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wrist wrap velcro

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glen_danburyIconwrist wrap velcro24-05-2014 @ 19:54 
Member 735, 1193 posts
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nine odd weeks ago I injured my wrist and a part of this I attribute to the velcro popping off as a recieved a clean slightly low.

as such invested in a new pair - same issue seems to be occuring when I am cleaning.

as such theres either a few things wrong

* the velcro on these are crap - does velcro differ between brands?
*im putting them on wrong - I wear mine accross the joint to keep the wrist solid but still mainly on the forearm.

been looking at the fabric strength wraps that rogue do but know these are not legal in powerlifting so would need to use different pairs which sounds a faff

can you 'refresh' velcro? suggestions on good wrist wraps?
JohnGymIcon...24-05-2014 @ 19:56 
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My Strengthshop wrist wraps used to always pop open. My Metal wrist wraps have never done it once.
stephen9069Icon...24-05-2014 @ 19:57 
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I had the same problem with my pair of strength shop wrist wraps, forked out a little extra and got a decent pair and havent had any problems at all and they have survived 2 comps so far.
stephen9069Icon...24-05-2014 @ 19:58 
Frequents the HOUSE of GAIN.
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JohnGym said:My Strengthshop wrist wraps used to always pop open. My Metal wrist wraps have never done it once.

Beat me to it lol but couldnt agree more
josh_ainsIcon...24-05-2014 @ 21:07 
Member 786, 2077 posts
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I had same problem with all the wrist wraps so just f**ked em off the majority of the time and save the messing about or looking like a cock when they pop off mid set
glen_danburyIcon...24-05-2014 @ 21:12 
Member 735, 1193 posts
SQ 220, BP 135, DL 235
590.0 kgs @ 80kgs UnEq
so its just potentially cheap arse velcro!!!

cool will take a look at titan or metal ones. been watching the youtube vids on the fabric strength wraps and still intrigued but think if wrist wraps of better quality don't suffer velcro then thats probably the best option
adamduttonIcon...25-05-2014 @ 00:23 
Member 3694, 281 posts
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The Velcro on mine have eventually failed, so instead of buying new wraps, I bought some new (stronger) Velcro and just cut the old off and sewn the new on. Job done, like a brand new pair of wraps for £1.
Ben_FIcon...25-05-2014 @ 10:23 
vegetarian with a big deadlift - who would have thought...
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APT are very good.
SimeonIcon...25-05-2014 @ 10:27 
tight in the hole
Member 2057, 3121 posts
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Can I point out that you injured your wrist because you caught the clean wrong, not because the velcro came off.

Catch a clean badly and all the velcro in the world won't stop you hurting your wrist.
uzaladIcon...25-05-2014 @ 11:50 
not hilarious
Member 1977, 159 posts
SQ 150, BP 1, DL 215
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Has anyone got any thoughts on how tightly to wrap your wrist when cleaning? I know you basically go as tight as possible when benching or pressing of any kind, but for cleans you need the flexibility and I'm assuming there's a different technique to wrapping. Are the same types of wraps even worth using? When I watch videos of Olympic lifters it looks more like they're using athletic tape.
JamieGIcon...25-05-2014 @ 11:56 
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JohnGym said:My Strengthshop wrist wraps used to always pop open. My Metal wrist wraps have never done it once.

This x 1000

SS ones i barely even wore because they always popped off and messed up the lift.

Metal blacks need a crowbar to un velcro!
SimeonIcon...25-05-2014 @ 12:27 
tight in the hole
Member 2057, 3121 posts
SQ 205, BP 140, DL 260
605.0 kgs @ 95kgs UnEq
uzalad said:Has anyone got any thoughts on how tightly to wrap your wrist when cleaning? I know you basically go as tight as possible when benching or pressing of any kind, but for cleans you need the flexibility and I'm assuming there's a different technique to wrapping. Are the same types of wraps even worth using? When I watch videos of Olympic lifters it looks more like they're using athletic tape.

shouldn't use them at all when cleaning imo
chaosIcon...25-05-2014 @ 13:07 
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Post Edited: 25.05.2014 @ 13:07 PM by chaos
My Zuluglove ones are feckin brilliant! Super strong sticky velcro billion times better than my SS ones and not much difference in price (they lasted about 6 months befroe velcro went and I ended up using sellotape to keep em on! Was a right ballache!)
danbaseleyIcon...25-05-2014 @ 15:20 
A member for 10 years and still no mouldy peanuts
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Someone half-inched my metal black wrist-wraps at the gym. Unhappy

They are great.
glen_danburyIcon...25-05-2014 @ 15:41 
Member 735, 1193 posts
SQ 220, BP 135, DL 235
590.0 kgs @ 80kgs UnEq
Simeon said:Can I point out that you injured your wrist because you caught the clean wrong, not because the velcro came off.

Catch a clean badly and all the velcro in the world won't stop you hurting your wrist.

very true. However if it had of held I wouldn't have injured it I feel. does my flexibility need to improve, does my technique need to improve - both yes

but like a personal choice when it comes to belts I feel more confident with them
and therefore will choose to use them for my heavier reps. of thats the case I don't want them pinging off


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