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littlegirlbunnyIcon...07-01-2007 @ 18:04 
Member 7, 621 posts
SQ 80, BP 45, DL 125
250.0 kgs @ 55kgs UnEq
Friday - rest day

Saturday - G-camp Thai Boxing at Chorlton. Great class. Having an hour and three quarters makes so much difference. Felt my kicks were good some of the time. Still lacking a huge amount of endurance and mental strength. Must stop being such a wimp when it comes to CV. One disturbing thing though, we did leg holds (eg, holding straight legs 6 inches above the floor) at the end. I used to be good at those, but hells bells, I couldn't even hold it for a little bit Eek My abs may be getting stronger in terms of the weight they can shift, but their ability to static hold is really bad. Im going to really up my core work in this area.

Sunday - Squat Day Grin

Felt pretty damn good today Grin

20 kg: 5
30 kg: 5
40 kg: 5
50 kg: 1
55 kg: 3, 3, 3, 3, 6, 6, (It was supposed to be 5x3 but they felt so good I couldn't help doing a few extra. It's so nice to have this weight feel so easy as a few months back I still wasn't confident to do it without a spotter.

This didn't feel as easy...ever rep felt uncomfertable today. My form was obviously off, but I couldn't place why.
20 kg: 5
30 kg: 5
40 kg: 1
41.5 kg: 1 (with little plates)
42.5 kg: 1
36 kg: 5x5 (with little plates)

70 kg: 15
80 kg: 15, 15, 15

Rowing 20 mins - 4017 m. Had to stop for ~1 min in the middle (but didn't stop the clock). Next week i'll do 20 mins without stopping Happy

Lots of stretches and some core holds.
littlegirlbunnyIcon...09-01-2007 @ 21:26 
Member 7, 621 posts
SQ 80, BP 45, DL 125
250.0 kgs @ 55kgs UnEq
Monday's Training.

Felt a little tired and headachy, was a bit worried I might have been coming down with the flu. So I took the sensible option and dosed myself up on painkillers before going to the hardest Thai class I have been to yet Grin It was a G-camp class, but based in old trafford. The quality of the woman was much much higher than at sugden. I really felt challenged (or should I say, marginally competitive) to really push myself. I will definately be going to this class again. Three of the women are due to fight in march, and I got to work with a lady who weighed a stone lighter than me. But hell, could she kick and punch, she was vastly superior to anyone else I have worked in terms of technique. She was also a really great partner, both helpful and fun.

We did some sort of pushing exercise (don't ask me what the correct term is) where you have to try and push your partner back (for about 2 mins at a time, although it felt like forever!). Well, powerlifting does have some use then Grin The small girl I could shift (although it wasn't as easy as I thought it would be), and then I had to work with a 6 ft bloke. He couldn't move me at all Grin By the third my current poor fitness was showing, and the large girl I was working with was more of a challenge. But I stayed with it as best I could and even managed to move her a couple of times. Next time i'll get her :P After that it was more press-ups, sit ups etc etc before working on the combos. I was a bit chuffed as two of the girls said I had loads of power Grin but not so chuffed at my complete lack of front kick ability, and inability to co-ordinate my left side. I left the club after 1:45 mins feeling really shaky, and today I feel like I have been hit by a bus Grin Even my lungs hurt Eek

Today - rest day. Except it was a really hard site day after 5 hours disturbed sleep and a 3 and a half hour drive there (and then 4 on the way back). I found myself walking/climbing into roof spaces/sampling non-stop for 6 hours 40 mins without a drink or food. Damn it. How am I supposed to stay strong if I do stupid things like work? Roll-Eyes Tongue
littlegirlbunnyIcon...11-01-2007 @ 11:32 
Member 7, 621 posts
SQ 80, BP 45, DL 125
250.0 kgs @ 55kgs UnEq
Wednesday - Deadlift Day.

