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» hows it going? f off 2020. (Go to post)25-11-2020 @ 15:11 
danbaseley said:
I'm okay work and housing wise.
I messaged her today, in terms of what is happening with her and the kids over the next year. Obviously, I would like to be reasonably close to them, so I am not travelling hours to see them.
Her response was "It's not up to me to tell you what to do with your life. You know how I feel about you having the boys right now and in the next year, or so. I'm not going to comment on how I may feel in the future".
Just remember - she hit me, twice, in the last year. I never so much as laid a finger on her. But, she has convinced herself I am the issue.
A mate of mine who is a clinical psychologist, said that she has a classic narcissistic view of herself: she can never view herself as the antagonist - only the victim, or hero.
So, she does mental gymnastics - and extols her continual control freakery - to convince herself, that I am a bad person: and she is beyond reproach.
Which is somewhat challenging for me. To say the least.

Personally, from now on I would only contact her through traceable means and would go as far as to screenshot EVERYTHING she says and keep it in a separate folder on your phone/laptop. Let her hang herself with her unreasonable behaviour.
» hows it going? f off 2020. (Go to post)25-11-2020 @ 09:37 
danbaseley said:My girlfriend of five years left me, and took our two children aged 2 and 3 with her, at the start of Lockdown 1.0.

She kept me on the hook at the family home, whilst she lived at her parents, for 6 months - saying she did not know how she felt.
Then in the space of a day made, effectively made me carless, jobless - by disconnecting the Internet - and homeless.
The car she took, then sat - unused on her parents gated drive for almost a month. At that point she had two SUVs, in a house which had 7 cars.
Had it not been for a local mate, who is a landlord at a pub, I'd have been jobless and on the street at the start of October.
She "allows" me to see my children for 3.5 hours a week, twice a week.

She tells me that I should be grateful for this - as its more than a lot of fathers get.

Still, it means I have not been hit by anyone in a while.

On the plus side, I have a six pack for the first time ever.

s**t, that sounds f**king awful mate, so sorry to hear this. Us men really seem to get the s**tty end of the stick in these situations. That said, make sure you keep hold of what you can. Can you use your phone to set up a personal hotspot and use that for internet for the laptop? Is the car in her name? If not, get it the f**k back. Start court proceedings over access, you'd like get at least every other weekend plus one night during the week so far better than what she's allowing you currently. Don't let this break you man!!
» Aaron Page (Go to post)21-11-2020 @ 15:10 
Just seen a post by Eddie on Instagram. Absolutely devastating for his family and friends. So sad.
» Londons Strongest Man (Go to post)17-11-2020 @ 18:45 
Wayne, all I've got to say in relation to that stone loading is "COME ON WAYNE!" I've never heard those words shouted so much in the course of 1-minute!Grin
» WSM 2020 (Go to post)16-11-2020 @ 15:12 
Post Edited: 16.11.2020 @ 15:16 PM by slimsim
danbaseley said:
You can save your passwords to Chrome and login across multiple devices.

I just want you to know that you posted this to a technology retard............but the missus might be able to sort it! Cheers Dan

EDIT: well would you believe it, I’ve only gone and sorted it myself!!
» WSM 2020 (Go to post)16-11-2020 @ 12:12 
AdamT said:I never competed strongman

Is it a case of when you're older, it is just harder to recover between events?

I doubt Brian or even z is much weaker, but with the increase of age, recovery is a major issue. Also just wear and tear on the body that younger athletes don't have

I don't or never have claimed to be strong, but in my 20s/early 30s I could lift heavy every day while doing cardio if I wanted

I'm as strong now as ever and still quite fit, but I can't train with the same intensity and if I do? My recovery goes up the left

Cardio and lifting on the same day is not something I look forward to

Gone are the days of a max effort lift and then go for a run for an hour

Even a 5% drop in strength is a massive issue though. Imagine Usain Bolt losing 5% on his 100m. He'd go from 1st to last place. Whilst the depth of field isn't that great in strongman to make it such an issue it still means banker events become top 3 and average events become close to bottom and that's just too much of a drop.

On a separate note, DAMN I wish I could remember my log in details on my phone. I was regularly updating this last night but couldn't post anything as I can't remember the god damn password. Tried 20 different ones this morning to no avail so I'm stuck to using my laptop when I want to post.

