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littlegirlbunnyIcon...30-01-2007 @ 14:42 
Member 7, 621 posts
SQ 80, BP 45, DL 125
250.0 kgs @ 55kgs UnEq
Originally posted by Rob...
Well done on the PB Jo. Does it take your Wilks past Rick's?

In a freaky coincidence I also picked up some nasty back of the knee twang benching after squats. Hopefully it will be right tomorrow, good luck to you too.

It does indeed take me above Ricks Grin I'm catching you too Rob Wink Tongue Grin

Bad luck about the knee though Unhappy How's it today? Any better?

Monday - rest day

Yup, the knee was f**ked. Sore as hell and clicking everytime it got bent. But i'm sure its only muscular as the pain has reduced a bit today, and the clicking is subsiding (i guess it was just caused by the inflammation). Now it just feels like I have pulled/strained a muscle somewhere. I'm going to the gym tonight to have a go at cross-training (using arms and left leg Tongue) and possibly rehab cycling, depending on how it feels. Upper body weights too of course Happy No Muay Thai for me until at least thursday, and I may even leave that class if the knee is still not right.
RobIcon...30-01-2007 @ 15:17 
Does f*ck all for
Member 1, 7173 posts
SQ 182.5, BP 110, DL 205
497.5 kgs @ 107kgs UnEq
It will be even closer the next time I update my total Eek

Good luck with the knee. Mine seems pretty good, its only really an issue if I twist it. So no disco dancing for me this week I'm afraid.
tokarIcon...30-01-2007 @ 20:11 
Невыносимо Высокомерный (RIP)
Member 11, 965 posts
SQ 190, BP 140, DL 255
585.0 kgs @ 95kgs UnEq
Originally posted by littlegirlbunny...
Yup, the knee was f**ked. Sore as hell and clicking everytime it got bent. But i'm sure its only muscular as the pain has reduced a bit today, and the clicking is subsiding (i guess it was just caused by the inflammation).

I'm fairly sure muscles don't click.....?
littlegirlbunnyIcon...31-01-2007 @ 19:22 
Member 7, 621 posts
SQ 80, BP 45, DL 125
250.0 kgs @ 55kgs UnEq
Originally posted by tokar...
Originally posted by littlegirlbunny...
Yup, the knee was f**ked. Sore as hell and clicking everytime it got bent. But i'm sure its only muscular as the pain has reduced a bit today, and the clicking is subsiding (i guess it was just caused by the inflammation).

I'm fairly sure muscles don't click.....?

No, but joints can when they are inflammed Happy

Tuesday - Rehab Day

No Muay Thai with the bad knee Unhappy

But managed 30 mins on the x-trainer using just arms and right leg Grin. Started slowly and built up pace and level - and even managed to burn well over 450 cals in 30 mins (I say well over, coz I remember looking when it hit 450, but then forgot to record the final figure) Arms were so tired after that! Grin Knee felt ok after, considering.

Then did Rack Pulls - kept these light because my back and glutes had been working overtime to support me limping around. Did them a notch lower (about knee height) than usual, but think I may lower the height again, as the aim is not to blast a sticking point, but rather work on keeping the arch.

70 kg: 5 - arch ok
100 kg: 3, 4, 3, 3, 3 - back didn't round on any of these, but the arch did flatten out. Later sets were much better as I pre-pulled and got my arms straight first, although I found doing that put alot more pressure on my lower back Eek
90 kg: 5, 5 Form much better, arch better - may stick at this weight next week but lower the bar and up the weights from there. Must keep arms straight and remember camera to get some vids done to allow me to compare each weeks.
None of the sets felt particularly heavy though.

35 kg: 8
42 kg: 3x8

Military pressing (no push pressing with a bad knee)
20 kg: 5
25 kg: 6, 6, 4, 4 !!!!!! Shockingly bad - couldn't work out why, but I think it was probably the 30 mins CV with arms at the start.

Rear delts 21 kg: 10
28 kg: 8, 8, 8

Abs (oh my, how sore are these today Eek )
littlebigs: no weight 10,
7 kg dumbell (much much easier with a dumbell) 10
10 kg dumbell: 10, 10, 10, 10, 10
Obliques 7 kg dumbell: 20, 20, 20
Leg holds 20s 20s 30s

Cycling (tried sat down bike before but that really hurt my knee, so tried upright bike) L8-L10 for 10 mins - knee felt ok so did another 10 mins at L12. Knee felt like it had a bloodrush, but wasn't more painful after.

Wednesday - Rest day
Long day driving driving driving 12.5 hour day - only 2 hours were out the car. Up and down ladders on site, but guess what? Knee feeling much better Grin Don't know about Muay Thai tommorow though...all that twisting may be asking for trouble.
littlegirlbunnyIcon...05-02-2007 @ 14:29 
Member 7, 621 posts
SQ 80, BP 45, DL 125
250.0 kgs @ 55kgs UnEq
Brief log update - i'm really snowed under at work right now, so everything is going to be kept concise (ok, concise for me Tongue)!

