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EDCLARKEIcon...21-09-2010 @ 20:22 
not particularly well educated
Member 85, 11009 posts
SQ 170, BP 130, DL 260
560.0 kgs @ 90kgs UnEq
Tannhauser said:
Says the man who is deadlifting 2.75 times his own bodyweight!

yes but we all know x times bodyweight is bo***cks ,who can do the most is all thats important!Happy
TannhauserIcon...21-09-2010 @ 20:36 
fighting woo with woo
Member 206, 1491 posts
SQ 227.5, BP 165, DL 260
652.5 kgs @ 100kgs UnEq
yes but we all know x times bodyweight is bo***cks ,who can do the most is all thats important!Happy

In that case, thanks Ed!
bulkaholicIcon...22-09-2010 @ 13:40 
Member 762, 79 posts
SQ 200, BP 135, DL 250
585.0 kgs @ 106kgs UnEq
Tannhauser said:Hiya, I've still got your NoseTork!!!

My training took a bit of a nosedive since last year, but I'm s-l-o-w-l-y recovering. How is yours going?

Yeah training going ok. Did my first comp back in april and did ok. Looking to compete again around april next year. Went super gay and got back into marmite and pants mode for a bit but have it out my system I hope

IainKendrickIcon...22-09-2010 @ 13:45 
some nice relaxing jazz.
Member 77, 12599 posts
SQ 265, BP 165, DL 280
710.0 kgs @ 93kgs UnEq
Good tripple pal well done.
TannhauserIcon...26-09-2010 @ 13:19 
fighting woo with woo
Member 206, 1491 posts
SQ 227.5, BP 165, DL 260
652.5 kgs @ 100kgs UnEq
Thanks guys.


This was split over two days, as I ran out of time on Saturday. Squats were hard going, but my beltless strength is gradually rising. The rest was nothing to write home about. I guess being able to hold onto the bar for a few reps for rows with 115 is a step forward.

Beltless squats

70 x 5
70 x 5
100 x 3
120 x 3
150 x 1
157.5 x 3
167.5 x 3
177.5 x 5
120 x 6
120 x 6
120 x 6
120 x 6

Bent over rows

70 x 10
90 x 8
100 x 6
110 x 5
115 x 3
100 x 4

Push Press

50 x 5
70 x 5
85 x 3
100 x 3
100 x 3
100 x 2
100 x 2

Fat Gripz barbell curls

40 X 5-7, three sets
mikeypIcon...26-09-2010 @ 14:23 
bollocks to global warming
Member 475, 1735 posts
SQ 200, BP 125, DL 235
560.0 kgs @ 115kgs UnEq
Nice work without the belt Tan!!
TannhauserIcon...29-09-2010 @ 19:02 
fighting woo with woo
Member 206, 1491 posts
SQ 227.5, BP 165, DL 260
652.5 kgs @ 100kgs UnEq
Thanks, Mike


Good session tonight. I wanted to see how my grip would fare with a bit more weight. It was fine. 240 flew up with no problems. I think I would struggle to get much over 250 though.

Tried some strict press tonight, for the first time in a few months.


70 X 5
70 X 4
120 X 3
150 X 2
180 x 2
210 X 1
220 X 1
230 X 1
240 X 1
245 X 1
250 X 1 (straps)

Strict Press

50 X 5
70 X 4
75 X 4
80 X 4
85 X 2


LurkioIcon...29-09-2010 @ 20:00 
as deep as his fat little body will allow
Member 265, 4173 posts
SQ 222.5, BP 142.5, DL 235
600.0 kgs @ 108kgs UnEq
Good work Cliff.
TannhauserIcon...02-10-2010 @ 23:20 
fighting woo with woo
Member 206, 1491 posts
SQ 227.5, BP 165, DL 260
652.5 kgs @ 100kgs UnEq
Thanks Malc.


I'm only managing two sessions a week at the moment. Today was OK. Strength was really down on push press. This was probably because I didn't have much push in my legs after squatting. My squatting strength still seems to be going up on this 5-3-1 program, which is good considering it's only one top set per session.

Beltless squats

70 X 5
70 X 3
120 X 2
147.5 X 5
167.5 X 3
187.5 X 2
122.5 X 6
122.5 X 6
122.5 X 6
122.5 X 6

Push Press

warm ups
70 X 5
85 X 2
100 X 3
100 X 2
100 X 2
90 X 6

Fat Gripz barbell curls

40 X 6, 5, 6
mikeypIcon...03-10-2010 @ 20:24 
bollocks to global warming
Member 475, 1735 posts
SQ 200, BP 125, DL 235
560.0 kgs @ 115kgs UnEq
Nice squatting Tan from a fellow 5 3 1 er!!

