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» Unimpressive journey to mediocre. (Go to post) | 12-06-2020 @ 22:19 | ||
Thursday Beltless SSB Box squat 155KG 4x5 Friday Paused Bench 105kg 2x10, 1x11 Light Accessories. Going to build up for a 160 bench this year. | |||
» Unimpressive journey to mediocre. (Go to post) | 06-06-2020 @ 13:00 | ||
02/06/2020 Incline Bench Feet up no supports 100kg 5x5 Seated Press 60 4x8 04/06/2020 Banded high box squats beltless 155 4*5 05/06/2020 (was meant to be yoke press but getting bad nerve pain down left leg so decided to have a lay down instead). Bench 20 x lots felt good 60 3x5 100 x5 130 x1 Surprisingly easy. Sleeves, wrists straps and belt on. 150 x1 P.B!!! (Lost my line a bit too so could have been easier). 155 Spoto P.B - pussied out less than half an inch off my chest, but didn't realise thise was a SPOTO press so I'm taking it | |||
» Unimpressive journey to mediocre. (Go to post) | 02-06-2020 @ 02:08 | ||
Banded deadlifts 60 3x5 100 x5 140 x3 180 x1 140 4x5 workinh in tekkers and letting back heal. Curls 20kg 3 x10 | |||
» Unimpressive journey to mediocre. (Go to post) | 30-05-2020 @ 00:30 | ||
Not updated this for a few weeks pulled my back on the last set of a great deadlift session. 18th May 260x1 no belt or straps 180 x15 d.o.h was going for 20 but glasses fell off. 240 x3 was going for 5 but pulled back on 4th rep. Heard a pop in my lumbar region. Had a week off, went on lots of walks, as in pain when sat/laid down. 25th May Snatch grip Deads Banded rows 60kg 10x6 Lat pull downs 26th May Incline bench feet up no supports 95 2x5 100 2x5 105 1x5 Standing strict press 60 5x8 27th May 2hr walk 29th May Yoke strict press 60 5x5 65 3x5 70 2x5 75 2x5 80 1x4 90 2 singles with a push, struggled as not getting any leg drive. | |||
» Unimpressive journey to mediocre. (Go to post) | 16-05-2020 @ 00:30 | ||
Yesterday Squat 155 4x5 Today Log 90 5x3 | |||
» Unimpressive journey to mediocre. (Go to post) | 13-05-2020 @ 01:11 | ||
11th May Deads 260 x1 in suit doh deads 180 x10 200 x4 220 x1 12th May Incline, feet up no arch. 20 3*15 60 3*5 90 1*5 100 *3 105 3*2 strict rack press 60 3*5 70 3*3 narrow lat pull downs 40 4*10 with 5s eccentrics and pause | |||
» Unimpressive journey to mediocre. (Go to post) | 10-05-2020 @ 22:27 | ||
Had a week off as my back was hurting and need to concentrate on my last few uni assignments. 8th May Dead lift (suited and straps - in prep for next comp) 260 x1 230 x5 265 x1 235 x1 270 x1 (ditched straps, and only half suit, felt much better). 240 x5 suit and straps back on, weirdly felt the best set. 9th May Incline press with sleeves 117.5 x5 122.5 x3 127.5 fail 125 x2 log 60 3x3 80 2x3 100 x 1 110 loads of fails. not going well at all, my sciatica has flared up, nerve pain all down left leg and lower back feels like it's crumbling. | |||
» Unimpressive journey to mediocre. (Go to post) | 04-05-2020 @ 21:32 | ||
Friday 30th April Log 60 3x5 80 2x3 100x2 110 4 fails, gutted all previous were really easy. 95 3x3 went ok. Feeling broken tbh, so having some time off. | |||
» Depth check please (Go to post) | 29-04-2020 @ 02:23 | ||
That 160 pb moved sweet mate. | |||
» Unimpressive journey to mediocre. (Go to post) | 29-04-2020 @ 02:22 | ||
Today 1.5k walk Incline bench 125 3x3 p.b sleeves and wrist wraps Push press Axle from rack 105 3x3 Still working on tips from paul smith. Also placed hands slightly wider, felt great. Best its moved in weeks. Pendlay row 100 4x10 Last pull downs 40 4x10 still got a small issue on left lat, effecting pulling and pressing. | |||
» Unimpressive journey to mediocre. (Go to post) | 24-04-2020 @ 18:57 | ||
Wednesday 13 mile bike ride. Thursday Was meant to be squats, but new deadlift suits arrived. I really wasn't feeling it all, even 60kg felt bloody heavy. But popped the suit and straps on at 180, and managed a new p.b of 285kg!! Loads to improve on, and got a few niggles (left lat mainly). So 300 will go this year (in a suit at least). Friday Log ftoh (still practicing Paul Smith hips advice, seemed much better today only top set wasn't great). 100 x3 rubbish, warm ups felt easy too, 90 3x3 (did first set split jerk, was ok), all these felt easy) Yoke 200x30 260x15 320 3x15 - for some reason I've developed a pick up issue - feel like I've got no power in my left leg, kept hampering my starts | |||
» Unimpressive journey to mediocre. (Go to post) | 14-04-2020 @ 22:10 | ||
Garage Session Incline Bench 120 3x4, and 1 triple (failed 4th rep), still a massive P.B Push Press (out rack) 90 4x4 Pendlay rows 100 4x10 narrow Lat Pull downs 50 4x10 | |||
» Unimpressive journey to mediocre. (Go to post) | 14-04-2020 @ 01:32 | ||
Monday Garage Seshion Deadlift 230 4x4 using straps in prep for comp, not fast. Banded pause at knee deads 170 3x5 Ham curls 20 3x10 Ab rolls from knee 2x10 full x2 strict form (working towards doing a set of 10 like this - had a lot of critism over my last set from last week, even though I said I knew what was wrong and was working on it). Mostly from people that don't even bloody train. | |||
» WUS World Records (Go to post) | 11-04-2020 @ 00:31 | ||
I understand both sides, but I'm getting bored about hearing about the 500, so hope it is beaten. Yes its an absolutely godly lift, and in this defence he said he would do this prior to lockdown, so it's not like hes decided to do bit whilst there's potential to "cheat". Strongman use to be all about weird events etc. It'd be nice to see some variety, and oddball events again. | |||
» Unimpressive journey to mediocre. (Go to post) | 10-04-2020 @ 19:18 | ||
Log ftoh 60 4x3 80 x1 85 6x4 Yoke 220x 30m 260 x30m 300 2x15m knee started to play up so didnt do my last run 100kg Sandbag over shoulder 3 reps 100kg ssb squat x10 |