Now, I probably should have listened to Mr Brown and moved my deadlifting and squats to a five day alternative cycle. Which would have put me deadlifting on friday. However, I chose to ignore him and instead deadlifted today. It was pretty hard. I wasn't feeling particularly great (prolly something to do with yesterdays long work day) so didn't even attempt a double and instead did five singles. However, in some ways i'm grateful, I think i need to ease myself back into this deadlifting marlarky alot slower than I was planning, so have decided to make all my heavy lifts singles for the rest of this plan. I'll just keep going every other week adding 5 kg until I fail and then drop right back down to 90 kg and work back up again. I'll add some doubles on the next cycle.

10 mins CV warmup

Deadlifts 60 kg: 5, 5
80 kg: 2
100 kg: 1
105 kg: 5 singles (last one, as usually happens, was the best)

Push press
20 kg 10 (strict for warm up)
25 kg 3
30 kg 3 (tendons sore)
35 kg F, F (don't laugh, I just couldn't get it together today)
30 kg 2 (tendons really sore from driving so decided to call it a day on those)

Ab pull downs
28 kg + half: 10
35 kg + half 5, 4

Biceps Grin

Wasn't feeling too good by the end - feel like im fighting off this bug that everyone has got. But it hasn't got me yet. Feel groggy this morning, but i'm going to go for a run to clear my head this afternoon. Have got really great DOMS from deads yesterday, and more importantly, no bad back pain Grin
RickIcon...11-01-2007 @ 17:39 
I am a bench-only guy
Member 3, 10040 posts
SQ 185, BP 175, DL 235
595.0 kgs @ 140kgs UnEq
Originally posted by littlegirlbunny...
no bad back pain Grin

Outstanding Grin.
purplepaulIcon...11-01-2007 @ 20:02 
has free and readily available gothic porn
Member 29, 1088 posts
SQ 1, BP 100, DL 200
301.0 kgs @ 103kgs UnEq
no back pain id always goodGrin
littlegirlbunnyIcon...13-01-2007 @ 15:33 
Member 7, 621 posts
SQ 80, BP 45, DL 125
250.0 kgs @ 55kgs UnEq
Friday - private with M15 phil and billy. Good lesson from Phil this time, we just went over what I had missed thursday night (whilst at a concert Grin ). Hooks are getting better but still not great. It was all punching today. Had to get conditioning off billy whilst I kept my hook guard up (i.e thirty seconds of her punching me round the side of the head). That's enough to give anyone brainache Grin Did some sparring, which I really enjoyed today. I'm always a bit worried i'm going to hurt my partner though Eek

Friday evening. Today was the day to get 5x5 on the bench with 37.5 kg - except it wasn't and i missed the bas***d AGAIN Roll-Eyes The annoying thing is, i felt really bloody good, even after having the private first. Oh well, next cycle i'll get him! I'm still on the way back up after the 45 max out it think and prolly didn't get enough calories in after the private. Also I have bad tendonitis from driving right now.

10 mins cv warm-up

Bench 20 kg: 10
30 kg: 5
40 kg: 2
42.5 kg: 1
43.5 kg: 1 (pretty hard rep today, prolly somewhere close to my max right now)
37.5 kg: 5, 4, 4, 3, 3 Fooook

Chins: 2 unassisted (who's carrying a little bit of excess weight, hmm? lol) then 6 assisted by Mr Brown
1 unassisted then 7 assisted
1 unassisted then 5 assisted

Some squats with the empty bar for form

Rows strict on machine 28 kg: 8 (biceps were shot so this was all lats Grin)
35 kg: 5
35 kg + 1/2: 5, 5
42.5 kg: 5, 5 (not so strict)

Tricep pushdowns - unknown weight, the cable machine is all messed up - 10, 10, 10

Rear delts 21 kg: 8, 8, 8

Rotar cuffs with 2 kg dumbell (rehab coz my shoulders are knackard from driving still) 30, 30

(did you notice the massive increase in volume?)

Abs and stretching

Saturday G-camp class at chorlton.

