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tokarIcon...25-07-2007 @ 19:36 
Невыносимо Высокомерный (RIP)
Member 11, 965 posts
SQ 190, BP 140, DL 255
585.0 kgs @ 95kgs UnEq

OH Press
50x3x2, 60x2x6

Machine Row

EZ Bar Curl

Hammer Curl (very strict)


This was excellent. I felt rather vindicated to discover that my own theory about the high incidence of lower body injuries (lower back, hip) on my left hand side was correct - my left leg is longer than my right. She explained how when walking I have to twist my left side up and round when taking a step with my left foot in order to pull myself out of the "hole" that my shorter right foot is in. I'm sure it can't help my squatting either.

I've now got a heel insert for my right foot and lots of stretches to do (although doing stretches that involve lying on the ground and putting your feet up on tables are not easy to do at work - I'm supposed to do them three times a day). Here's hoping this is the beginning of a new era of non-injury.....
IainKendrickIcon...26-07-2007 @ 16:00 
some nice relaxing jazz.
Member 77, 12599 posts
SQ 265, BP 165, DL 280
710.0 kgs @ 93kgs UnEq
Excellent to hear!
tokarIcon...26-07-2007 @ 20:56 
Невыносимо Высокомерный (RIP)
Member 11, 965 posts
SQ 190, BP 140, DL 255
585.0 kgs @ 95kgs UnEq
Originally posted by IainKendrick...
Excellent to hear!

Yes, it is indeed excellent that I have one leg shorter than the other. Tongue

Back is feeling pretty good today. Under normal circumstances I'd probably leave it another week to settle down, fairly confident that it'd be fine by that time. But with the British coming up I'm going to start SLDLs tomorrow and squats on Sunday and see how it feels. If it's not right I'll have to rethink.
tokarIcon...26-07-2007 @ 20:59 
Невыносимо Высокомерный (RIP)
Member 11, 965 posts
SQ 190, BP 140, DL 255
585.0 kgs @ 95kgs UnEq
Post Edited: 26.07.2007 @ 22:14 PM

Bench Press
60x4, 80x3, 100x3, 112.5x3, 122.5x3x5

Well, at least this is going well. Something just seems to have clicked on bench recently and everything feels easy and spot-on technically.

Barbell Prone Shrug
100x10, 135x10x13

Cable Row
112.5(full stack)x15x2

Endurance was the sticking point here rather than strength.

Lots of stretching, a bit of swimming, and feeling quite good. Even though my training has been sodded up my mood is a hell of a lot better now I'm not in pain.
tokarIcon...09-08-2007 @ 21:16 
Невыносимо Высокомерный (RIP)
Member 11, 965 posts
SQ 190, BP 140, DL 255
585.0 kgs @ 95kgs UnEq
Right, haven't posted for ages because I've been pissed off and too depressed about training to be on lifting forums. That hasn't changed a lot but thought I might as well stick an update on. Back is still f**ked, and hips aren't great either. Can't say I'm at all convinced that the stretching the physio recommended is doing much good. I do need to give it more time but I can feel that I am getting less tight, but the pain isn't getting any less. Can't do any lower body work at the moment and plans for the British are totally out the window.

Still, bench is going OK. Since last post have done:
and a pull-up single with 50kg.

Then today:

Bench Press
60x3, 80x3, 100x3, 120x3, 127.5x3x5

with the slightest bit of help on the last set of the last rep. Very pleased with this.

Barbell Prone Shrug
100x10, 140x10,10,6

Preacher Curl

This is hard! But somehow less annoying than standing curls, which are my all time least favourite exercise ever.

Can't do any cardio at the moment either, which sucks massively, cos I feel like a big fat f**k.
tokarIcon...09-08-2007 @ 21:21 
Невыносимо Высокомерный (RIP)
Member 11, 965 posts
SQ 190, BP 140, DL 255
585.0 kgs @ 95kgs UnEq
Of course, while injured the principal lifting-related pastime is devising ingenious plans to annihilate existing PBs with a devastatingly well constructed comeback routine. Hence I spent some minutes at work yesterday scribbling a post-injury schedule for pulls, involving a progression from snatch pulls through clean pulls and clean deadlifts to power-style deadlifts over 4 mesocycles of 9 weeks each, culminating in a magnificent deadlift of 280kg sometime around next spring.

