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» NEW YEAR NEW GOALS -establish my name in the opens (Go to post)02-04-2017 @ 19:37 
friday 31st march - mo power

indian club warmup

axle pp in rack
upto 110kg - struggled with flexibility shoulders too tight

axle c&p
strict 50 x 3 / 60 x 3 / 80 x 3 / 90 x 3 /
pp 110 x 2 / 120 x 2 / 130 x 2 plenty power just mistiming few things

dumbbell c&p
47 x 3 / 57 x 3 / 67 x 1 / dodgy 3 reps / 5pb

think few pb's are on the cards when technique improves a bit , power is their for it
» NEW YEAR NEW GOALS -establish my name in the opens (Go to post)29-03-2017 @ 23:39 
29th march - break the bar gym

60 x 1 / 100 x 1 / 140 x 1 / 180 x 1 / 220 x 1 / 260 x 1 / 280 x 1 / 300 x 1 / 310 X F

decent 300 single plenty to work on mainly lowerbody work needed and sort some flexibility issues out , but will work on low volume high frequency speed pulls to work on technique timing line etc , felt groggy today even slipped on stairs post session lol hayfever or cold coming on wasn't gunna train till late , 310 failed few " off floor
» NEW YEAR NEW GOALS -establish my name in the opens (Go to post)28-03-2017 @ 14:39 
Post Edited: 28.03.2017 @ 20:35 PM by josh_ains
27th march -at mo power

seated axle shoulder press - against 2 sets chain 4 total 30kg+ at top
bar x 5 / 50 x 3 / 60 x 3 / 70 x 3 / 80 - 5 x 6

log stricts 1-clean
62 x 5 / 72 x 5 / 82 x 2 / 92 x 1 / 102 x 1 / 112 x 1 / 117 x 1

1 motion then strict press from chest
72 x 3 / 82 x 3 / 87 x 3 / 92 x 3

db roll back & press/single arm overhead band extension/stood hammer curl elbows all the way up similar to log press clean
high reps 25-40 x 3 x 3 back and forth

reverse hyper
145 added x 4 x 15-20 reps
» NEW YEAR NEW GOALS -establish my name in the opens (Go to post)25-03-2017 @ 18:55 
Post Edited: 26.03.2017 @ 12:36 PM by josh_ains
Saturday 25th march - break the bar gym

db clean and press -band warm up + stretches

Essex strength loadable pink db 25kg empty
37 x 2 / 47 x 1 / 52 x 1 / 57 x 1 - couldnt find any more plates to load that fit

shorter thicker db 66kg empty
empty x 1 / 72 x 1 / 77 x 1 / 82 x clean only -(positioning on clean needs workin it'l pop up no probs , nothing felt heavy really

deadlift - speed/technique work doh beltless
100 3 x 2 / 140 7 x 2

60mm axle zercher squats -beltless
60 x 2 / 80 x 2 / 100 x 2 / 120 x 2 / 140 x 2

yoke 25m+ x 25m+ back -beltless
120 / 170 / 210 x 2 sets

core work
band crunches/side crunches/lay jacknife/lay hip rotations
x few min straight
» NEW YEAR NEW GOALS -establish my name in the opens (Go to post)25-03-2017 @ 18:33 
Post Edited: 25.03.2017 @ 18:33 PM by josh_ains
Thursday 23rd march - mo power

kb swing/reverse hyper 3 x 10 both light

60 3 x 2 / 100 3 x 2 / 140 x 2 / 180 x 2 / 200 x 2 / 220 x 2 / 240 x 2 / 260 x 2 / 280 x 2

leg press
200 x 10 / 240 x 10 / 280 x 10 / 320- 5 x 10

reverse hyper
40 x 15 / 80 x 15 / 120 x 15 / 140 x 15

had slight diarheaa was bad on Wednesday so not 100% but had to get basic work stopped halfway during deadlifts to fill the toilet haha left out squats for obvious reasons week off will only do it good , technique on dead roll is gunna have few adjustments I think will improve it nicely
» NEW YEAR NEW GOALS -establish my name in the opens (Go to post)20-03-2017 @ 21:48 
20th march - break the bar gym

seated axle shoulder press "narrow grip" -against 20kg chain at top
100 x 3 pb / 70 x 5 / 80 - 4 x 6

log pp
117.5 x 3

log strict press
62 x 3 / 72 x 3 / 82 x 3 / 92 x 3 / 102 x 3
» NEW YEAR NEW GOALS -establish my name in the opens (Go to post)19-03-2017 @ 20:34 
19th march -break the bar gym

cambered bar box squat against -beltless
102kg band 65kg weight 10-12 x 2-4 reps

trapped & wripped finger open so no stones or farmers today

deadlift speed work
130 4 x 2 / 160 3 x 3 / 190 4 x 3

frame carry-(sits in middle of hand just about get away with it)
130 x 15m/ 170 15m/ 210 15m / 250 15m / 270 15m /add belt 290 20+m

