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littlegirlbunnyIcon...22-09-2008 @ 19:59 
Member 7, 621 posts
SQ 80, BP 45, DL 125
250.0 kgs @ 55kgs UnEq
Well I have managed to do a fair bit of high rep leg work over the last week and am sore as hell so it's not the end of the world. Grin

Madjock said:
Dear M jo! that does look a wee bit painful.
How long do you think it will take to heal? Sometimes life is s**t.
I see Adam appears to be doing a lot better in his training. Remember you are al;ways welcome to join in with me when I am there at MX.

All the best.

Cheers Dave - I'll definately be over to MX once i'm fixed up! Well, I may be over before if I'm about to use the leg press!

Joni said:

Speedy recovery, take it easy, few weeks wont set you back too much.

Aye - certainly do Angry

Cheers Joni Happy

Martin1956 said:
I was going to write something witty (?) about girls that don't have the use of both hands, but maybe another time. In the meantime, heal soon, get leg pressing with a vengeance, and come back fresh and enthusiatic.

Amazing what can be achieved with one hand you know Martin Wink
littlegirlbunnyIcon...02-10-2008 @ 11:25 
Member 7, 621 posts
SQ 80, BP 45, DL 125
250.0 kgs @ 55kgs UnEq
Had to have the cast changed yesterday so got to see the damage a bit better - no wonder it hurts if I try and do lat pull downs Eek


Anyway - training wise at home I'm limited to squats and lunges with a rucksack and abs work. But by heck my legs are getting massive from all the high rep stuff.........and I even have abdominals Tongue

It's driving me up the wall not being able to do much though - goodness knows when the wires will be out and the cast will be off - I have to go back again next friday to find out a bit more. Fingers crossed eh?

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