We'll see...
BoarIcon...09-08-2007 @ 21:31 
Nothing left in the tank.
Member 5, 25592 posts
Its a shame about the comp, but cant be helped i guess, the scoreboard is impressive so hopefully next year !!

any thoughts about the sugden PL extraveganza in dec @ rhinos ?
JoniIcon...09-08-2007 @ 22:38 
left the country satisfied
Member 10, 19241 posts
SQ 240, BP 150, DL 270
660.0 kgs @ 107kgs UnEq
these recurring injuries suck man, something fundamental has to change, and if i was you i would not go back to your crazy ass routines (volume + frequency) with no time for lower back/hips etc to recover.

Time to adopt a routine more suited to cripled guys mate! Just like me and jonny mills have done ages ago already Grin
tokarIcon...09-08-2007 @ 23:12 
Невыносимо Высокомерный (RIP)
Member 11, 965 posts
SQ 190, BP 140, DL 255
585.0 kgs @ 95kgs UnEq
Originally posted by Joni...
these recurring injuries suck man, something fundamental has to change, and if i was you i would not go back to your crazy ass routines (volume + frequency) with no time for lower back/hips etc to recover.

Time to adopt a routine more suited to cripled guys mate! Just like me and jonny mills have done ages ago already Grin

I've been thinking I might do something similar but just with more rest days in between.
tokarIcon...09-08-2007 @ 23:12 
Невыносимо Высокомерный (RIP)
Member 11, 965 posts
SQ 190, BP 140, DL 255
585.0 kgs @ 95kgs UnEq
Originally posted by Boar...
Its a shame about the comp, but cant be helped i guess, the scoreboard is impressive so hopefully next year !!

any thoughts about the sugden PL extraveganza in dec @ rhinos ?

What's the Sugden PL extravaganza?
IcepickIcon...10-08-2007 @ 00:50 
still a cock
Member 55, 1213 posts
SQ 50, BP 25, DL 55
130.0 kgs @ 0.1kgs UnEq
yea agree with joni, those russian style approach may well be what is f'ing you up, also maybe look at getting a belt or even a squat suit to save your hips and groin Grin....heads up mate.
HaydenIcon...10-08-2007 @ 04:13 
memories , like the corners of my mind ....
Member 49, 2298 posts
SQ 200, BP 132.5, DL 220
552.5 kgs @ 123kgs UnEq
Originally posted by tokar...
Originally posted by Boar...
Its a shame about the comp, but cant be helped i guess, the scoreboard is impressive so hopefully next year !!

any thoughts about the sugden PL extraveganza in dec @ rhinos ?

What's the Sugden PL extravaganza?

That's the north west equipped in december at rhino's.
JoniIcon...10-08-2007 @ 08:23 
left the country satisfied
Member 10, 19241 posts
SQ 240, BP 150, DL 270
660.0 kgs @ 107kgs UnEq
adding rest days may help, but also note that the actual volume per lift is often pretty high. So the total work still gets pretty hefty for someone with clear recurring problems. So it could actually only delay the eventual problem again, rather than prevent it.

Also I dont recall that you actually have solid evidence to say that it is just that kind of routines which work for you because you havent tried going much lower volume and frequency of heavy lower body work? I mean you have been on higher volume eastern european routines for a while, no?

Anyways man, good for you for persevering. When my lower back flared up frequently I was very close of packing it all in. But I have tried all kinds of approaches and I think I have found at least the ball park of what kind of training keeps me away from the recurring injury (knock wood!)
little_aIcon...10-08-2007 @ 08:26 
still a devious weightlifting bastard
Member 43, 14379 posts
Originally posted by tokar...
a progression from snatch pulls through clean pulls and clean deadlifts to power-style deadlifts over 4 mesocycles of 9 weeks each

JT, WTF does all that mean?

Heavy singles for weight / cardio for distance??? 2 opposite ends of the spectrum. They dont mix mate as much as you like doing them. I'm guessing you're around your late 20's or early 30's now. Take it from one who's been there, you need a rethink. Dont try and fight it dude. You'll lose. We all doUnhappy
IainKendrickIcon...10-08-2007 @ 09:54 
some nice relaxing jazz.
Member 77, 12599 posts
SQ 265, BP 165, DL 280
710.0 kgs @ 93kgs UnEq
Real shame about the Brits pal! Just dig in and heal up. I remember a time when I had a back injury and couldn't pull for 2 years!! Wasn't fun but there will be light at the end of the tunnel.

Off course if you have just been hit by a bus I would advice you to stay away from the light Tongue

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