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richardduceIcon...12-11-2012 @ 15:10 
Member 691, 720 posts
Post Edited: 13.11.2012 @ 18:34 PM by richardduce
12.11.12 Junction Gym

Xtrainer and oly bar warm up

Axle Belly Cleans (DOH, no belt or sleeves)
65kg x5
65kg x3
75kg x3
85kg x3
90kg x3
Warm up for deads

Deadlift 531 block1 week2 (beltless)
90kg x5
90kg x3
110kg x5
135kg x3
155kg x9
A couple left in tank.

SLDL (doh, straps)
120kg x8

Push Jerk 531 block1 week2 (no sleeves)
Bar xplenty
60kg x5
65kg x5
75kg x3
85kg x6
Not as much pop as usual, but still a couple in tank.
richardduceIcon...14-11-2012 @ 18:52 
Member 691, 720 posts
Post Edited: 14.11.2012 @ 18:55 PM by richardduce
14.11.12 Junction Gym

Xtrainer and BW squat 2x10 warm up

Back Squat
60kg 2x5
70kg x5
90kg x5
110kg x5 (belt on)
130kg x8
Left a couple in the tank here.
120kg x6 (beltless)

CGBP 531 block1 week2 (sleeves on as left elbow is giving me a touch of jip)
Bar xplenty
60kg 2x5
70kg x5
75kg x3
85kg x7
Again could have done 1 or 2 more.

Sled Sprints
I think i worked up to 2 sets of 30m with sled + 125kg. Went through the gears with this. Put some sets of KB swing 28kg x15 at the end of a couple of the 30m sprints. Was wasted during and at the end of this and experienced prowler flu i think!!! Have been a touch quicker but this weight for sled work is a PB.
richardduceIcon...16-11-2012 @ 20:39 
Member 691, 720 posts
16.11.12 Works Training

Log 531 block1 week2(1st rep cleaned)
42kg 3x5
52kg x5
62kg x5
70kg x3
75kg x3
80kg x6
Had 1 or 2 left over.

Log clean
90kg 2 sets of 3

Wanted to do more but upper back and hips tight so called it a day there.
richardduceIcon...19-11-2012 @ 15:52 
Member 691, 720 posts
Post Edited: 19.11.2012 @ 15:52 PM by richardduce
19.11.12 Junction Gym

X trainer and oly bar warm up

Oly Bar Power Clean
60kg 2x3
70kg x3
82.5kg 2x3
Warm up for deads

Deadlift 531 block1 week3 (beltless)
100kg x5
100kg x3
127.5kg x5
145kg x3
162.5kg x7

SLDL (doh, straps)
140kg x5

Push Jerk 531 block1 week3(sleeves on)
60kg 2x5
70kg x5
80kg x3
90kg x5
Easy enough, but iam sacking off overhead for a bit as elbow does not like it.

Stone Shouldering
70kg x9
richardduceIcon...21-11-2012 @ 16:39 
Member 691, 720 posts
21.11.12 Junction Gym

Xtrainer and bw squat 2x10 warm up

Back Squat
60kg 3x5
70kg x5
95kg x5
115kg x5 (belt on)
135kg x5
Feel very creaky and off form today
100kg x5 (beltless)

CGBP 531 block1 week3
Bar x10
60kg 2x5
70kg x5
80kg x3
90kg x4
Poo. Wanted to do some running around/sled/yoke work but sacked it off. Creaky hips and a lack of kip put paid to today. Got a PB in moaning if nothing else. Will have a couple of days off and train on Saturday. May possibly do Russian Masters Squat routine along side 531 deads and CGBP. Gonna take a look at Defrancos agile8 to keep loose. Not doing overhead for a couple of weeks as left elbow needs a rest.
richardduceIcon...23-11-2012 @ 20:44 
Member 691, 720 posts
23.11.12 Works Training

Xtrainer and bw squat warm up 2x10

Back Squat (beltless)
60kg 2x5
80kg x5
100kg x2
115kg x2
130kg 6 sets of 2
Easy enough. Starting a new 2 a week squat thingy. Will see how things go. Still a bit creaky.

Pulldowns 3x12
richardduceIcon...26-11-2012 @ 15:05 
Member 691, 720 posts
Post Edited: 26.11.2012 @ 15:06 PM by richardduce
26.11.12 Junction Gym

Xtrainer warm up

Axle Power Clean
65kg 3x3
75kg x3
85kg 2x3
Warm up for deads

Deadlift 531 block2week1 (beltless)
90kg 2x5
110kg x5
132.5kg x5
150kg x8
Plenty in tank

SLDL (beltless, straps)
140kg 2x5

2 Handed KB Swing
40kg 3x15
richardduceIcon...29-11-2012 @ 14:50 
Member 691, 720 posts
29.11.12 Junction Gym

Xtrainer and BW squat 2x10 warm up

Back Squat (beltless)
60kg 2x5
70kg x5
90kg x5
110kg x2
130kg 6 sets of 2
Very easy as they should be at this stage

CGBP 531 block 2 week1
Bar xplenty
60kg 2x5
65kg x5
72.5kg x5
82.5kg x7
70kg x10
Always been poo at bench. Cant wait to get overhead going again when the elbow allows it.

