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» Europes strongest man (Go to post)12-07-2015 @ 11:38 
Great pull by Thor.

How do people think Eddie would have placed if he finished the day?

With him being second on the medley and he'd have won log easily he could have been very close with Thor for the win.
» Does working a physical job make you better at powerliting? (Go to post)07-06-2015 @ 08:02 
Killelay said:Mentally demanding jobs I'd say would have more of a negative impact on training. Teaching/Nursing/Medical/Police. just my idea..

Tbh other jobs are mentally demanding more than teaching imo.

Teaching sucks for training due to the amount of out of class prep time you have and marking etc.

The summer full of training will be sweet though.
» Does working a physical job make you better at powerliting? (Go to post)07-06-2015 @ 08:01 
Have an office and lab based job that is good for training.

Enough small lab tasks to keep me mobile during the day and not just sat down for eight straight hours. But nowhere near enough to be physically taxing. Other than when people grab me to lift things because they're heavy and I'm that strong guy.
» Motorbiker lifts weights (Go to post)02-06-2015 @ 19:55 
Tonight's session

Deadlifts, belted and mixed grip,
120*4, 4, 4, 4, 4.
Nice and light.

Leeman rows,
40*10ish, 10, 10.
Single armed standing rows from full extension to full retraction of the arm with rotation.

Pull ups, wide grip, palms away,
bw*5, 5, 5, 5, 5,
not done these in ages.

Back extensions,
bw*10, 10, 10,
+10*10, 10,

» Motorbiker lifts weights (Go to post)02-06-2015 @ 19:55 
Yesterday session

New cycle starting next week. Few light session this week to reintroduce volume,

Squats, belted and low bar,
110*6, 6, 6, 6, 6 quiiiiiiiick,

bench, paused and belted,
90*6, 6, 6,6 alright.

Super quick. Done at the gym by like five pm.
» Motorbiker lifts weights (Go to post)31-05-2015 @ 18:10 
Deadlift 192.5kg:

Did 185-192.5 to hit qualifying total for nationals.

200 didn't move on third attempt.
» Motorbiker lifts weights (Go to post)31-05-2015 @ 18:10 
Bench 135kg:

Not as tight as I wanted. Weird bench and I had to take a handoff when I didn't want one etc.

Pissed I missed 140 tbh. I'll get it soon.
» Motorbiker lifts weights (Go to post)31-05-2015 @ 18:09 
Squats done.

Buried opener at 167.5

Then easy 177.5 - 185.

Bench time. Confidence = up.

185kg Squat:

» Motorbiker lifts weights (Go to post)31-05-2015 @ 18:08 
Competed in first Powerlifting comp yesterday.

The South West Powerlifting classic.

Weighed in at 82.5kg for the 83kg class . Then got to eating and drinking.

Squats, warm ups were feeling fine
Went 167.5/177.5/185. All three good lifts and nice and easy. Final set was an all time squat pb. Beating my pre injury pb from November.

Bench up next,
Was lifting with the 74kg junior class and was opening like 20kg above the next guy.

Had to take unracks, then wait a long time for start command, and using the weird bench, threw me off a bit. Not happy without the new bench pb. Equal pb though.

Deadlifts up next,
Opened at 175, easy lift.
Then went 192.5 to give 512.5kg total for qualification for nationals. Easy pull.
Then went for 200 for lulz and failed it. Crap considering I've pulled 220kg before pre injury but it's getting back there now.

Ended the day 185/135/192.5 @82.5 for 512.5kg total.

Squat pb, equal bench pb, 12.5kg post injury deadlift pb.
» Hobbies besides lifting heavy sh*t? (Go to post)28-05-2015 @ 07:07 
slimsim said:I've got a couple of tropical fish tanks that keep me entertained. Other than that I find I don't really have much time for hobbies other than playing with the kids, bike rides, swimming, get used as a human trampoline etc.

Tropical tanks are awesome!

I've just got a medium sized cold water tank at the moment (Just with a few fantail goldfish and a snail) but looking at getting a tropical tank soon.

What type of fish have you got/any pictures?
» Motorbiker lifts weights (Go to post)27-05-2015 @ 22:06 
Got to the gym today and realised I forgot my tshirt...

Squats, 70%singles,
belted and low bar and in work shirt, 120*1, 1, 1, 1, 1, lol.

Bench, paused,
95*1, 1, 1, slippery as hell,
belted and paused,
95*1,1, still slippery as hell, lol.


» Motorbiker lifts weights (Go to post)25-05-2015 @ 09:21 
Morning gym session.

Squats, belted and low bar,
five singles at 80% of old max,
135*1, 1, 1, 1, 1
sub one minute rests,
feeling easy as they should,

small amount of elbow pain though.
Need to sort my squat out in future,

bench press, paused and belted,
107.5*1, 1, 1, 1, 1 alright,

Deadlifts, (70%) belted and mixed grip,
125,1,1, 1, 1, 1,
30 second rest between these,

» Motorbiker lifts weights (Go to post)23-05-2015 @ 13:49 
Openers whilst feeling terrible day.
Two days after biggest heavy day.

Weigh in 83.0kg at home. On the dot of the weight class.

Squats, belted and low bar,
up to 157.5*1, 167.5*1,
easy opener.

bench, paused and belted,
up to 117.5*1, 125*1,
elbows hurting post squat.
Still got the bench easy though.

Deadlifts, mixed grip and belted,
Technically this is just my last warm up but MDS recommended against hitting deadlift opener.
» Motorbiker lifts weights (Go to post)21-05-2015 @ 22:07 
Bench, 125*3f:

Lost all tightness. Second set was actually better but I didn't go for the fourth that time.

» Motorbiker lifts weights (Go to post)21-05-2015 @ 21:57 
Squats, 167.5*4:

Felt slow and terrible bit look alright.

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