Will be good to see how you do training twice per week. I see you squat and deadlift each week, I train 2 x per week but alternate squats with deads every Saturday, I think I recover better and feel fresher for each workout this way.

I'll re evaluate May /June next year and may try your way.

Also what's with the 6 reps back off sets, do you prefer these to 10's?
TannhauserIcon...06-10-2010 @ 19:54 
fighting woo with woo
Member 206, 1491 posts
SQ 227.5, BP 165, DL 260
652.5 kgs @ 100kgs UnEq
mikeyp said:Nice squatting Tan from a fellow 5 3 1 er!!

Will be good to see how you do training twice per week. I see you squat and deadlift each week, I train 2 x per week but alternate squats with deads every Saturday, I think I recover better and feel fresher for each workout this way.

I'll re evaluate May /June next year and may try your way.

Also what's with the 6 reps back off sets, do you prefer these to 10's?

Hi Mikey

'My way' isn't really a planning method; everything is fitting around work and generally feeling f**ked at the moment. In theory, I go squat-squat-deadlift each week. Each time I do the squat routine, I rotate to the next one: 5,5,5 - 3,3,3 - 5,3,1. I'm not doing the deloads. I think the volume is very low and it's not a particularly demanding routine, so I don't see the need for them.

I was doing sets of ten just to give me a bit of cardio. But I'm such an unfit f**ker I can't even do those, so I upped the weight by 20% and reduced the reps. I do prefer them.
TannhauserIcon...06-10-2010 @ 19:59 
fighting woo with woo
Member 206, 1491 posts
SQ 227.5, BP 165, DL 260
652.5 kgs @ 100kgs UnEq

Absolutely knackered tonight. The deadlifts felt really heavy. I pushed myself on the 210kg set, though, and that 210 X 7, albeit with straps, is very pleasing.

after that, I only had energy for a few FatGripz chins.


70 x 5
120 X 3
150 X 2
180 x 2
210 x 2
220 x 2
230 x 1
235 X 1
240 X 2 (straps)
210 X 7 (straps)

Fat Gripx assisted chins

About 5 X 5 with 40kg.
TannhauserIcon...10-10-2010 @ 14:46 
fighting woo with woo
Member 206, 1491 posts
SQ 227.5, BP 165, DL 260
652.5 kgs @ 100kgs UnEq

Finally got into the gym today. The first thing I did was reach into my bag to get my Ironworks out. Immediate, debilitating shooting pain up my spine. Lay down for ten minutes. Sat on step to put trainers back on. Decided push press, beltless squats and bent over rows probably not a good idea. Went home and put frozen peas on back.

Getting squat shoes out of bag

1 X 1, to failure

Sitting with peas on back

4 X 15 minute sets
TannhauserIcon...21-02-2011 @ 22:33 
fighting woo with woo
Member 206, 1491 posts
SQ 227.5, BP 165, DL 260
652.5 kgs @ 100kgs UnEq
Post Edited: 21.02.2011 @ 22:34 PM by Tannhauser
Monday 21st Feb, 2011

So anyway.

For months, I've either been ill, or injured, or ill or injured, or had too much work on. I've been into the gym maybe once a week on average, which hasn't been enough to keep my strength (or weight) up.

On the positive side, since the last time I did my journal, I've learned how to make an excellent chicken pie.

Here we go, poundages much reduced, but hey-ho. The only way is up.

Beltless squats

Warm ups
130 X 3
150 X 3
160 X 3
170 X 2
180 X 1

Beltless front squats

100 X 3
110 X 3
120 X 3

Barbell curls

50 X 5
50 X 5
50 X 5
50 X 5
TannhauserIcon...22-02-2011 @ 18:15 
fighting woo with woo
Member 206, 1491 posts
SQ 227.5, BP 165, DL 260
652.5 kgs @ 100kgs UnEq

My legs are as stiff as f**k after squatting yesterday, so I thought a few more light ones would loosen them back up.

Beltless squats

100 X 5
120 X 3
130 X 3
140 X 2
150 X 2
150 X 2

Bench Press

70 X 5
70 X 5
120 X 3
120 X 3
120 X 3
120 X 3
120 X 3

Strict Press

70 X 4
70 X 4
70 X 4
70 X 4
70 X 4


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