Sled Work (15m sprint forward into 15m pull/drag)
Sled + 60kg
Sled + 80kg
Sled + 105kg for 6 sets
Hard, but fun.
richardduceIcon...02-12-2012 @ 09:20 
Member 691, 720 posts
01.12.12 Thornes Park Training

Xtrainer and Bw Squat 2x10 warm up

Back Squat (all beltless)
60kg 2x5
70kg x5
90kg x3
110kg x3
130kg 7 sets of 3 reps
First set felt odd for some reason, but the rest were straight forward.

Concept 2 Rower L10
1 mile 6.38
richardduceIcon...03-12-2012 @ 20:23 
Member 691, 720 posts
Post Edited: 03.12.2012 @ 20:24 PM by richardduce
03.12.12 Junction Training

Xtrainer and oly bar warm up

Oly Bar Power Clean
60kg x3
65kg x3
75kg x3
85kg x3
87.5kg x3

Deadlift 531 block2 week2 (beltless)
100kg x5
100kg x3
120kg x3
140kg x3
157.5kg x8
Very easy.

SLDL (straps, beltless)
145kg x5

Yoke (beltless)
Worked up to 210kg 2x30m
Fast enough for now.

Stone Shouldering 70kgx5 into 80kg barrell loading to 54" x5 reps

Not bad
richardduceIcon...05-12-2012 @ 20:37 
Member 691, 720 posts
Post Edited: 05.12.2012 @ 20:50 PM by richardduce
05.12.12 Junction Gym

Xtrainer/Bw squats/Overhead Squat warm up.

Back Squat
60kg 2x5
70kg x5
90kg x5
110kg x3 (belt on from here)
130kg 6 sets of 4 reps
Very easy


Sled Sprint 15m into Sled drag 15m
Worked up to 6 rounds of this with Sled + 120kg

Have totally sacked off pressing for a while as my left elbow is twanging and snappy!
richardduceIcon...07-12-2012 @ 17:10 
Member 691, 720 posts
07.12.12 Work Training

Concept 2 rower 1 mile 6.21. PB
richardduceIcon...08-12-2012 @ 12:55 
Member 691, 720 posts
08.12.12 Junction Gym

Xtrainer/bw squat/overhead squat warm up

Back Squat (beltless)
60kg 2x5
70kg x5
90kg x5
110kg x3
130kg 6 sets of 2 reps

GHR 3x8

This session was fuelled by road rage! Some people seem to think it is ok to park up on a double yellow on a corner of a busy dual town centre carriageway to pick someone up! Holding everyone up in the process. I sounded the horn to show my displeasure. At the next lights the goon got out of his car and came towards mine. I opened my door to discuss this. He seemed to think he had left enough room for people to pass(he had not as the right hand lane was busy and there was not room to indicate into that lane). He also did not seem to appreciate that you should not park on a double yellow anyway, as i kept telling him. Makes me laugh when some people will argue even when they are in the wrong to start with. The thing is i was not angry and did not shout until he came over. I only sounded my horn because the plank had parked in an illegal place with his back end hanging out! Cooled down a bit now, but some people!
RodgerIcon...08-12-2012 @ 14:21 
salad dodger *missing*
Member 1805, 10367 posts
SQ 215, BP 121, DL 240
576.0 kgs @ 100kgs UnEq
road/roid rage? Tongue Cool
Nice squats Im goign to have to take it easy on pressing too. I think I need to balance things up a bit
richardduceIcon...08-12-2012 @ 14:39 
Member 691, 720 posts
Rodger said:road/roid rage? Tongue Cool
Nice squats Im goign to have to take it easy on pressing too. I think I need to balance things up a bit

Roid rage lol. Would not have minded if i was in the wrong Rodge, but the guy had ingorantly parked in the most horrible of places!!! I have some tendonitis in the tricep tendon that inserts into the elbow. Working in a gym does not help as iam always showing people exercises and stuff. Your pressing has really come on mate. Looking to do a 180 squat soon all being well. Today just did a bit a bit of steady beltless volume work. You really feel the benefit of a belt if you mix in some beltless stuff i have found lately.

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