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BigKenIcon...31-03-2011 @ 12:03 
Not in Loz's top 10 uk strongmen
Member 144, 4421 posts
SQ 320, BP 165, DL 350
835.0 kgs @ 123kgs Eq
You're only shattered if you think you are! I on the other hand am f**ked haha, those wide stance box squats killed my hams and glutes, walking down to the lab today isn't much fun... not that it is usually, but today is 10x worse haha!
NamonsterIcon...31-03-2011 @ 12:34 
always trolling for a reaction
Member 753, 1280 posts
BigKen said:You're only shattered if you think you are! I on the other hand am f**ked haha, those wide stance box squats killed my hams and glutes, walking down to the lab today isn't much fun... not that it is usually, but today is 10x worse haha!

My muscles feel fine but my lower back feels tender. My shatteredness/knackeredness is central. I just feel I could slump down and sleep for a week, bearing in mind I've not slept so well recently as I have these last few nights.
BigKenIcon...31-03-2011 @ 14:14 
Not in Loz's top 10 uk strongmen
Member 144, 4421 posts
SQ 320, BP 165, DL 350
835.0 kgs @ 123kgs Eq
I know exactly how you feel, low back, hams, glutes and quads are f**ked and only got 5hrs sleep last night before going into uni. Lots of fun haha!
NamonsterIcon...31-03-2011 @ 16:47 
always trolling for a reaction
Member 753, 1280 posts
BigKen said:I know exactly how you feel, low back, hams, glutes and quads are f**ked and only got 5hrs sleep last night before going into uni. Lots of fun haha!

Sign of weakness? Sign of tiredness? Sign of overtraining?
BigKenIcon...31-03-2011 @ 17:11 
Not in Loz's top 10 uk strongmen
Member 144, 4421 posts
SQ 320, BP 165, DL 350
835.0 kgs @ 123kgs Eq
I used a wider stance than normal on those box squats to hit hips, hams and glutes more so it translates for deadlift so that's where the soreness in them is from. Quads are just sore from not doing direct quad work in a long while and low back is a combination.

The sleep was just a case of getting back from the gym then having to cook and was too awake. I would of had 7hrs if I didn't have to be up for 6am to get the bus at 7.
WiegieboardIcon...31-03-2011 @ 17:56 
as crimson as my last victims underclothing.....
Member 899, 11368 posts
SQ 180, BP 132.5, DL 190
502.5 kgs @ 118kgs UnEq
BigKen said: I would of had 7hrs if I didn't have to be up for 6am to get the bus at 7.

Do you have to get up that early every day for uni? What time does your class start? I had to do something similar back in the day to get to college on time it was a nightmare after doing backshifts.
BigKenIcon...31-03-2011 @ 18:00 
Not in Loz's top 10 uk strongmen
Member 144, 4421 posts
SQ 320, BP 165, DL 350
835.0 kgs @ 123kgs Eq
I'm actually lucky that because I'm doing my final project I only need to get up at 6 when in the lab and now I'm typing my thesis I can work at home so sleep isn't too bad. The past few months has been hit and miss though.
NamonsterIcon...04-04-2011 @ 09:36 
always trolling for a reaction
Member 753, 1280 posts

Bench Press

60kg x 8
70kg x 5
80kg x 3
90kg x 2
100kg x 1
80kg x 3 x 3
90kg x 3 plus two bro reps.
70kg x 14

Three Board Press

80g x 3
100kg x (?) I can’t remember if I did or didn’t get these

We may have done more here in regards to reps but I honestly can’t remember right now.

Decline Press

60kg x 8
70kg x 8
70kg x 6
60kg x 6
60kg x 8

All fast, one set after another.

Tricep Extensions and Press Downs


13 inch Box Squats

60kg x 3
100kg x 3
120kg x 2
140kg x 1
160kg x 1
170kg x 1

15 inch Rack Pulls

60kg x 3
100kg x 3
140kg x 3
180kg x 1
200kg x 1

Barbell Rows

60kg x 8
70kg x 8
80kg x 8
90kg x 8
100kg x 8

Pull Downs

Various x 8 x 5

Dumbbell Rows

25kg x 8
35kg x 8
45kg x 8

Face Pulls

Various x 10 x 4


Leg raise and cable crunch supersets for five sets.

