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tokarIcon...03-09-2007 @ 17:24 
Невыносимо Высокомерный (RIP)
Member 11, 965 posts
SQ 190, BP 140, DL 255
585.0 kgs @ 95kgs UnEq
I am still alive. Don't like going on forums when injured because it's just depressing.

Some interesting points raised above-

- I'm not sure about not being upright in the squat. I used to have something of problem with hyperextending my back on the way up but that was largely fixed - except occasionally when grinding out reps. This is something I have to stop doing. In terms of position, I think my back is more upright than most PL squatters.

- I completely agree that my hips are very tight, which is in the process of being rectified. I have no doubt that this is a principal cause of my injury but I don't think it's caused my back to be less upright when squatting.

- Will consider wearing a belt on heavy sets. To be honest I really don't think it would help, for various reasons, but certainly it's worth a try.

- I have done a fair few overhead squats in the past and liked them (probably did about 80kg at best). Might do some again, although I don't think they'd help hip flexibility for me. I'm plenty flexible enough in the right areas to do them; it's other positions the tightness manifests itself in. Still, a good stability exercise do worth doing. Ultimately this is something I want to start doing with kettlebells.

- I have seen a physio about my injuries, who diagnosed and prescribed as follows:

1) Transverse abdominis not engaged properly. Apparently it stops working properly after stress to the lower back. Fixed by getting it to work again and strengthening. I think this is working well so far.

2) Ridiculously tight hips and glutes. Fixed by stretching - going well. Pain is just about gone.

3) Right leg is shorter than left leg, which is a root cause of 2). Fixed by a heel raise in my right shoe. Hard to say what effect this is having, but seems good.

Then with my back and hips recovering, and looking forward to starting proper lifting again I go and pull my pec doing incline DB presses. God knows how this happened. I was doing sets of 10, did nothing unusual, everything seemingly under control and then my sternum hurt whenever I moved my head. Called NHS Direct yesterday (when it was very painful) - doc said it was just a pull (because I'd "overdone it" - yeah, thanks mate) and to take max dose ibuprofen and paracetamol for a couple of days. Still hurts but it's going.

So things have been a bit on hold lifting-wise over the last few weeks, just trying to maintain really. I'm thinking I'll start back slowly with the squats and deads in a month or so and build up gradually. Aiming for a 600lb deadlift next spring/summer.

Oh, and I bought two 32kg kettlebells. I have to say, they feel bloody heavy considering the 24kg one was no trouble to snatch. I'll start with some two-arm (1 KB) swings and one-arm cleans and see how I go from there. Immediate aims are to start one-arm snatching and two-arm jerking them for reps. Long-term goal is overhead squats for reps with a 32er in each hand....
HaydenIcon...03-09-2007 @ 17:32 
memories , like the corners of my mind ....
Member 49, 2298 posts
SQ 200, BP 132.5, DL 220
552.5 kgs @ 123kgs UnEq
Good to see that things are clearing up. Look forward to seeing you at your next comp. I do think the belt will help allot on the heavier sets, we dont wear them for fun...I wear mine to look goodHappy
tokarIcon...03-09-2007 @ 17:34 
Невыносимо Высокомерный (RIP)
Member 11, 965 posts
SQ 190, BP 140, DL 255
585.0 kgs @ 95kgs UnEq
Originally posted by HVince...
Good to see that things are clearing up. Look forward to seeing you at your next comp. I do think the belt will help allot on the heavier sets, we dont wear them for fun...I wear mine to look goodHappy

Exactly!! Tongue
BoarIcon...03-09-2007 @ 18:07 
Nothing left in the tank.
Member 5, 25592 posts
Post Edited: 03.09.2007 @ 18:08 PM
I would love some kettlebells, where did you get them from JT ?
CuddlesIcon...03-09-2007 @ 18:45 
Member 2, 12511 posts
SQ 190, BP 150, DL 280
620.0 kgs @ 99kgs UnEq
Good luck with getting the injuries healed JT, I feel your pain. Looks like im in need of an operation before heavy training can commence so I really do feel your pain.

Update us on any progress you make....
tokarIcon...03-09-2007 @ 21:50 
Невыносимо Высокомерный (RIP)
Member 11, 965 posts
SQ 190, BP 140, DL 255
585.0 kgs @ 95kgs UnEq
Originally posted by Boar...
I would love some kettlebells, where did you get them from JT ?

I got them from They are fairly pricey (more so than one place someone told me about but I didn't like the look of the ones they had, but less so than, which is the UK arm of Pavel Tsatsouline's kettlebell empire) but good quality and they also sent me a free DVD afterwards without even telling me. They are really good fun - and once you get the higher reps going, they are great cardio without being boring like rowing or cycling.
tokarIcon...03-09-2007 @ 21:51 
Невыносимо Высокомерный (RIP)
Member 11, 965 posts
SQ 190, BP 140, DL 255
585.0 kgs @ 95kgs UnEq
Originally posted by Olly...
Good luck with getting the injuries healed JT, I feel your pain. Looks like im in need of an operation before heavy training can commence so I really do feel your pain.

