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richardduceIcon...28-08-2014 @ 14:55 
Member 691, 720 posts
28.08.14 Works Gym

Bench Press (tng)
Bar 2x10
60kg 2x5
70kg x5
82.5kg x3
92.5kg x3
97.5kg x5
Steady Away

80kg x10
80kg x8


Bent Laterals

Hammer Curls

Concept 2 Rower
1600m 6 mins 25 secs

Hard work due to Bacardi last night.
richardduceIcon...29-08-2014 @ 20:01 
Member 691, 720 posts
29.08.14 Works Gym

6x3 minute rounds

Tried Squatting and Deadlifting earlier but hips were not having it. Will rest those exercises for a week.
RodgerIcon...29-08-2014 @ 20:03 
salad dodger *missing*
Member 1805, 10367 posts
SQ 215, BP 121, DL 240
576.0 kgs @ 100kgs UnEq
S t r e t c h!
richardduceIcon...29-08-2014 @ 20:17 
Member 691, 720 posts
Rodger said:S t r e t c h!

Been doing a bit of hip mobility and stretching lately Rodge, but i have fallen into the trap of squatting twice a week which always leads to the tightness. I should know better. Really enjoying the cardio though.
richardduceIcon...31-08-2014 @ 12:05 
Member 691, 720 posts
31.08.14 Works Gym

Paused Bench Press
Bar 2x10
60kg 3x3
70kg x3
80kg x3
90kg x5
90kg x5

CGBP (tng)
85kg x10


Alt DB Curl
2x8 1x10
richardduceIcon...01-09-2014 @ 18:29 
Member 691, 720 posts
01.09.14 Works Gym

X Trainer and loads of rollin, stretchin and mobility

Alt KB Swing
20kg 5x30

KB Snatch
20kg 40 reps (20 each hand)

KB Push Press
20kg 40 reps (20 each hand)

KB Snatch
20kg 40 reps (20 each hand)

KB Push Press
20kg 40 reps (20 each hand)

Bike 5k
richardduceIcon...03-09-2014 @ 13:58 
Member 691, 720 posts
03.09.14 Works Gym

X Trainer and mobility warm up

Bench Press (tng)
Bar 2x10
60kg 2x5
70kg x3
80kg x3
90kg x3
100kg x5

CGBP (tng)
90kg x8
All benching was smooth today with reps in tank.


Bent Lateral Raise

4x3 min rounds
richardduceIcon...05-09-2014 @ 20:12 
Member 691, 720 posts
05.09.14 Works Gym

20k Bike

Paused Bench Press
Bar 2x10
60kg 2x3
70kg x3
80kg x3
90kg x7

Low Row

3x2 min rounds

Back to Squats n Deads Monday
richardduceIcon...08-09-2014 @ 15:09 
Member 691, 720 posts
08.09.14 Works Gym

XTrainer, KB and mobility warm up

Back Squat
Bar 2x5
60kg 3x3
100kg x3 (Belt On)
115kg x3
130kg x5
130kg x5
Very easy

Deadlift (all beltless)
60kg 2x3
100kg 2x3
130kg x3
150kg x5
150kg x5

Bench Press (tng)
Bar 2x10
60kg 2x3
70kg x3
80kg x3
92.5kg x3
102.5kg x5

90kg x8

Ball Slam
15kg 4x15
richardduceIcon...11-09-2014 @ 17:59 
Member 691, 720 posts
10.09.14 Works Gym


Low Row

DB Curls

Hammer Curls

Loads of Heavy Bag

11.09.14 Works Gym

Paused Bench Press
Bar 2x10
60kg 2x3
72.5kg x3
80kg x3
85kg x10

4x3 minute rounds
richardduceIcon...12-09-2014 @ 19:19 
Member 691, 720 posts
12.09.13 Works Gym

12ish miles

About 200 reps of various KB stuff done with 24KG bell

Speed Deadlift (Beltless)
Worked up to 6 doubles @ 120kg
richardduceIcon...15-09-2014 @ 15:15 
Member 691, 720 posts
15.09.14 Works Gym

X Trainer, KB & mobility warm up

Bar 2x8
60kg 3x3
100kg x3 (belt on)
120kg x3
137.5kg x8

Bench Press (tng)
Bar 2x10
60kg 2x5
70kg x3
82.5kg x3
95kg x3
105kg x4

92.5kg x7

60kg 2x3
100kg x3
140kg x3 (belt on)
162.5kg x8

Off form today. Need to structure my powerlfting stuff better over the week.
Cycled for 13 mile last Fri, and 23 last Sat. Really good fun.
richardduceIcon...18-09-2014 @ 13:57 
Member 691, 720 posts
Post Edited: 18.09.2014 @ 13:57 PM by richardduce
17.09.14 Cycling

16 miles ish in 1hr 20mins (quite a lot of traffic going out of town)
Got a little gadget that measures speed and all sorts so will be able to log this better. Going to start using proper shoes and pedals next week.

18.09.14 Works Gym


Low Row

EZ Curl

5x2 Min Rounds Gassed quite badly this week for some reason!!
richardduceIcon...19-09-2014 @ 14:09 
Member 691, 720 posts
19.09.14 Works Gym

Bench Press (tng)
Bar 2x10
60kg 2x5
72.5kg x3
85kg x3
95kg x5
95kg x5
95kg x5

Speed Deadlift (Belt on top sets)
Worked up to 5 doubles @ 130kg

Alt KB Swing 20kg (20 reps) into Ball Slam 15kg (20 reps)
3 rounds
richardduceIcon...21-09-2014 @ 12:35 
Member 691, 720 posts
21.09.14 Works Gym

Paused Bench Press
Bar 2x10
60kg 2x3
70kg x3
80kg x3
87.5kg x10

Standing DB Shoulder Press

Pushdowns 3x12

Heavy Bag Work

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