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WiegieboardIcon...25-02-2011 @ 13:28 
as crimson as my last victims underclothing.....
Member 899, 11368 posts
SQ 180, BP 132.5, DL 190
502.5 kgs @ 118kgs UnEq
It's all gravy baby!
Doing a bit of the old cat stretching?
NamonsterIcon...26-02-2011 @ 19:38 
always trolling for a reaction
Member 753, 1280 posts
Did some stretching. The area still feels quite tender after the appointment.

Couldn't make it to the gym today so did 45 minutes on the cross-trainer.
NamonsterIcon...27-02-2011 @ 18:02 
always trolling for a reaction
Member 753, 1280 posts
Good but slow session today.

Box squats to an 11 inch box

60kg x 3 x 2, 100kg x 3, 120kg x 3, 130kg x 3 (pb), 140kg x f, belt on 140kg x 3 (pb).

The commentary was that the last set was extremely ugly. Need to work on upper back and ab strength.

Front squats

60kg x 3 x 2, 80kg x 3, 100kg x 1 x 4

The 100kg felt heavy.

Power cleans

60kg x 3 x 2, 70kg x 3 x 2, 80kg x 3 x 4, 80kg x 1

The commentary was that I lift my hips too early. Similar to what I do on the deadlift. Need to work on bringing everything up together.

Chest supported barbell rows (to be as strict as possible)

50kg x 8 x 2, 70kg x 8, 80kg 5 x 2

Pull downs (strict)

Four sets

Reverse hypers
NamonsterIcon...01-03-2011 @ 09:05 
always trolling for a reaction
Member 753, 1280 posts

A wasted session?

Although I'm weak and sh*t in all aspects of power and strength I am particularly poor at pressing. I need to develop a way forward.


Incline bench - some sets at 70kg
Seated shoulder press - some sets at 55kg

Front, side and rear deltoid work - 10 reps x four sets on each
Face pulls - 12 reps x five or six sets.
NamonsterIcon...03-03-2011 @ 09:45 
always trolling for a reaction
Member 753, 1280 posts
Post Edited: 03.03.2011 @ 09:55 AM by Namonster

Box squats to a 13(?) inch box using safety bar and green bands - all fast reps

60kg x 2, 80kg x 2 x 12, 90kg x 2, 100kg x 2

Bought a new 13mm powerlifting belt and used it for the first time last night. It cut me to sh*t and although the rest between each set was supposed to be minimal, taking the belt off took too much time!

Speed deadlifts

Not deadlifted much since April 2010. Also my form sucks so this is a good way to build up (hips shoot up first then SL the weight)

60kg x 3 x 2, 100kg x 3 x 3

Back was fried.

Chest supported pendlay rows

Can't remember the weight but did 10 reps x five sets.

Chest supported dumbell rows

25kg x 10, 30kg x 10

Wanted to do more up to the 45kg dumbell but was short of time.

Box jumps

Some triples to a relatively low height


Light reverse hypers
WiegieboardIcon...03-03-2011 @ 12:42 
as crimson as my last victims underclothing.....
Member 899, 11368 posts
SQ 180, BP 132.5, DL 190
502.5 kgs @ 118kgs UnEq
How did the speed deadlifts feel? I've been using the same weight lately to try and get my form in order. I always start off raising my hips to fast but by the 4th or 5th set I seem to get the legs into it more. It's a mother of a thing to fix.
NamonsterIcon...03-03-2011 @ 17:01 
always trolling for a reaction
Member 753, 1280 posts
The weight is fine other than the fact that my back was extremely pumped. Had to sit down after each set. I'm just trying to be as fast as possible while keeping form. I would also like more volume but yesterday my back pump would not allow.

In my head I do the movement over and over and think I have the answer but when on the platform I fail Unhappy
NamonsterIcon...07-03-2011 @ 09:54 
always trolling for a reaction
Member 753, 1280 posts

Golf driving range. Bad idea. Lower back dead.


Box squats to a 13 inch box using safety bar

60kg x 3 x 2
100kg x 3 x 2
120kg x 3
130kg x 1
140kg x 1
150kg x 1
160kg x 1

Front squats
60kg x 3 x 2
100kg x 1 x 3

I used to be able to do 100kg for three very easily but now they are nigh on impossible!

Box jumps
Jumping to c.30 inches from a box

Reverse hypers


Pull throughs using green band


Lying on the floor
WiegieboardIcon...07-03-2011 @ 12:41 
as crimson as my last victims underclothing.....
Member 899, 11368 posts
SQ 180, BP 132.5, DL 190
502.5 kgs @ 118kgs UnEq
Those fronties will come back mate. Just keep doing them!
Nice looking session to me there.
NamonsterIcon...09-03-2011 @ 09:43 
always trolling for a reaction
Member 753, 1280 posts
I think when I get used to the volume and intensity of training with Duncan, I'll have more energy to continue a good workout.


What to say? Right elbow and bicep are in a world of pain from arm wrestling on Saturday. Again, another wasted pressing session. Nothing worth writing about.
NamonsterIcon...10-03-2011 @ 11:08 
always trolling for a reaction
Member 753, 1280 posts

Box squats to a 13 inch box using a safety and green bands

60kg x 2 x 2
80kg x 2 x 2
90kg x 2 x 8(?)
105kg x 1
115kg x 1

All reps fast.

Speed sumo deadlifts with chains

60kg x 3
100kg x 3 x 2

More volume required.

Lots of faffing around

Box jumps

Jumps up to c. 30 inches.
Failed a 35 inch jump about four times.

Reverse hypers
NamonsterIcon...14-03-2011 @ 09:09 
always trolling for a reaction
Member 753, 1280 posts

A very quick session. Some light bench, tricep work, close grip pull downs and dumbell rows.


Box squats to a 13 inch box

60kg x 3
100kg x 3
120kg x 3
140kg x 3
160kg - wanted a triple but only managed one
120kg x 6
100kg x 6

After this I felt like crap and my session went to sh*t. Don't actually know what I did! Erm...

Leg press?

Light sled pulls to finish off.
WiegieboardIcon...14-03-2011 @ 20:53 
as crimson as my last victims underclothing.....
Member 899, 11368 posts
SQ 180, BP 132.5, DL 190
502.5 kgs @ 118kgs UnEq
160's a heavy box. All the best with the next ones dude. You're putting in hard work here.
BigKenIcon...14-03-2011 @ 21:03 
Not in Loz's top 10 uk strongmen
Member 144, 4421 posts
SQ 320, BP 165, DL 350
835.0 kgs @ 123kgs Eq
Wiegieboard said:160's a heavy box. All the best with the next ones dude. You're putting in hard work here.

Hard work is a bit of a long shot dude! Grin
NamonsterIcon...16-03-2011 @ 10:04 
always trolling for a reaction
Member 753, 1280 posts

Bench Press

60kg x 8
70kg x 5
80kg x 3
90kg x 2
100kg x 1 (ugly)
80kg x 8(?)
60kg x 3 x 3 – Fast

Floor Pin Lockouts

60kg x 8
80kg x 5
100kg x 5
120kg x 1
80kg x 20

Hammer Strength Shoulder Press

20kg on each side x 8
30kg on each side x 8
40kg on each side x 5


Hammer Strength Dip Machine

Awesome bit of kit

Trained at Virgin last night. Concentration was definitely amiss.

Training with someone who knows about pressing definitely helps. Andy is not as useless as he comes across.


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