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tokarIcon...09-11-2007 @ 12:18 
Невыносимо Высокомерный (RIP)
Member 11, 965 posts
SQ 190, BP 140, DL 255
585.0 kgs @ 95kgs UnEq
Rob said:
Nice squatting mate!

Like you say its odd how your pressing is down (although it seems to be coming back a bit?), has it been since you pulled your pec bad? Maybe it's still healing and not quite letting you go all out?

Looking on track for 200 squat in near future though, good stuff.

Nah, the pec strain cleared up very quickly and it's been fine since. But I guess if I lose 10kg on my bench but put 15 on my squat it's not all bad...
tokarIcon...11-11-2007 @ 18:59 
Невыносимо Высокомерный (RIP)
Member 11, 965 posts
SQ 190, BP 140, DL 255
585.0 kgs @ 95kgs UnEq

Box Squat
60x3, 80x3, 100x2, 120x2x12

Bench Press
60x3, 80x3, 95x3x8

Snatch Pull
70x3, 90x3, 110x3x6

Ab Pulldown 56x15x2
Rear Delt Flye 56x12x2

Good session. Squats were nice and fast, and the bench felt much better too. Took the weight down from last week (even though it's not heavy anyway) to concentrate on generating more speed. Snatch pulls are starting to feel like hard work now. Five more weeks, up to 160 then a max session at Adlington.

Was looking through the British unequipped deadlift records yesterday. 290kg @ 100kg; 295kg @ 110kg. Don't think the first one's very realistic, but if I can actually put on some lean mass I'd like to look at putting 5kg on that within 2-3 years (mind you, someone will probably have done 320 by then).
RobIcon...11-11-2007 @ 19:30 
Does f*ck all for
Member 1, 7173 posts
SQ 182.5, BP 110, DL 205
497.5 kgs @ 107kgs UnEq
300 within 3 years? Sounds a bit too ambitious to me, for most natural lifters that would be a lifetime goal - good luck with it though.
tokarIcon...12-11-2007 @ 07:27 
Невыносимо Высокомерный (RIP)
Member 11, 965 posts
SQ 190, BP 140, DL 255
585.0 kgs @ 95kgs UnEq
Post Edited: 12.11.2007 @ 07:28 AM
Rob said:
300 within 3 years? Sounds a bit too ambitious to me, for most natural lifters that would be a lifetime goal - good luck with it though.

Yeah, well it was a bit of a daydream... If I can get that record at any point I'll be well pleased.

But I think I've got more in me than 300 over a whole lifting career, injury permitting.
tokarIcon...12-11-2007 @ 21:05 
Невыносимо Высокомерный (RIP)
Member 11, 965 posts
SQ 190, BP 140, DL 255
585.0 kgs @ 95kgs UnEq

Bit of kettlebells again tonight, having not had time for a while...

10 sets of 10 @ ~20 second rests
5 min break, then
9 sets of 10 @ ~40 second rests
RobIcon...12-11-2007 @ 21:22 
Does f*ck all for
Member 1, 7173 posts
SQ 182.5, BP 110, DL 205
497.5 kgs @ 107kgs UnEq
Post Edited: 12.11.2007 @ 21:22 PM
tokar said:

But I think I've got more in me than 300 over a whole lifting career, injury permitting.

I agree you're a great puller and like you say a good injury free spell and we should see something special. Plus I guess it doesn't really matter how crazy or conservative our goals are as long as we make progress!!
tokarIcon...12-11-2007 @ 22:59 
Невыносимо Высокомерный (RIP)
Member 11, 965 posts
SQ 190, BP 140, DL 255
585.0 kgs @ 95kgs UnEq
Rob said:
tokar said:

But I think I've got more in me than 300 over a whole lifting career, injury permitting.

I agree you're a great puller and like you say a good injury free spell and we should see something special. Plus I guess it doesn't really matter how crazy or conservative our goals are as long as we make progress!!