Got to work with one of the best woman there - it was great. So motivating working with someone you know would kick your ass so bad if you were fighting. Actually, she'd prolly just knock me straight out Grin My leg is a state from holding the pad, but that's a good thing Grin She gave me some really useful advice too. I like the fact she didn't actually tell me I was any good (because i'm really not in comparison) - it made me work harder. But she was impressed by my elbows and knees at the end. I'm just so much better in close combat - it requires less co-ordination than all the kicks and punch combo's we do. Hooks felt good today, although my guard kept dropping. There isn't much incentive to keep it up with pad work Eek I have to get some shin pads, because they won't let you spar without them at g-camp (unlike the M15 Muay Thai where they are not allowed and the object is to take the pain Grin)
littlegirlbunnyIcon...14-01-2007 @ 18:15 
Member 7, 621 posts
SQ 80, BP 45, DL 125
250.0 kgs @ 55kgs UnEq
Sunday squat day.

10 mins CV warm up 1.35 km/142 cal/L12/manual program

Tendonitis agony, couldn't do anything involving upper body today - even holding the squat bar was painful. Other than that, felt pretty damn good Grin Feel like I have lost a bit of the excess weight, it's prolly just lost carb stores, but it feels nice to not be lugging round unnecessary weight.

Squats 20 kg: 6
30 kg: 5
40 kg: 5
50 kg: 2
60 kg: 3, 3, 3, 3, 3 Woohoo - this is a PB for 5x3 They felt relatively easy overall, I didn't have any depth problems. GrinGrin

Front squats
20 kg: Lots to practice technique, work out the best way to hold the bar and generally get used to the movement. I can't cross my hands to support the bar, but I did manage to perfect the resting on the fingers technique Happy
30 kg: 3
40 kg: 3x3 Damn pleased with these for my first real attempt at proper front squats

30 mins CV L13/4:01km/428 cals/random program - this was hard, but not my max. CV fitness has definately gone up a bit. Still a long way to go to be proper CV fit.

Ab pull downs
28 kg +1/2 block: 8
35 kg +1/2 block: 5, 3, 3 felt hard - think front squats must have really worked my core.

Little-bigs - 5kg plate 10,10,10 Not done those for a while, forgotton what a good core exercise they are!


Great session I think Grin
AlexIcon...15-01-2007 @ 19:17 
Picca Boo
Member 16, 1204 posts
SQ 140, BP 130, DL 200
470.0 kgs @ 77kgs UnEq
Nice work Jo!

Originally posted by littlegirlbunny...

Little-bigs - 5kg plate 10,10,10 Not done those for a while, forgotton what a good core exercise they are!

I'm curious, what are these?
littlegirlbunnyIcon...15-01-2007 @ 20:11 
Member 7, 621 posts
SQ 80, BP 45, DL 125
250.0 kgs @ 55kgs UnEq
Originally posted by Alex...

Originally posted by littlegirlbunny...

Little-bigs - 5kg plate 10,10,10 Not done those for a while, forgotton what a good core exercise they are!

I'm curious, what are these?

Here is a link with a video

They burn after a bit!

Boring rest day today. I got home from work earlier than expected, and nearly jumped into my kit to go to Thai boxing at trafford, seeing as what a good class it was last week in all. But rapidly came to my senses when I realised just how much I have trained in the last week, and how much training I have planned for the next six days. I'm a little sore from yesterdays squats too, so very proud of myself I didn't ignore my better judgement Happy

I am feeling soooo good again today Grin I have really cut down on sugar, junk and wheat over the last week, i think reducing all three has really contributed to my current good health Grin
RobIcon...16-01-2007 @ 12:37 
Does f*ck all for
Member 1, 7173 posts
SQ 182.5, BP 110, DL 205
497.5 kgs @ 107kgs UnEq
Good squatting Jo!
littlegirlbunnyIcon...16-01-2007 @ 20:09 
Member 7, 621 posts
SQ 80, BP 45, DL 125
250.0 kgs @ 55kgs UnEq
Originally posted by Rob...
Good squatting Jo!

