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2014 Goals

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Start jucing Happy
Shiiiit. I've done 27 strict before but I was like 10 stone at the time haha.
Stay injury free
Compete in more strongman comp particularly the Scottish juniors
Deadlift 300kg whilst I'm still 17
Sqaut 300kg
Bench 150
Log press 130
BTN jerk 150

Confident in my sqaut and deadlift but bench and overhead will have to be worked on
340 Deadlift
280 Squat
180 Paused Bench
150+ Overhead
140 Strict Press

Compete at a national level and become a better version of myself.
Post Edited: 20.12.2013 @ 22:16 PM by stephen9069
Bench - 220kg (TnG), Paused - 200kg
Overhead - anything over 150kg
Squat - recover from knee injury, rectify form and squat 250kg
Deadlift - 330kg

And do more event training.

And move up to opens and have my 1st attempt at England's southern qualifier. Nothing like setting some steep goals lol.
Win the GBPF classic in my weight class ( 120kg @ junior ).
Squat 300kg+
Bench 200+
Also try to stop hating the bench press and enjoy it more hahah.
Deadlift 300+. Ideally break the 320kg mark.
Overhead Press 140kg.
Sprint much more as well, because I havent in ages.

Maybe start lifting with a belt even though I hate the f**king things.
I said:Win the GBPF classic in my weight class ( 120kg @ junior ).
Squat 300kg+
Bench 200+
Also try to stop hating the bench press and enjoy it more hahah.
Deadlift 300+. Ideally break the 320kg mark.
Overhead Press 140kg.
Sprint much more as well, because I havent in ages.

Maybe start lifting with a belt even though I hate the f**king things.

Also work hard in my second year of strength training and really go for it, trying to stick to the plan as much as possible.
Try and make 120-125kg bodyweight
Deadlift 340
squat 300
bench 200
log 150
Compete and make the Scottish final, take back the Shetlands strongest man title again and try to win North Isles strongest man and hopefully hit a powerlifting comp or two also to remain in the injury free state i have been in for the past 4 months Happy
Current/Target Lift

120/140kg Frontie Pausie next year,
130/150kg Frontie
130/140 5*5 Beltless Back Squats
140/ 150 5*5 belted,
165/ 180kg backsquat,
92.5/100kg 5RM Bench at some point
196/220kg Deadlift,
165/200kg Axle Deadlift
180/200 Trap bar Deadlift
72.5/90kg Log,
65/80 5RM Log
70/ 100kg powerclean
small 50kg DB/The giant 60kg DB at Worthing gym overhead,

170kg in 23 secs/200kg Yoke for 40m in sub 20 seconds,
65kg in 20.06/80kg Farmers for 40m in sub 20.
200kg in around 20 secs/250kg Yoke for 20m in sub 20,
80kg in around 20 secs100kg Farmers for 20m in sub 20
90kg/ 100kg Atlas Stone,

Do well at Beginner u80kg Comp in March. Top half at least.

Don't embaress myself at u80kg Inters event in June. Maybe aim for not last. Aim to Beat Sawyers maybe. Tongue
It is HEAVY but i want to be finishing the Yoke/Farmers(250/100) and maybe the medley. Dunno weights of it yet.
terryhollands said:My only goal is to be at my best at wsm and put in a performance I can be proud of bowing out on my own terms

Great news!
Post Edited: 21.12.2013 @ 08:54 AM by Charlts
I want to turn deadlifting from a massive weakness to less of a weakness, improve my squat technique, become better conditioned and ride out newbie gains as long as possible. Be nice not to embarrass myself in a first comp either.Grin

Deadlift 250+
Squat 210+
Log 125-130+
Bench, as much as possible, if in doubt cover yourself in chalk and pretend to be Jay Pateman!Grin Grin
600kg @ 90-93kg
JC said:Mine are:

120KG+ BW
150KG Strict Log
317KG Raw Squat
350KG+ Deadlift
Improve shoulder flexibility

And the rest fat boy,

When are you going to do a 500lbs frontie?
Post Edited: 21.12.2013 @ 09:09 AM by Pete
I'd love to set some lofty goals but I'm pretty conservative with my aims these days.

I think that I'll get my deadlift to at least 285 kg - preferably 300 kg.

I'd also be happy with some further progress on my overhead. 130 kg on the split jerk would make me a bit more satisfied.

I'm less bothered about specific numbers for the other lifts. Pretty uninspiring really.

Edit: Under 15 seconds for 100m on the Concept 2 would be nice.
qualify for ESM u90kg
qualify for ESM u90kg natty
deadlift 280kg/300kg suited
squat 250kg
strict 100kg
log 115kg
stay injury free...


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