:58 
my wood got all bloody
Member 1001, 5711 posts
SQ 240, BP 160, DL 272.5
672.5 kgs @ 102.5kgs UnEq
Wayne_Cowdrey said:What is the requirement for the Dinnie Stones? A videoed 300kg lift? Is there a list of valid lifts? I imagine a 20" dead lift wouldn't be valid!

I've had some conflicting reports but basically a deadlift variant with at least 300kg with not grip assistance other than chalk. The premise is safety; you need to be able to demonstrate that your body can support 300kg. My guess is they need something like that for insurance and so they don't get sued. Also (warning cynical comment impending) they get to see you and thus can make a judgement about if they thing the stone will break you or not. Someone lifting with awful form through a 1" ROM and barely making the lift would seem an unsafe bet.

I'll probably make my video with the replica handles in the end, seems the best option available to me. If it comes to it I'll make a selection and they can pick one, lol.
nailsIcon...08-11-2018 @ 15:32 
my wood got all bloody
Member 1001, 5711 posts
SQ 240, BP 160, DL 272.5
672.5 kgs @ 102.5kgs UnEq
Thursday 08th November 2018

For some reason I woke up late so missed half my training time. I still went out because there was still some time to get something productive in.

Band Rows -- X rows
x 25 reps
x 25 reps
x 25 reps

Band Face Pulls
x 25 reps
x 25 reps

Band Triceps Overhead Extensions
x 25 reps
x 25 reps
x 25 reps

Bench Press
60kg x 10 reps
80kg x 5 reps
100kg x 5 reps
130kg x 1 rep
150kg x 1 rep --Super slow and all over the place, that's what happens when you rush these things.

--Reverse bands on
160kg x 3 reps
160kg x 3 reps
160kg x 3 reps
160kg x 3 reps --half the total sets I had planned but more reps per set so swings and roundabouts.

--At lunch
Band Pull Downs
x ~30 reps
x ~40 reps
x ~30 reps --Holy triceps pump Batman.

Band Rows
x 20 reps
x 20 reps
x 20 reps
x 20 reps
x 20 reps

Kneeling Rollouts
x 10 reps
x 10 reps
x 10 reps
nailsIcon...09-11-2018 @ 14:04 
my wood got all bloody
Member 1001, 5711 posts
SQ 240, BP 160, DL 272.5
672.5 kgs @ 102.5kgs UnEq
Friday 09th November 2018

Band Rows -- X rows
x 25 reps
x 25 reps
x 25 reps

Band Face Pulls
x 25 reps
x 25 reps

Band Triceps Overhead Extensions
x 25 reps
x 25 reps
x 25 reps

Chucked in a load of new mobility exercises here. They seemed to work very well as my squatting felt much better than last week. I need to experiment a bit more but this has convinced me that I need to put the effort into mobility. There will be extra KG's on the bar if I get this right.

70kg x 5 reps
120kg x 5 reps
160kg x 3 reps
190kg x 1 rep --Much better back angle than last weeks 200kg but still not perfect. This quite literally seems to be about the tipping point for me. I'll go a little heaver over the coming weeks but not crazy but it's about this sort of weight that I'm looking for the form breakdown.

--Reverse bands on
190kg x 10 reps
190kg x 5 reps --I intended all sets to be 10 reps but my cardio isn't what it was and that was the limiting factor.
190kg x 6 reps

Dip Crunches
x 5+ reps
x 5+ reps
x 5+ reps
x 5+ reps --Not really sure what to call these. I popped up onto the bars like I was about to start a set of dips but instead raised my hips up and back. These reps were surprisingly hard and my abs were shaking and on fire in no time. I did at least 5 reps each set but never more than 10.

--At lunch
Band Shrugs --1 second pause at top
x 25 reps
x 25 reps
x 25 reps --Much much harder than I expected.
stephen9069Icon...09-11-2018 @ 19:53 
Frequents the HOUSE of GAIN.
Member 3836, 4233 posts
SQ 225, BP 200, DL 300
725.0 kgs @ 119kgs UnEq
Another couple of strong sessions mate you definitely seem to be back into the groove of things.
nailsIcon...10-11-2018 @ 17:29 
my wood got all bloody
Member 1001, 5711 posts
SQ 240, BP 160, DL 272.5
672.5 kgs @ 102.5kgs UnEq
stephen9069 said:Another couple of strong sessions mate you definitely seem to be back into the groove of things.

Cheers mate, I expected to have DOMS today but I've got almost nothing. A bit in the VMO's but nothing else. Tbh I didn't realise how much the headaches were effecting me, now they are gone things are so much easier.
nailsIcon...12-11-2018 @ 13:18 
my wood got all bloody
Member 1001, 5711 posts
SQ 240, BP 160, DL 272.5
672.5 kgs @ 102.5kgs UnEq
Monday 12th November 2018

Band Rows -- X rows
x 25 reps
x 25 reps
x 25 reps

Band Face Pulls
x 25 reps
x 25 reps

Band Triceps Overhead Extensions
x 25 reps
x 25 reps
x 25 reps

A1 Dead Press
bar x 10 reps
60kg x 5 reps
70kg x 5 reps
80kg x 3 reps

A2 1xDB Rows
40kg x 10 reps (Each Side)
40kg x 10 reps (Each Side)
40kg x 10 reps (Each Side)

A3 Band Planks
x 30 Seconds
x 30 Seconds
x 30 Seconds --Focused on keeping a hollow position, it made things somehow more intense yet I could hold on a slight bit longer.

B1 Band Pull Throughs
x 20 reps
x 20 reps
x 20 reps

B2 Bulgarian Split Squat
No weight x 10 reps (Each Leg)
No weight x 10 reps (Each Leg)
No weight x 10 reps (Each Leg) --I need to get my balance right before I load these up but oh man these destroyed my glutes.

Dead Press
90kg x 3 reps
90kg x 3 reps
90kg x 2 reps
90kg x 2 reps
90kg x 2 reps
90kg x 2 reps
90kg x 2 reps
90kg x 2 reps --Loads more reps this week. Its crazy how different things felt to last week were I had to cut reps and do my best. The bar was flying up today. Looks like I can scrap what I said about working with singles.

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