Ok, injury update. Today is the first day I have got out of bed without noticing any stiffness or uncomfertableness. It's on the mend, but is still weak (although that could also be psychosomatic - you know what it's like, takes a while to get the confidence back in the muscles). I'm hoping to get to Muay Thai tonight, although I will probably limit myself to right kicks (so I don't have to support my bodyweight on my right leg) until i'm confident it's strong enough to take it. Have been doing LOADS of rehab - cycling and terminal knee extensions both really really help. I'm wondering whether my knee cap is slightly out of alingment again, because now the muscles have calmed down, it sometimes feels pretty uncomfertable, and exactly like it did when I had physio. It would make sense, so, when its good enough to squat again, i'm going to bring in my front squat stance to work the quads more, and keep doing the terminal knee extensions at least once a week.

Thursday 1st - No Muay Thai, knee still too bad, so wen't to GL14 with Billy - Ok, the gym isn't really designed for powerlifters, and the x-trainers have a terrible stride length. But the bikes were fine and the spa area is gorgeous. Did bench formwork (didn't require any leg drive), cycling, some shoulders and excellent unassisted chins (2x2, 1, 1 full movement on a straight bar - good chinning bar!) Also rows and assisted chins.


Tried the Muay Thai class, but was really limited to only right body kicks. I was so concious of my knee all the way through, and it was a bit painful at the end. However, it was still good technically, and I got to hold pads.

Weights - tendonitis terrible from driving. So did close grip boards to keep the emphasis on tri's and away from shoulders. Easy workout.
30 kg: 8
40 kg: 6
45 kg: 2 (pretty pleased with this for close grip)

30 mins cycling and terminal knee extensions

Saturday - another rest day - knee felt like it had improved alot since thursday, as I struggled walking into town thursday, but it was ok saturday.

Sunday - not squat day Unhappy So deadlifted instead Happy
Was due for 5x115kg, but decided to just suck it and see - firstly with the knee (although that wasn't a problem - guess lack of leg drive comes in useful sometimes Wink ) and also because of the form issues. In the end i decided to just get the waiting PB, and then knew i'd be happier to drop right back.

10 mins CV on x-trainer

Lots of warm-ups
50 kg: 5
70 kg: 2
80 kg: 2
90 kg: 2
100 kg: 1 - form ok on this one. Which is good, because it's nice to know my form breaks the right side of 100 kg, rather than right down at 90 kg
105 kg: 1 - form dire from here on
110 kg: 1
117.5 kg: 1 PB Grin Easy enough
120 kg: This would have gone up, because I got it off the ground easy enough and if the bar goes up 99.9% of the time I lock out. But then my grip slipped and I lost yet more skin. My hands were way to sore to pull it without straps. So I didn't bother - no point in risking serious injury (lets be honest, everytime I pull heavy, I probably am risking it) for a lift I wouldn't be able to claim on the tables because of using straps. I just nail it (and more hopefully) at the end of the next cycle.

Rack pulls for back work - set the bar lower and focused on really keeping the back arched and tension in my arms at the start. Real low weight, but hell, these hurt. My back is SOOOOOOO sore today, and I know it wasn't deadlifting that did it Eek

60 kg: 5 80 kg: 5x5

30 mins cycling

Ran out of time for abs and rehab.
CuddlesIcon...05-02-2007 @ 14:45 
Member 2, 12511 posts
SQ 190, BP 150, DL 280
620.0 kgs @ 99kgs UnEq
Good to hear the knee's feeling a bit better Joseph, and great stuff on the PB, you'll nail 120kg soonish I reckon.

Keep at it!
littlegirlbunnyIcon...05-02-2007 @ 21:19 
Member 7, 621 posts
SQ 80, BP 45, DL 125
250.0 kgs @ 55kgs UnEq
Today - G-Camp at Chorlton

Knee was ok, considering I risked doing bodykicks and all sorts with it. Started swelling towards the end and is now being iced. I didn't really get much of a CV workout today, because of the knee, and certainly didn't risk sparring. But the class was still useful for practice. Will be glad when I can kick the s**t out of the pads again, its such a good stress reliever!
littlegirlbunnyIcon...06-02-2007 @ 20:51 
Member 7, 621 posts
SQ 80, BP 45, DL 125
250.0 kgs @ 55kgs UnEq
Long day today - Up at 4:35 to go down south for work, and then got back at 16:50, just in time to rush in, change, and get to G-Camp.

