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richardduceIcon...10-12-2012 @ 20:28 
Member 691, 720 posts
10.12.12 Junction Gym

Xtrainer warm up

Axle Power Clean
65kg x3
65kg x3
70kg x3
80kg x3
90kg 2x3
This is more than i have done before.

Deadlift 531 block2 week3 (beltless)
100kg 2x5
130kg x5
150kg x3
167.5kg x5
Steady Away

Speed Deads (belted)
140kg for 4 sets of 2

GHR 3x8

richardduceIcon...12-12-2012 @ 15:02 
Member 691, 720 posts
Post Edited: 12.12.2012 @ 15:05 PM by richardduce
12.12.12 Junction Gym

XTrainer/bw squat/overhead squat warm up

Back Squat
60kg 2x5
70kg x5
90kg x5
110kg x3 (Belt on from here)
130kg 5x5

GHR 3x8
Feeling these well in my hams now which must be good

130kg x30m
170kg x30m
210kg x30m
Track was too slippy for sled so did yoke instead. Felt weird for some reason. Looking forward to doing upper body and KBs again, but must be patient with elbow. Will have a look at doing some in a couple of weeks.
richardduceIcon...16-12-2012 @ 09:11 
Member 691, 720 posts
15.12.12 Junction Gym

Xtrainer/bw squat and overhead squat warm up

Back Squat (beltless)
60kg 2x5
70kg x5
90kg x5
110kg x3
130kg 4 doubles
100kg 2x2
The volume of this routine iam doing is catching up with me a bit. The weights are very easy, but iam really tight from Wednesdays 5x5. Will have a look into doing summat else with a bit less volume. On the plus side i think iam good for 5 to 7 reps with 140kg in the squat again which is cool.
richardduceIcon...17-12-2012 @ 17:45 
Member 691, 720 posts
17.12.12 Junction Gym

Xtrainer warm up

Oly Bar Power Clean
60kg 2x3
70kg x3
80kg x3
90kg 2x3

Deadlift 531 block 3 week 1 (beltless)
100kg x5
100kg x3
132.5kg x5
152.5kg x8
Very easy

SLDL (beltless, straps)
140kg x6
Very easy

GHR 3x8
Will start adding weight to this

Sled Sprints
Worked up to Sled + 110kg for 4x30m
richardduceIcon...20-12-2012 @ 16:59 
Member 691, 720 posts
20.12.12 Junction Gym

Xtrainer/bw squat/overhead squat warm up

Back Squat 531 block1 week1
60kg 3x5
70kg x5
92.5kg x5
107.5kg x5 (belt on)
122.5kg x10
Light, but hips still feel a bit grot.

Speed Squats (beltless)
100kg 5 sets of 2

GHR + 10kg

Sled Sprint 15m into Sled Drag 15m
Worked up to Sled + 130kg for 4 rounds

Abs on GHR
richardduceIcon...24-12-2012 @ 11:31 
Member 691, 720 posts
24.12.12 Junction Gym

Xtrainer warm up

Axle Power Clean
65kg 2x3
70kg x3
80kg x3
90kg 2x3
Gonna put a bit moire weight on this next time

Deadlift 531 block3 week2 (beltless)
100kg x5
100kg x3
120kg x3
140kg x3
160kg x8
Very easy and coming on nicely

SLDL (straps, beltless)
150kg x5
Not done many of these so this is a rep pb.

GHR + 10kg
1x10, 1x8, 1x8

Stone Shouldering
70kg x9

Enjoyed training with the Junction lads.
RobboIcon...24-12-2012 @ 12:52 
When I have enough cash, I get a deep tissue.
Member 465, 11029 posts
SQ 240, BP 175, DL 302.5
717.5 kgs @ 104kgs UnEq
Good session today mate. Deads look extremely comfy, had another 4+ reps on the top set!
richardduceIcon...24-12-2012 @ 19:49 
Member 691, 720 posts
Robbo said:Good session today mate. Deads look extremely comfy, had another 4+ reps on the top set!

Cheers bud. Always found with my squats and deads that leaving a few in the tank and not going to failure all the time is better for me in the long run. Those GHRs and SLDLs are helping too i think mate.
richardduceIcon...27-12-2012 @ 15:24 
Member 691, 720 posts
Post Edited: 27.12.2012 @ 15:26 PM by richardduce
27.12.12 Junction Gym

Xtrainer/BW squat/overhead squat warm up

Back Squat 531 block1 week2
60kg 3x5
80kg x5
100kg x5
115kg x3 (Belt on)
130kg x10
Hips tight but not bad really

Speed Squats (beltless)
105kg 4 doubles

GHR + 10kg 2x8
GHR 1x8

GHR abs 3x6

Barrell Loading Medley
72kg to 60" from 3m out
80kg to 54" from 3m out
80kg to 48" from 3m out
101kg to 48" from 3m out
Not bad

Wanted to do Sled work but floor had been painted and still wet. Outside was too slippy also so will do this later in week. Hopefully start pressing again later next week.
richardduceIcon...31-12-2012 @ 12:00 
Member 691, 720 posts
31.12.12 Junction Gym

Xtrainer warm up

Oly Bar Power Clean
Bar xplenty
60kg 2x3
70kg x3
80kg x3
90kg x3
80kg x3
90kg x3
Tech not great today. Xmas excesses making me feel tight and like a slug. Think i did another set with 90kg somewhere during this.

Deadlift 531 block3 week3 (beltless)
100kg 2x5
130kg x5
150kg x3
170kg x5
Was not a max set, but left it there. Capable of a good number when iam fresh at this weight i think.

SLDL (straps, no belt)
Felt really tight. Should have backed up and done some speed work looking back on it.

GHR (no weight added)
x10, x10, x8, x8, x7

All the xmas fun took the edge of this session. Did try to do a bit of bench midway throught the session but elbow felt a bit twangy. All that aside i managed to get some decent work done so iam not displeased.
bruceIcon...31-12-2012 @ 12:02 
a champion ...from the future !!
Member 1806, 3968 posts
SQ 210, BP 140, DL 240
590.0 kgs @ 89kgs UnEq
Good session today pal
richardduceIcon...31-12-2012 @ 12:06 
Member 691, 720 posts
bruce said:Good session today pal

Cheers bud. Hope that dry needling stuff works for you. Sounds horrific. I think i would cry if i had to have it done!
RobboIcon...31-12-2012 @ 12:09 
When I have enough cash, I get a deep tissue.
Member 465, 11029 posts
SQ 240, BP 175, DL 302.5
717.5 kgs @ 104kgs UnEq
Solid deadlifts today mate
richardduceIcon...31-12-2012 @ 12:12 
Member 691, 720 posts
Robbo said:Solid deadlifts today mate

Cheers mate. I know iam good for much more when iam fresh too which is good signs for the future.
richardduceIcon...03-01-2013 @ 15:14 
Member 691, 720 posts
03.01.13 Junction Gym

Xtrainer/bw squat/overhead squat warm up

Back Squat 531 Block1 Week3
60kg 2x5
80kg x5
100kg x5 (belt on)
122.5kg x3
137.5kg x5
Steady Away

Front Squat (narrow stance, beltless)
60kg x2
80kg x2
100kg 2x2

Hypers on GHR

Abs on GHR
2x8, 1x8

Sled Sprint 30m
Worked up to Sled + 70kgs for 4 rounds

Cream Crackered

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