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andydanjoshIcon...11-06-2010 @ 21:02 
^^ thats me that is !! ^^ (the hair is a wig)
Member 776, 8709 posts
SQ 140, BP 127.5, DL 180
447.5 kgs @ 74kgs UnEq
nice bench press reps .

TannhauserIcon...11-06-2010 @ 21:04 
fighting woo with woo
Member 206, 1491 posts
SQ 227.5, BP 165, DL 260
652.5 kgs @ 100kgs UnEq

Mixed session. My knee is no better. today was one of those deadlift days when I couldn't keep a grip on the bar to save my life. I was due to do doubles, but had to change it to a 'Phil Klidaras' workout....endless sets of singles.

Close grips were great. Last week 120 X 4 for sets, this week 120 X 5 with more in the tank on the first three sets.


Warm ups
170 X 2
190 X 2
200 X 1
210 X 1
220 X 1......12 sets.

Close grip bench press

70 x 5
70 X 5
100 x 2
120 X 5
120 X 5
120 X 5
120 X 5
120 X 5

Curls in squat rack, eating some Lego

60 X 4
60 X 4
50 x 6
PhilKlidarasIcon...12-06-2010 @ 00:58 
Cut him some slack, he is an american
Member 311, 1751 posts
i feel honoured to have a workout of sorts named after me Grin

maybe i should pimp it in FLEX magazine???
TannhauserIcon...13-06-2010 @ 12:12 
fighting woo with woo
Member 206, 1491 posts
SQ 227.5, BP 165, DL 260
652.5 kgs @ 100kgs UnEq
PhilKlidaras said:i feel honoured to have a workout of sorts named after me Grin

maybe i should pimp it in FLEX magazine???

Why stop there? you could launch your own line of clothing, too.


I approached this workout with some trepidation, as my knee has been aching and clicking all week. I've never had any problem with my knees, and it's unwelcome. However, it went well.

On rows - an exercise I don't do too often - I thought I'd see how much my grip strength holds me back. The answer is 'a lot': see below.

Push Press

70 X 5
70 X 5
80 X 2
90 X 2
100 x 4
100 X 4
100 x 3
100 x 4

Front squats

70 X 4
70 X 4
120 X 2
120 X 2
140 X 3
140 X 3
140 x 3
140 X 3

Bent over rows

Warm ups
100 x 7
100 X 5

Straps on

100 X 13
TannhauserIcon...16-06-2010 @ 19:28 
fighting woo with woo
Member 206, 1491 posts
SQ 227.5, BP 165, DL 260
652.5 kgs @ 100kgs UnEq

Really pleased with how things went tonight. I left it later than usual, and had to talk myself into going. I was also not looking forwards to squats, having unexpectedly bombed on a comfortable weight last week. But I'm pleased with my progress at that weight.

Bench press was fantastic. Last week I was doing triples with 140, so 5 on the first set was a welcome surprise.


80 X 5
80 X 5
120 X 3
150 X 2
180 X 5
180 X 5
180 X 5

Bench Press

50 X 5
70 X 5
110 X 4
120 X 4
140 X 5
140 X 4
140 X 4

Seated incline DB curls, ears pronated, thumbs supinated, extended little finger and all in front of mirror

27.5s X 4
27.5s X 4
27.5s X 3
27.5s X 3
TannhauserIcon...18-06-2010 @ 19:15 
fighting woo with woo
Member 206, 1491 posts
SQ 227.5, BP 165, DL 260
652.5 kgs @ 100kgs UnEq

It won't take long to type this out, but it took ages to do it. Deadlifts felt fairly solid, and I'm pleased with the back off set.

The close grip benches showed that I can't do multiple sets with any kind of reps. A bodybuilding workout would kill me these days.


70 x 5
70 x 5
120 X 3
120 x 2
170 X 1
200 x 1
230 x 1 (8 sets)
200 x 6

Close grip bench press

Warm ups
120 X 7
120 X 6
120 X 5
LurkioIcon...18-06-2010 @ 19:58 
as deep as his fat little body will allow
Member 265, 4173 posts
SQ 222.5, BP 142.5, DL 235
600.0 kgs @ 108kgs UnEq
nice sesh mate.
TannhauserIconFInally...PBs20-06-2010 @ 11:45 
fighting woo with woo
Member 206, 1491 posts
SQ 227.5, BP 165, DL 260
652.5 kgs @ 100kgs UnEq
Thanks Malc.


Finally,some PBs. They're not very good PBs, because they probably don't indicate an improvement on my all-time 1RMs, but hey, I'll take 'em however they come.

Getting the third rep on the 107.5s was a battle. Almost got 5 reps on the last two sets with 100. Front squats were a bit of a washout: after the set with 150, I got engrossed in a conversation with someone and then left it too long to go back to them.