Unhappy Unhappy
» Aaron Page (Go to post)13-11-2020 @ 13:23 
Damn, I hope he pulls through. Unhappy
» WSM 2020 (Go to post)12-11-2020 @ 13:48 
unit94 said:Martins would be a great presenter to have

He'd be a great personality to have presenting. Doesn't take himself too seriously, funny as f**k and will know exactly what he's talking about. Rather than like this country were you had the bald dude and Eddie doing a bit part on presenting, I think Martins could present the full show himself and just have other people do the little stand in bits.
» I tried the Eddie Hall pyramid set today (Go to post)11-11-2020 @ 10:28 
Wayne_Cowdrey said:I missed this first time around.

Ha ha ha, brilliant!!!!!

"the mirror" Grin Grin Grin

Ha, I missed this to, that's brilliant! The ladies in the background were mesmerized by Paul's guns!!

Grin Grin
» The Greatest night (Go to post)19-10-2020 @ 14:02 
danbaseley said:Jonathan Edwards was a special athlete. Weird to think he is 54. Almost as weird to think he has held the triple jump record since 1995.

When Michael Johnson described Usain Bolt as a once in a generation athlete, he hit the nail on the head. High praise from an absolute nebuchadnezzar of a runner.

but overall was Bolt as good as Johnson?
» coronavirus (Go to post)13-10-2020 @ 16:31 
PeteHodgson said:
A nice thought. As was my thought that the government will start to appreciate key workers including NHS staff and maybe not they'd get a pay rise and not get shat on.
Ho hum.

I don't necessarily think the government would ever look to do anything about these corporations. They'll typically take the path of least resistance, however, if a party starts shouting about how they will DEFINITELY tax these businesses and it's shown to gain traction then the residing government might be forced into action or lose their position of power.
» coronavirus (Go to post)13-10-2020 @ 16:16 
unit94 said:
Absolutely but people seem to care less about that annoyingly

I do wonder if they'll start to be more concerned with it because of the likelihood of increased taxation due to the covid funding? Any increase in income tax rates will de-stabilise the status quo and make people think twice about who's paying their fare share, or not, as the case may be.
» coronavirus (Go to post)13-10-2020 @ 10:09 
AdamT said:
With cash it is easy for small businesses to not declare what they earn
Think of a hairdresser for one. Imagine ball park figure they cut 20 heads a day, but just declare 15. The tax will not be what it should be
What about workmen doing odd jobs at weekends for cash? Do you think they declare everything?
I personally know a window cleaner who on a good week earns well over 500 quid a week. He admits to never declaring much more than 350
Governments are missing out big time on undeclared tax
If everything is by card, or through computer? Then the government will have higher percent takings for tax, as it is much more difficult to fraud

Irrespective of all the undeclared cash in hand work, if the government closed the offshore tax loopholes for companies like Amazon and Starbucks they'd probably generated 10X more revenue than from all other avenues.
» coronavirus (Go to post)13-10-2020 @ 09:33 
JohnGym said:I already live a cashless life. It’s great.
My work is completely cashless and I haven't drawn cash from a machine in a very long time. I usually pay for things with my mobile phone.
I can’t see any downsides.

Not being able to pop a £10 note into a nephew's birthday card?
Short of cash but a mate has some "cash in hand" work for a couple of days? (I know it can be argued that's against the law but for those struggling it can be a lifeline sometimes)
Giving a taxi driver or waiter a tip?
Anonymity on how you spend your money?
» US Presidency (Go to post)12-10-2020 @ 13:40 
Rick said:
It wouldn’t. There is decent evidence for some protection for the wearer, and, more to the point, excellent evidence for significant prophylaxis against infection carried by the wearer. This has been known for MONTHS.

I'm not sure that is actually the case Rick and especially not when the face masks that the majority of people are wearing are made of cloth.

The link below relates to infection rates in healthcare workers but there's no reason why the same wouldn't follow through to the general populous, especially when their hygiene relating to masks is minimal. How may people are washing their masks daily?

TDLR: the cloth mask wearers suffered high frequency of ILI (influenza like illnesses) than the control group or medical mask wearers.

Doesn't give me a lot of faith in wearing a mask.

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