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RobIcon...11-12-2006 @ 23:54 
Does f*ck all for
Member 1, 7173 posts
SQ 182.5, BP 110, DL 205
497.5 kgs @ 107kgs UnEq
Personally I agree with your stance - and it's one I would have adopted if I was still keeping my journal there. He has a lot of cheek to tell people who are basically attracting thousands of views to his commercial website to keep their logs as he sees fit. Furthermore, he probably doesn't understand half the posts because he has little interest in the journals and most of the members.

On another note, I'm sorry to inform you that you've been fined 50p for logging treadmill minutes in your journal (see Adam's log - we have to have consistency). Sugden Barbell - the way forward Wink
tokarIcon...12-12-2006 @ 19:23 
Невыносимо Высокомерный (RIP)
Member 11, 965 posts
SQ 190, BP 140, DL 255
585.0 kgs @ 95kgs UnEq
Originally posted by Rob...
Personally I agree with your stance - and it's one I would have adopted if I was still keeping my journal there. He has a lot of cheek to tell people who are basically attracting thousands of views to his commercial website to keep their logs as he sees fit. Furthermore, he probably doesn't understand half the posts because he has little interest in the journals and most of the members.

On another note, I'm sorry to inform you that you've been fined 50p for logging treadmill minutes in your journal (see Adam's log - we have to have consistency). Sugden Barbell - the way forward Wink

I quite agree with you on James - my thoughts exactly. But I shall not at any point be paying this particular fine, especially since it seems to me to contradict the position you have only just expressed regarding MT journals. I shall continue to post details of all CV work.
tokarIcon...12-12-2006 @ 19:30 
Невыносимо Высокомерный (RIP)
Member 11, 965 posts
SQ 190, BP 140, DL 255
585.0 kgs @ 95kgs UnEq
Very annoying and bizarre day today. How's this for a novel and exciting way to get injured: sitting on a bus.

Got up this morning; I was absolutely fine. No hip pain, no knee pain, nothing. One of those mornings when you're delighted to find that for once everything seems to be great. Usual bus journey to work - slightly cramped on the seat, which is never a good position to be in for nearly an hour. I get off the bus and sure enough - somehow I could tell it was coming - the back of my left knee is really tight and it hurts to extend my leg. I've had something similar before but a few hamstring stretches and it's disappeared in 5 minutes. Not this time. Twelve hours and three doses of Voltarol later and it's still there. Not as bad maybe, but still there. It was supposed to be front squats and deadlifts tonight, but in this state it's sod all.

Here's hoping everything's fine tomorrow...
littlegirlbunnyIcon...12-12-2006 @ 19:52 
Member 7, 621 posts
SQ 80, BP 45, DL 125
250.0 kgs @ 55kgs UnEq
Oh that's a bugger Unhappy

Hope it eases off - what do you think it is? Nerve or muscle pain?
tokarIcon...12-12-2006 @ 20:26 
Невыносимо Высокомерный (RIP)
Member 11, 965 posts
SQ 190, BP 140, DL 255
585.0 kgs @ 95kgs UnEq
Originally posted by littlegirlbunny...
Oh that's a bugger Unhappy

Hope it eases off - what do you think it is? Nerve or muscle pain?

I don't think it's a nerve thing- it's a dull pain and tightness rather than the shooting, sudden kind of pains you get with nerve damage. If it hadn't lasted so long I would have said something like strained tendon. Definitely something to do with the joint anyway.
RobIcon...12-12-2006 @ 20:27 
Does f*ck all for
Member 1, 7173 posts
SQ 182.5, BP 110, DL 205
497.5 kgs @ 107kgs UnEq
Sorry to hear that mate. It's not quite up there with my drinking milk one, but a good effort. Hope it gets well soon.

As for the fine, ok. But remember they are all for the Sugden curry - I will pick you up on something else soon. Beware Wink
RobIcon...12-12-2006 @ 23:57 
Does f*ck all for
Member 1, 7173 posts
SQ 182.5, BP 110, DL 205
497.5 kgs @ 107kgs UnEq
Originally posted by tokar...
Rob, when are you using that two-day Total Fitness thing? Xmas Eve and New Year's Eve seem like good choices to me.