Reverse Hypers

Going on the premise that empty it weights nothing.

40kg x 10
80kg x 10 x 2
NamonsterIcon...04-04-2011 @ 15:47 
always trolling for a reaction
Member 753, 1280 posts
I'm having a deloading week next week.

Any suggestions? Duncan?
WiegieboardIcon...04-04-2011 @ 15:49 
as crimson as my last victims underclothing.....
Member 899, 11368 posts
SQ 180, BP 132.5, DL 190
502.5 kgs @ 118kgs UnEq
How was your 100kg this week?
Also, enjoy de-load. Hope you come back stronger Happy
NamonsterIcon...04-04-2011 @ 15:54 
always trolling for a reaction
Member 753, 1280 posts
Wiegieboard said:How was your 100kg this week?
Also, enjoy de-load. Hope you come back stronger Happy

Hmmm I'm still finding it difficult. I supposedly defy all concept by being able to rep 90kg fair easily and then struggle on 100kg. After my deload week and his British competition I'm going to concentrate on more pec power than just triceps as we've been doing. Decline bench and dumbbells.

I will beat you to 120kg.

Cheers. I'm looking forward to a 'light' week. I've enjoyed training these last three months but my body just needs a week's rest.
WiegieboardIcon...04-04-2011 @ 16:12 
as crimson as my last victims underclothing.....
Member 899, 11368 posts
SQ 180, BP 132.5, DL 190
502.5 kgs @ 118kgs UnEq
Namonster said:
Hmmm I'm still finding it difficult. I supposedly defy all concept by being able to rep 90kg fair easily and then struggle on 100kg. After my deload week and his British competition I'm going to concentrate on more pec power than just triceps as we've been doing. Decline bench and dumbbells.
I will beat you to 120kg.
Cheers. I'm looking forward to a 'light' week. I've enjoyed training these last three months but my body just needs a week's rest.

All the best with it man. When you train as hard as you do, I think you're entitled to a week of rest. I'll be watching this blog when you come back to see how your chest strength is improving. I can imagine it improving quickly after such hard tricep work.
DuncanIcon...04-04-2011 @ 16:39 
deadlift 300kg conventional ? never gonna happen
Member 414, 1127 posts
SQ 275, BP 187.5, DL 317.5
780.0 kgs @ 115kgs Eq
Namonster said:
Hmmm I'm still finding it difficult. I supposedly defy all concept by being able to rep 90kg fair easily and then struggle on 100kg. After my deload week and his British competition I'm going to concentrate on more pec power than just triceps as we've been doing. Decline bench and dumbbells.
I will beat you to 120kg.
Cheers. I'm looking forward to a 'light' week. I've enjoyed training these last three months but my body just needs a week's rest.

Keep doing what we've been doing. All you need to do is swap the max exercises. And for the dynamic work, do some ssb squats with green bands for 8 doubles. You need your body to adapt to the training, not stop what we've been doing.
NamonsterIcon...04-04-2011 @ 16:48 
always trolling for a reaction
Member 753, 1280 posts
Post Edited: 04.04.2011 @ 16:54 PM by Namonster
Duncan said:
Keep doing what we've been doing. All you need to do is swap the max exercises. And for the dynamic work, do some ssb squats with green bands for 8 doubles. You need your body to adapt to the training, not stop what we've been doing.

I have no intention of stopping what we're doing. I'm loving every minute of it. I just wanted to sneak a light week in.
DuncanIcon...04-04-2011 @ 16:56 
deadlift 300kg conventional ? never gonna happen
Member 414, 1127 posts
SQ 275, BP 187.5, DL 317.5
780.0 kgs @ 115kgs Eq
Namonster said:
I have no intention of stopping what we're doing. I'm loving every minute of it. I just wanted to sneak a light week in.

You don't need a light week. You need to change what you're doing so your body can recover.Grin


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