I normally ban straps, but they really help for rows, where grip strength really limits what I can use.

Push Press

70 X 4
70 X 3
80 X 2
90 X 1
100 X 1
105 X 3
107.5 X 3 PB
100 x 4
100 x 4

Front squats

70 X 4
70 X 4
100 x 3
120 x 2
140 x 2
150 X 3 PB

Bent over rows, using straps, because Carl says that's OK

70 X 10
100 X 3
Straps on
120 X 6
120 X 5
120 X 5
TannhauserIconEngerland, engerland etc23-06-2010 @ 17:46 
fighting woo with woo
Member 206, 1491 posts
SQ 227.5, BP 165, DL 260
652.5 kgs @ 100kgs UnEq
This all felt a lot harder than it should have done, unless it was the fact that it was 300 degrees centigrade in the gym and the WORLD CUP was on with a running commentary from various bods watching it.

I wish I could claim that I didn't know who Engerland were playing, but not even I could filter that out.

World cup squats, while failing to understand f**king football

70 X 5
120 X 4
120 X 3
150 X 2
185 X 3
185 X 3
185 X 3
185 X 3
185 X 3

World cup bench press, while failing to appreciate my national team's sublime play

70 X 5
100 X 3
110 X 3
120 X 2
145 X 3
145 X 3
145 X 3
145 X 3
145 X 3

World cup barbell curls, while withdrawing from the post-match analysis and wishing it would end

60 X 5
60 X 5
60 X 5
nicoIcon...23-06-2010 @ 20:05 
just smoked Ed and Neil - EAT MY GOAL
Member 120, 1583 posts
World cup fever strikes. I'm sure you'll be talking 4-4-2 with the best of them in no time. France are fortunately out already so it should be somewhat easier to avoid over here now.

How is the knee? Have you tried wearing knee sleeves? I'm thinking of getting a pair off Buzz to keep everything nice and cosy.
TannhauserIcon...23-06-2010 @ 20:41 
fighting woo with woo
Member 206, 1491 posts
SQ 227.5, BP 165, DL 260
652.5 kgs @ 100kgs UnEq

I was immunised against football as a child, by my Dad listening to interminable football results every Saturday.

Knee is clicking a bit, but better, thanks. I have got some sleeves from Buzz, but yet to try them squatting. As soon as I felt they gave me a bit of a bounce, I got wary of them. It looked like the slippery slope to equipment.
TannhauserIcon...25-06-2010 @ 19:24 
fighting woo with woo
Member 206, 1491 posts
SQ 227.5, BP 165, DL 260
652.5 kgs @ 100kgs UnEq

Not a bad session. Some lads came over to watch my deadlift form for some tips. Happy I didn't have the heart to tell them it was rubbish.

Lost count on the deadlift sets, but I believe seven sets is correct.

The worst part of my bench press is the lowering and first rep, so I need to focus on that. With this in mind, I want to do more pausing and lowering parts - hence paused close grips.


70 X 5
70 X 4
120 X 2
150 X 2
180 X 2
210 X 2
210 X 2
210 X 2
210 X 2
210 X 2
210 X 2
210 X 3


50 X 5
70 X 5
100 X 5
100 X 5
100 X 4
100 X 5

Paused close-grip bench press

100 X 5
110 X 5
115 X 5
120 X 4
120 X 4


60 X 5 before getting too bored and hot.
RickIcon...25-06-2010 @ 21:27 
I am a bench-only guy
Member 3, 10040 posts
SQ 185, BP 175, DL 235
595.0 kgs @ 140kgs UnEq
Tannhauser said:Friday

The worst part of my bench press is the lowering and first rep, so I need to focus on that. With this in mind, I want to do more pausing and lowering parts - hence paused close grips.

This for me is the most important payoff of speed bench - six to a dozen non-trivial but easy triples, paused, so lots of pauses and loads of setups and first lowers.
andydanjoshIcon...25-06-2010 @ 21:33 
^^ thats me that is !! ^^ (the hair is a wig)
Member 776, 8709 posts
SQ 140, BP 127.5, DL 180
447.5 kgs @ 74kgs UnEq
good sessions .

TannhauserIcon...25-06-2010 @ 23:42 
fighting woo with woo
Member 206, 1491 posts
SQ 227.5, BP 165, DL 260
652.5 kgs @ 100kgs UnEq
Thanks Andy

Rick said:
This for me is the most important payoff of speed bench - six to a dozen non-trivial but easy triples, paused, so lots of pauses and loads of setups and first lowers.

I had wondered about that. I'm liking close grips at the moment, but when I get sick of them I will give speed bench a go. Thanks, Rick.


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