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RobIcon...24-12-2007 @ 11:33 
Does f*ck all for
Member 1, 7173 posts
SQ 182.5, BP 110, DL 205
497.5 kgs @ 107kgs UnEq
Nice session, great squatting!
tokarIcon...24-12-2007 @ 19:12 
Невыносимо Высокомерный (RIP)
Member 11, 965 posts
SQ 190, BP 140, DL 255
585.0 kgs @ 95kgs UnEq
Cheers guys.

Am pretty much injury-free at the moment, touch wood. Doing stretches for back, glutes, hip flexors and hamstrings every morning and evening and it seems to be helping. As long as I can keep it up I hope I can finally get some decent numbers going in the squat next year, and nail that 600lb deadlift!

Must try and put on 4-5kg of lean mass too...
IainKendrickIcon...24-12-2007 @ 19:22 
some nice relaxing jazz.
Member 77, 12599 posts
SQ 265, BP 165, DL 280
710.0 kgs @ 93kgs UnEq
Good to see your back on it and injury free!
tokarIcon...24-12-2007 @ 19:30 
Невыносимо Высокомерный (RIP)
Member 11, 965 posts
SQ 190, BP 140, DL 255
585.0 kgs @ 95kgs UnEq
IainKendrick said:
Good to see your back on it and injury free!

Cheers mate - when should we be expecting the big 600 from you (albeit at a lighter B/W than me!)?
tokarIcon...25-12-2007 @ 15:12 
Невыносимо Высокомерный (RIP)
Member 11, 965 posts
SQ 190, BP 140, DL 255
585.0 kgs @ 95kgs UnEq
Just been having a look at the competition calendar (excellent work there Rob, it's about time we had something like that!). Wondering whether I'll bother with the NWC Unequipped this year - might just go for the Lancs and Cheshire in June so I'll have another 2 months' training behind me, and qualify for the British from there...
tokarIcon...28-12-2007 @ 12:18 
Невыносимо Высокомерный (RIP)
Member 11, 965 posts
SQ 190, BP 140, DL 255
585.0 kgs @ 95kgs UnEq

32kg kettlebell

10 sets of 10 2-arm swings
5 sets of 10 1-arm swings each arm
tokarIcon...28-12-2007 @ 12:20 
Невыносимо Высокомерный (RIP)
Member 11, 965 posts
SQ 190, BP 140, DL 255
585.0 kgs @ 95kgs UnEq
Been ill since Boxing Day, it sucks. Training has been going really well and now I'm watching myself waste away cos I feel too sick to eat anything.

I'm hardly ever ill for more than 3-4 days so really hope I'll be able to get back in the gym on Sunday...
NeilIcon...28-12-2007 @ 12:23 
For Kettle, For Country!
Member 81, 1706 posts
SQ 182.5, BP 120, DL 227.5
530.0 kgs @ 90kgs UnEq
I had something like this about 2 months ago. Lasted about 3 days and I lost 2kilos!!! I was not a happy bunny. However I'm sure you'll soon rebound back.
RobIcon...28-12-2007 @ 12:32 
Does f*ck all for
Member 1, 7173 posts
SQ 182.5, BP 110, DL 205
497.5 kgs @ 107kgs UnEq
With the amount of bugs going around this winter I reckon people are doing OK if they get away with just one bout of illness!
tokarIcon...01-01-2008 @ 15:48 
Невыносимо Высокомерный (RIP)
Member 11, 965 posts
SQ 190, BP 140, DL 255
585.0 kgs @ 95kgs UnEq
Rob said:
With the amount of bugs going around this winter I reckon people are doing OK if they get away with just one bout of illness!

Damn right.

Just as I was beginning to get over the stomach bug I got a cold. Just about alright now, just in time to go back to work tomorrow. Lovely.
tokarIcon...03-01-2008 @ 23:28 
Невыносимо Высокомерный (RIP)
Member 11, 965 posts
SQ 190, BP 140, DL 255
585.0 kgs @ 95kgs UnEq

First session after 11 days off (apart from some KBs on Xmas Day), most of which was spent wasting away with various illnesses. But actually it turned out to be a really good session -

60x6, 80x6, 100x6, 120x6, 140x6, 150x6

Bench Press
60x6, 80x6, 90x3, 100x3x5

SLDL off block
60x10, 90x10x3

COC 1.5 - 5 holds for 5 secs, each hand
Sit-up +10x 8, +15x7
Plank +10 x 1min
Side Plank +10 x 40 secs each side

Thought I'd be a bit more systematic with the grip work and start recording it. The reason I'm doing it is to keep my grip strong (or strengthen it) while I'm doing Olympic pulls with straps rather than heavy deadlifts.

Squats were great considering the lay-off; SLDLs felt very light. Things are looking good. Was going through the calendar earlier deciding on the shape of my training over the next few months, and thought I might actually do the NW Unequipped and the Lancs and Cheshire.
philnoskoIcon...04-01-2008 @ 09:01 
Member 177, 1039 posts
SQ 230, BP 155, DL 300
685.0 kgs @ 95kgs UnEq
Im glad you havent lost much through your lay off. I had a bit of time off over xmas due to the same reason and suprisingly didnt really lose anything. I had wondered where this log went, I was following it on MT until you went AWOL!
IainKendrickIcon...04-01-2008 @ 10:49 
some nice relaxing jazz.
Member 77, 12599 posts
SQ 265, BP 165, DL 280
710.0 kgs @ 93kgs UnEq
Solid session despite being ill!

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