Yes, I think your short term (say, one year) goals should always be well grounded and realistic, because you can't really arrange your training suitably to aim for absurd goals, and you'll only be pissed off when you don't get them. But it's also helpful to have rather vaguer, long-term goals - especially when your training's beginning to take off again after a lay-off (enforced or otherwise).
tokarIcon...13-11-2007 @ 21:23 
Невыносимо Высокомерный (RIP)
Member 11, 965 posts
SQ 190, BP 140, DL 255
585.0 kgs @ 95kgs UnEq

OH Press
40x4, 50x4, 60x3, 65x2x3

DB Bench Press
30sx8, 45sx5x3

Pendlay Row

Pull-up (square bar)

Hanging Leg Raise 2x10
Pullthrough 2x15
Side Plank 1 min each side
Plank 1:15 with 20kg plate on back then 0:45 without
tokarIcon...14-11-2007 @ 21:56 
Невыносимо Высокомерный (RIP)
Member 11, 965 posts
SQ 190, BP 140, DL 255
585.0 kgs @ 95kgs UnEq

32kg kettlebell

Snatch + Clean&PushPress (R/L)
2+2/2+2 x 15 in about 30 mins

Does that make sense? In other words, 15 sets of two snatches plus two clean and push presses, on each hand.
Good fun. One of those sessions where things just seem to come together. My right arm was suddenly a lot more coordinated than previously, and snatching now feels pretty comfortable.
tokarIcon...04-12-2007 @ 22:00 
Невыносимо Высокомерный (RIP)
Member 11, 965 posts
SQ 190, BP 140, DL 255
585.0 kgs @ 95kgs UnEq
Very busy lately, but done some good stuff in the past couple of weeks. Managed to clean and jerk two 32kg kettlebells for the first time, and strict press one.

Last few workouts -


60x3x2, 80x3, 100x3, 120x3, 140x3, 160x3, 175x3

Very pleased with that. Only done a single with 175 before, and previous best triple is probably 160.

Bench Press
60x3, 80x3, 95x3x2, 105x2x3

This still sucks though. Gone back to my 5x3/3x2/2x1 routine, but with ridiculous baby weights.

SLDL off block
60x10, 100x10, 120x10, 10, 8

This is shaping up now. Only missed the last two reps on grip. (No chalk - although I should be able to do it without. Got a CoC 1.5 to sort this out while I'm doing pulls with straps.) Weight was fairly easy. Up to 130x10x3 over next two weeks, which will be progress in terms of volume anyway.

Decline sit-up +15x 8, 7
Plank (+25kg) 68secs


Box Squat
60x3x2, 80x2, 100x2, 115x2, 125x2x12

Bench Press
60x3, 80x3, 90x3, 100x2, 110x1, 115x1x3

Snatch Pull
60x3, 80x3, 100x3, 120x3, 140x3x5

Actually power snatched the 3rd rep at 60 to see how it felt and it was very easy. Looking forward to moving on to clean pulls after maxing on snatch deads at Adlington on 22nd.

Ab Pulldown 56x20x2
Rear Delt Flye 56x18, 16


OH Press
40x5, 50x5, 60x5x3


DB OH Press


Hanging Leg Raise 2x10
Plank (+25kg) 1:20
Side plank (+10kg) 30secs each side
JCIcon...05-12-2007 @ 12:18 
technical retard
Member 172, 36827 posts
SQ 310, BP 205, DL 335
850.0 kgs @ 108kgs UnEq
excellent squatting mate

1.20 with 25KG Plank is also impressive (well to me anyway Happy )
RickIcon...05-12-2007 @ 19:32 
I am a bench-only guy
Member 3, 10040 posts
SQ 185, BP 175, DL 235
595.0 kgs @ 140kgs UnEq
Glad you're alive, mate. Coming to the championships on Sunday?
tokarIcon...05-12-2007 @ 19:35 
Невыносимо Высокомерный (RIP)
Member 11, 965 posts
SQ 190, BP 140, DL 255
585.0 kgs @ 95kgs UnEq
Rick said:
Glad you're alive, mate. Coming to the championships on Sunday?

Would love to but I have a prior commitment. Will be lifting at Adlington on the 22nd though.
tokarIcon...05-12-2007 @ 19:36 
Невыносимо Высокомерный (RIP)
Member 11, 965 posts
SQ 190, BP 140, DL 255
585.0 kgs @ 95kgs UnEq
JC said:
excellent squatting mate

1.20 with 25KG Plank is also impressive (well to me anyway Happy )

Thanks. As with most things, plank holds are just too boring if you don't add weight. Tongue
tokarIcon...06-12-2007 @ 21:08 
Невыносимо Высокомерный (RIP)
Member 11, 965 posts
SQ 190, BP 140, DL 255
585.0 kgs @ 95kgs UnEq

32kg kettlebell

Two arm swing

150 reps in 10 minutes (7X20 + 1x10)

My head was aching after this...

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