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» Anyone interested in buying domain name? (Go to post)25-09-2015 @ 13:47 
as title, nothing else more needs to be said.
» 352.5kg bench. (Go to post)31-07-2015 @ 20:13 
» 352.5kg bench. (Go to post)31-07-2015 @ 20:11 
His 440kg squat was good too, definitely hit depth.
» mountain bike crash (Go to post)31-07-2015 @ 20:05 
Dangerous stuff mountain biking, I had a crash a few years ago and broke my elbow, I crashed into a tree doing a fast downhill section, was taking a bend too fast and went sideways into the tree.
» Strongman equipment for sale (Go to post)21-05-2015 @ 21:20 
General_ill said:
Our 5kg plates are too big to fit in. Doubt it'll be heavy enough with 2.5's

How big are your 5kg plates? I could always make a bigger dumbbell if you wanted one. With 2.5kg plates it might go upto about 70kg.
» Strongman equipment for sale (Go to post)20-05-2015 @ 20:03 
I'm in Bradford West Yorkshire.
The dumbbell weighs 17.5kg empty, it will take plates with a 210mm diameter, am looking for £60 for the dumbbell.
» Dislocated my shoulder (Go to post)10-04-2015 @ 21:42 
I've dislocated my right shoulder hundreds of times, it used to come out in my sleep, I originally did It playing rugby, never saw a doctor about it until I was in hospital with a concussion and my shoulder came out of its socket while I was asleep in there, it was my ligaments that had stretched so had them lazered to shrink them, it's come out 3 times since but it's never come out while doing weights, I can't throw for s**t though as that makes it come out, so hopefully you should be fine with all weight training, just don't try throw anything really hard for a while.
» George Leeman 909lb american record (Go to post)22-03-2015 @ 19:17 
So is this the American record or just the North American record?
» Eddie Hall pulls 462kg (Go to post)15-03-2015 @ 04:18 
Atlas stones will be at about 5am our time.
» Eddie Hall pulls 462kg (Go to post)15-03-2015 @ 03:53 
Post Edited: 15.03.2015 @ 03:58 AM by adamdutton
Oberst and radz nailed it.
Up to 200kg now
Shaw and oberst did it, radz couldn't clean it, log is too slippy.

Up to 211kg
Shaw has dropped out (didn't attempt it)
Oberst Nails it new American record.
» Eddie Hall pulls 462kg (Go to post)15-03-2015 @ 03:42 
Hall did 190kg but has bowed out now as he's got a torn tricep.
Shaw got 190kg but only just
» Eddie Hall pulls 462kg (Go to post)15-03-2015 @ 03:37 
Log press on now, up to 190kg
Ed hall
Radz left in
» Eddie Hall pulls 462kg (Go to post)15-03-2015 @ 03:25 
Just incase anyone is awake
» Eddie Hall pulls 462kg (Go to post)14-03-2015 @ 22:56 
Just saw an interview and Ed said he reckons he will be the first person to pull 500kg, so it's definitely in his sights.
» Eddie Hall pulls 462kg (Go to post)14-03-2015 @ 15:10 
It's suit rolled down and belt on, you see rob frampton take his belt off him, doesn't change anything though.


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