Ah thanks Grin

Today's training

G-camp at Sugden

Excellent class today - worked with a girl called lisa. She was very fast, which is great for me as I had to keep up with the pads. Which I didn't on several occasions and got thumped/kicked instead. Nothing like getting hurt to learn Grin My right kicks were pretty spot on today, even Lisa commented how hard they were Grin Also front kicks were good, but sissor kicks awful. The 9 punch left hook right straight combo we practice alot for speed was better today, I felt like I was finally using my body more. Technically i'm so slow, but getting better at working out where I am going wrong.

In gym - plan was heavy HEAVY 3 boards. Except, well, 45 kg was heavy Eek Bit of a surprise. Still, churned out some reps. Guess this week is actually my bench back off week too, so I must make sure my ordinary benching is super light.

30 kg - 6 (did lots of press-ups in Thai so was pretty warm)
40 kg - 3
45 kg - 2 + 1 touch assisted, 2 + 1 touch assisted
40 kg - 5, 5, 5

Tried some military pressing and squat formwork, but my tendons were way too sore. So also decided it would be a bad idea to do anything else involving shoulders and just did some core work.

Little bigs - six sets of 10-15

Bit of a slack session really!
littlegirlbunnyIcon...17-01-2007 @ 22:22 
Member 7, 621 posts
SQ 80, BP 45, DL 125
250.0 kgs @ 55kgs UnEq
Deadlift day

Easy week - changed the plan AGAIN to keep the back off week as 100 kg singles, mainly because it is such a pain in the arse to strip the weight to 90 kg Grin

10 mins CV warm up

60 kg: 5, 5
80 kg: 5
100 kg: 1, 1, 1, 1, 1

Rack Pulls - never really done these properly before.
70 kg: 3
120 kg: Fail, thought it may be a technique thing, so worked back up
90 kg: 3
110 kg: 3
120 kg: 3 (so it was a technique thing then!) 1 (back felt weak so stopped)

Shrugs 70 kg: 10
80 kg: 10 - back felt weak so stopped

Push press
20 kg: 6 strict
25 kg: 3
30 kg: 5x5 (really easy - pleased with this because my tendons were still sore)

CV 30 mins/L13/3.94km/Random program/421 Kcal - couldn't keep my RPM up - legs were so tired!
littlegirlbunnyIcon...18-01-2007 @ 21:14 
Member 7, 621 posts
SQ 80, BP 45, DL 125
250.0 kgs @ 55kgs UnEq
Post Edited: 18.01.2007 @ 21:17 PM
Brilliant M15 Muay Thai class today - really excellent. We focused mainly on on elbows which are my best technique Grin See photo below for state of elbows now (i'm not sure whether this photo really shoes how much skin is missing Tongue )


All the little red dots are burst blood vessles i think. No blood though Unhappy Tongue

My sparring was vastly better today, and all in all felt like everything went really well. Even my left jab was good today. It was one of those classes when you finally think - hell, I have actually improved since I started this back in september!
purplepaulIcon...18-01-2007 @ 21:25 
has free and readily available gothic porn
Member 29, 1088 posts
SQ 1, BP 100, DL 200
301.0 kgs @ 103kgs UnEq
last time my elbow looked like that i fell over pissed upGrin
i have always fanced thai boxing but i dont like hitting people
i would have to ask them if they were ok aftert every hit lol
JoniIcon...18-01-2007 @ 22:33 
left the country satisfied
Member 10, 19241 posts
SQ 240, BP 150, DL 270
660.0 kgs @ 107kgs UnEq
Originally posted by purplepaul...
last time my elbow looked like that i fell over pissed upGrin
i have always fanced thai boxing but i dont like hitting people
i would have to ask them if they were ok aftert every hit lol

same problem here, lacked the killer instinct Grin If i got a blow through i didn't do the correct thai boxing thing and follow it with loads of others.

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