Managed a pretty good Thai session - must have been all the food my mum fed me at lunchtime Grin (because it certainly wasn't from extra sleep!) Kicks were hard today. Worked in a three, but it was good because it gave me a bit more recovery time, and I found my consistency was better for it. Im not switching my stance quick enough still, something I need to work on. Bit chuffed because both Laura and Natalie commented on how I had improved - and even suggested I fight (don't worry, I know i'm no where near ready, but it was still nice to hear) Grin

Gym session

Bench felt real good. Don't know why, because my shoulders were sore from driving, but it still felt good.
20 kg, 30 kg warm ups
35 kg: 3
38.5 kg for 5 x3 - easy enough

Seated shoulder press
10 kg: 8
14 kg: 3 x 3 - but a bit dodgy with some of the reps.
12.5 kg: 7, 6 much easier

Long debate about veganism

10 mins cycling

Terminal knee extensions

Tricep extensions

Knee feels a little swollen now, but nowhere near as bad as yesterday after Muay Thai. And no pain Grin Its definately on the mend Grin

I have so much work on at the moment I want to cry Unhappy I think training may have to take a lesser role for the rest of February. Oh the joys of working for a small company (i.e. take the work when it comes, because next month there may not be any at all).
RobIcon...06-02-2007 @ 21:46 
Does f*ck all for
Member 1, 7173 posts
SQ 182.5, BP 110, DL 205
497.5 kgs @ 107kgs UnEq
Good to hear the knee is getting there Jo. Your bench form looked really good tonight - the best I have seen it actually. Keep it up!
littlegirlbunnyIcon...07-02-2007 @ 09:27 
Member 7, 621 posts
SQ 80, BP 45, DL 125
250.0 kgs @ 55kgs UnEq
Originally posted by Rob...Your bench form looked really good tonight - the best I have seen it actually. Keep it up!

It did???? Confused

Excellent Grin Grin
CuddlesIcon...07-02-2007 @ 10:42 
Member 2, 12511 posts
SQ 190, BP 150, DL 280
620.0 kgs @ 99kgs UnEq
It has definitely improved lots over the last 6-8 weeks thats for sure!

Keep at it Jospeh!
littlegirlbunnyIcon...08-02-2007 @ 12:08 
Member 7, 621 posts
SQ 80, BP 45, DL 125
250.0 kgs @ 55kgs UnEq
Wednesday - Deadlift formwork day.

Started with 50 kg, then worked up with several singles at 70 and 80 kg. Form perfect on all of them (apparently). Finished with around 8 (lost count) singles at 90 kg - all pulled with a flat back. Finally did one single with 100 kg - kept my lower back straight, but the upper back rounded on this weight - didn't get the tension at the start of the lift. Still, something to work on Happy

70 kg - 10
90 kg - 10, 10 - but hurt my knee so dropped right back to 70 kg and did alot with stricter form.

Cycling 20 mins

Terminal knee extensions

Abs - little bigs with 10 kg dumbell
RickIcon...08-02-2007 @ 18:45 
I am a bench-only guy
Member 3, 10040 posts
SQ 185, BP 175, DL 235
595.0 kgs @ 140kgs UnEq
HUGELY the best deadlift form I've seen from you. Really impressed.
littlegirlbunnyIcon...08-02-2007 @ 20:55 
Member 7, 621 posts
SQ 80, BP 45, DL 125
250.0 kgs @ 55kgs UnEq
Originally posted by Rick...
HUGELY the best deadlift form I've seen from you. Really impressed.

Ah thanks Grin

M15 Muay Thai - Pain pain pain

Well, my knee wasn't right at the start, but it made it through just fine and isn't any worse now. Or maybe it is, but the pain pales into comparison compared to my shins and feet Eek

We did kicks today - and lots of blocks. M15 is not a gentle class, and no shin pads are allowed. We did lots of kicking and blocking without pads with different partners. Pleased though, because one of the guys commented on my good blocking skills Grin

So this is the state of my shins now (it's not pretty - full of fluid and throbbing like f**k)


Oh how I love Muay Thai. Got to work with the big scary girl - except she is actually a bit of a wimp when it comes to pain. So I got her in a clinch a couple of times, and put her not so gently on the floor when she tried to kick and I caught her leg. Nice. Of course, my sparring wasn't great - I took punches because my guard is so awful. The difference being, I don't mind getting hit if it allows me to get in close, which is the only form of defence i know right now against someone with 6ft legs and arms! But I do feel I have come on, because I know that when I sparred with her a few months ago I just took hit after hit after hit and had no idea how to respond. Grin
purplepaulIcon...08-02-2007 @ 23:01 
has free and readily available gothic porn
Member 29, 1088 posts
SQ 1, BP 100, DL 200
301.0 kgs @ 103kgs UnEq
nice swolen legGrin

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