planned different session but s**t happened unfornately
» NEW YEAR NEW GOALS -establish my name in the opens (Go to post)17-03-2017 @ 23:02 
17th march - at mo power

indian clubs - x few min straight

axle strict
50 3 x 2 / 70 x 2 / 80 x 1 / 90 x 1

axle pp
90 x 2 / 100 x 1 / 110 x 1 / 115 x 1 / 120 x 1 / 125 x 1 / 130 x 1
100 - 6 x 6

db c&p
37 x 2 / 47 x 2 / 57 x 1 / 67 x 1 / 72 x 1 pb on this db variation

seated band overhead tricep extension
3 x 20+ reps each arm

db roll back & press
10's 3 x 30+ reps , 5's x 60 -(trying get as much blood in elbow area as possible speed up recovery)

bare minimum elbow flaired up after squats on Wednesday not enough mobility on that day before squats paid the price today should've got more with no toothache like s**t in the elbow
» Safety squat bar (Go to post)16-03-2017 @ 22:21 
KevC86 said:
This x 2.
It sits so poorly i actually spent 10 mins trying to figure out if i was holding it wrong.
If you cant afford Watson then go elsewhere. But if all you can afford is strength shop then keep your money.

x 3 haha , the cambered and the safety squat bar by strengthshop are very poorly designed the worse make ive used by far
» NEW YEAR NEW GOALS -establish my name in the opens (Go to post)15-03-2017 @ 23:47 
15th march - break the bar gym leigh

60 x 3x2 / 102 x 3x2 / 142 x 3x2 / 182 x 2 /222 x 2 / 242 x 2 / 272 x 2

13"stiff leg deadlift
182 x 3 / 222 x 3 / 242 x 1 / 282 x 5

back squat
60 3 x 3 / 100 3 x 2 / 142 x 1 / 182 x 1 / 222 x 1 belt

242 x 3

front squat
62 x 2 / 102 x 2 / 132 x 2 / 152 x 2 / 162 x 2 / 172 x 1 / 182 x 1

hit the weights easier than last weeks session that was lighter body's getting used to intensity again
» NEW YEAR NEW GOALS -establish my name in the opens (Go to post)12-03-2017 @ 15:34 
12th march - break the bar gym

log c&p
upto 132 x 1

failed 150 few times not on it
135 1st part lap only x 3 sets 4 / 6 / 8

farmers- 25 x 25 m -beltless
80's / 110's / 120's with hold at end

following trend on the stones bad session good session , just keep swinging I guess and build assistance up continue to get the work in , farmers grip solid legs good bit of fatigue on the run but getting better
» NEW YEAR NEW GOALS -establish my name in the opens (Go to post)10-03-2017 @ 00:49 
9th march - mo power

indian clubs shoulder warm up
x few mins

axle strict press
50 3 x 2/ 70 x 2/ 90 x 2/ 100 x 2/ 105 x2pb f3 / x 2f3 / 2

seated extreme fat gripz row
80 x 5 x 8 reps

seated band leg extensions
20-25 x 2 sets each leg
40+ both

seated band leg curls
20-25 x 2 sets each leg
40+ both

bent over extreme fat gripz band flyes -(harder bands this week)
4 x 6

kettlebell double handed swings
62kg x 3 x 8

reverse hyper
140kg added x 4 x 15

last week on the stood stricts back to seated shoulder press on axle whilst log steps up and db
» NEW YEAR NEW GOALS -establish my name in the opens (Go to post)08-03-2017 @ 23:37 
8th march - break the bar gym leigh

60 3 x 2/ 100 3 x 2/ 142 x 2/ 182 x 2/ 202 x 2/ 222 x 2/ 242 x 2 / 262 x 2

back squat
60 3 x 3 / 100 x 2 / 140 x 2 / 180 x 2
add belt + wraps
202 x 3 / 222 x 3 / 232 x 3 or 4

front squat
60 x 2/ 100 x 2/ 130 x 2/ 152 x 2/ 162 x 2

switched back to roll in deadlift technique as is better for me when im at heavier bodyweight, cut off assistance as plan to throw it in tomorrow on back end of press session as is the plan now
» Abolishing my shame (Go to post)05-03-2017 @ 18:50 
KevC86 said:
In that case big Ben Francis lied to me. Always said he was a c**t!

needs write the weights on pain in the arse sorting em out everytime , ideally want a oversized 150 might have make one with insert something solid dense but light
» NEW YEAR NEW GOALS -establish my name in the opens (Go to post)05-03-2017 @ 16:37 
4th march -break the bar gym

sumo axle deadlift doh
few sets upto 130 x 3

managed 110 / 125 / 140 / 150 x 5 , few fails in their too before corrected on few technique mistakes I don't usually make

farmers - 20m x 20m
80's / 110's / 120's with hold at end

hadn't really slept so left off few things just a case of getting essentials done

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