Missed this before. Probably next week - I'm going home for Christmas/New Year so won't be able to use it around then unfortunately.
CuddlesIcon...13-12-2006 @ 13:39 
Member 2, 12511 posts
SQ 190, BP 150, DL 280
620.0 kgs @ 99kgs UnEq
s**t man, sorry to hear about your injury, hope that heals up fast.

Btw, great squatting!
tokarIcon...13-12-2006 @ 22:20 
Невыносимо Высокомерный (RIP)
Member 11, 965 posts
SQ 190, BP 140, DL 255
585.0 kgs @ 95kgs UnEq
Originally posted by Olly...
s**t man, sorry to hear about your injury, hope that heals up fast.

Btw, great squatting!

Cheers mate. Here's hoping the progress holds out to the singles this time. In Russia we trust....
tokarIcon...13-12-2006 @ 22:27 
Невыносимо Высокомерный (RIP)
Member 11, 965 posts
SQ 190, BP 140, DL 255
585.0 kgs @ 95kgs UnEq

Another good day today - weird knee thing gone, thank God.

Front Squat
60x5, 80x3, 100x3, 115x2, 125x2x3

Pretty easy - feeling good about these.

60x5, 100x4, 140x4x2, 170x3x2, 195x3x5

Should be a bit faster, but that should come with a few more weeks' training.

Close Grip Bench Press
60x5, 80x5, 100x3, 110x1, 115x1

Deadlift from knee
60x4, 100x4, 140x4, 180x4x2, 200x3x3, 220x2x3

Barbell Row
80x3, 100x3, 122.5x2x6

These were good - nice and fast. Now the weight's getting really heavy I'm going to do them for low reps and low volume each session, but twice a week - dropping the machine rows. Hope to get up well beyond 130kg.
BoarIcon...13-12-2006 @ 22:49 
Nothing left in the tank.
Member 5, 25592 posts
Thats quite a session jon,how long did it take ??
tokarIcon...13-12-2006 @ 22:53 
Невыносимо Высокомерный (RIP)
Member 11, 965 posts
SQ 190, BP 140, DL 255
585.0 kgs @ 95kgs UnEq
Originally posted by jonnywildboar...
Thats quite a session jon,how long did it take ??

Bloody ages - about 2 1/2 hours. But that's cos it was at Sugden so I was training with Olly and Adam and had to wait for equipment and for other people to do their sets and so on. Would have taken 1 1/2 hrs at Total Fitness.
littlegirlbunnyIcon...14-12-2006 @ 11:55 
Member 7, 621 posts
SQ 80, BP 45, DL 125
250.0 kgs @ 55kgs UnEq
Glad the knee thing has cleared up Grin
tokarIcon...16-12-2006 @ 11:12 
Невыносимо Высокомерный (RIP)
Member 11, 965 posts
SQ 190, BP 140, DL 255
585.0 kgs @ 95kgs UnEq

60x5, 80x5, 100x4, 120x3, 140x2x6

Very good - definitely the fastest I've put up 140.

Bench Press
60x5, 80x5, 95x5, 110x3, 117.5x4x6

I knew from the first set that I wasn't going to get 5x5 so I decided to switch to sets of 4. It was the 4th rep that was hard - the first 3 were generally no problem. Not sure what's going to happen with the last 4 weeks of this.

Barbell Row
60x5, 80x3, 100x3, 122.5x2x5

Pulldown (neutral)
90x5, 112.5x3, 127.5x2x5

Hammer Curl
tokarIcon...18-12-2006 @ 22:04 
Невыносимо Высокомерный (RIP)
Member 11, 965 posts
SQ 190, BP 140, DL 255
585.0 kgs @ 95kgs UnEq

60x5, 80x5, 100x4, 120x4, 140x4, 157.5x3

I was feeling strong on these and was pretty confident of getting the 157.5x4x4 but somehow twinged my back on the 120 set - doing them too fast and not engaging my abs properly I think. Could have got the 4th on the top set but thought better of it and left it there.

Bench Press
60x5, 80x4, 95x3, 110x2x5

Goddamn Sugden bench is horrible. Keep straining my left pec on it and I'm sure it must be the bench. Stopped a set early cos of it, but they were feeling good. Pec has cleared up now.

DB Bench Press
45sx7, 5


BWx10, +5x10, +10x10, BWx10, +5x10, +10x10, BWx10, +5x10, +10x10, BWx10

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