Update us on any progress you make....

Cheers mate - sorry to hear about the operation. Touch wood, that's something that despite my problems I've managed to avoid. What's the injury? Where in London are you living at the moment?
tokarIcon...30-09-2007 @ 18:00 
Невыносимо Высокомерный (RIP)
Member 11, 965 posts
SQ 190, BP 140, DL 255
585.0 kgs @ 95kgs UnEq
Right, back online for a while now I think. Probably not as much as before though, cos I realised just how much time I spent on the net when I should really have been doing something more profitable (no offence to anyone!).

Injuries seem to be dissipating nicely - fingers crossed. Slight concern over clicking right knee that seems to be a consequence of one of the stretches I was told to do by the physio. Not really bothering me much at the moment so not going worry about it.


Box Squat
40x3x2, 60x3x2, 80x2x2, 90x2x2, 100x2x2, 110x2x3, 120x2, 90x2x2

Quite liking these (third week of them). Not sure why, but we'll see.

Bench Press
60x3, 80x3, 100x3, 110x3x5

Bench has gone to s**t after the 140 PB. Even this was hard. Overhead pressing likewise - don't know why.

Clean Deadlift
70x3, 110x3, 150x2, 160x1, 170x1, 180x1, 190x1

Did 140 for a couple of singles and was just going to add 20kg or so this week (not done any pulls for ages) but it felt easy so I went up. This is only 22.5kg off PB, so very good news. Could have had 200 with some chalk too, so definitely on the way back.

OH Press
40x3, 50x3, 60x3, 65x3 (s**te)
Seated OH lockout
65x3, 70x2, 75x1, 80x1, 85x1x2

BW ladders - 10-20 seconds between sets, then 1-4 minutes between clusters
4, 5, 6, 7, 8
4, 5, 6
4, 5, 6
3, 4, 5
3, 4, 5
5, 4, 3
IainKendrickIcon...30-09-2007 @ 18:03 
some nice relaxing jazz.
Member 77, 12599 posts
SQ 265, BP 165, DL 280
710.0 kgs @ 93kgs UnEq
Good to see you back in action. Do you have a comp in mind nxt year or is it just a case of head down getting back on track, and looking up when your ready? Happy
RobIcon...30-09-2007 @ 18:09 
Does f*ck all for
Member 1, 7173 posts
SQ 182.5, BP 110, DL 205
497.5 kgs @ 107kgs UnEq
Welcome back mate. Still keeping up the volume I see Wink!
tokarIcon...30-09-2007 @ 18:10 
Невыносимо Высокомерный (RIP)
Member 11, 965 posts
SQ 190, BP 140, DL 255
585.0 kgs @ 95kgs UnEq
Been doing some kettlebells lately. Mainly concentrating on two hand swings, trying to get as many reps as possible in 10 minutes. Did 100 the first time; 113 the second. Hoping to get 6x20=120 tomorrow. Also managed a few Turkish get-ups with the 32, after failing at the first attempt. Much harder than with dumbbells. Plus some one-hand cleans and two hand rows (which are a bit too easy).

The last couple of weeks I've only been doing barbell training twice a week, plus KBs once or twice. I decided it'd be a good idea to have 2-, 3- and 4-day plans for barbell work so if I know I'm not going to have time to get 4 sessions in I can just switch to another format instead of worrying about cramming everything in here and there. So these are my routines:

2 days:

Bench Press
Deadlift (or other pull)
Overhead Press

Bench Press
Stiff-legged Deadlift
DB Bench Press

3 days:

Bench Press

Overhead Press
DB Bench Press

Bench Press
Stiff-legged Deadlift

4 days:

Bench Press

Overhead Press
DB Bench Press

Bench Press
Stiff-legged Deadlift

DB Overhead Press
tokarIcon...30-09-2007 @ 18:11 
Невыносимо Высокомерный (RIP)
Member 11, 965 posts
SQ 190, BP 140, DL 255
585.0 kgs @ 95kgs UnEq
Originally posted by Rob...
Welcome back mate. Still keeping up the volume I see Wink!

Ah, but that's one of only two training days this week! Wink
tokarIcon...30-09-2007 @ 18:13 
Невыносимо Высокомерный (RIP)
Member 11, 965 posts
SQ 190, BP 140, DL 255
585.0 kgs @ 95kgs UnEq
Originally posted by IainKendrick...
Good to see you back in action. Do you have a comp in mind nxt year or is it just a case of head down getting back on track, and looking up when your ready? Happy

The only goals in mind at the moment are: 1) qualify for next year's British Unequipped; 2) lift in said British Unequipped. No other comps on the horizon.
brynevansIcon...01-10-2007 @ 15:25 
Scotbasher - forever
Member 59, 2115 posts
Good luck with the recovery/training. Hope to see you on the platform in the new year
badboy007Icon...01-10-2007 @ 15:35 
Dirty little devil
Member 138, 356 posts

Thanks for the splits, it would be helpful to be able to adjust volume accordingly.

Cheers Happy

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