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elbow pain squatting

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IainKendrickIcon...19-04-2013 @ 11:33 
some nice relaxing jazz.
Member 77, 12599 posts
SQ 265, BP 165, DL 280
710.0 kgs @ 93kgs UnEq
Fazc said:
Then he better change his goals, hadn't he! Wink
I think for strongman they are more useful. From his journal that seems to be the goal.

Is squating less weight a good goal? Wink


If he is indeed squating for other stuff then high bar work could indeed be a good tool and as good as. I think if your squating for anything else other than WL or PL bar poss can be whatever you want.
fongIcon...19-04-2013 @ 11:36 
really really interesting
Member 3474, 2816 posts
SQ 170, BP 120, DL 260
550.0 kgs @ 100kgs UnEq
force10 said:Get yourself some USPLabs Cissus quadrangularis powder, 2 tea spoons a day and it sould do the trick.
Dont get the capsules they dont work.

It tastes like tobacco and mud but i have a tub i don't really use anymore. Might be worth getting it back out again. Thanks.
VanillaGorillaIcon...19-04-2013 @ 12:32 
the UK's leading expert in bio mechanics
Member 1973, 7379 posts
It sounds like you are classically internally rotated.

High bar squatting, NSAIDS and Cissus may well mask / resolve the symptoms.

It won't however solve the problem.
fongIcon...19-04-2013 @ 13:47 
really really interesting
Member 3474, 2816 posts
SQ 170, BP 120, DL 260
550.0 kgs @ 100kgs UnEq
Post Edited: 19.04.2013 @ 13:49 PM by fong
VanillaGorilla said:It sounds like you are classically internally rotated.

High bar squatting, NSAIDS and Cissus may well mask / resolve the symptoms.

It won't however solve the problem.

i understand the last two bits.

first bit not so much. is that a mobility issue then?

i appreciate the more technical response, however i don't speak technical Unhappy

(for the record i squatted low bar again today and felt fine with my wrist wraps and thumbless grip. i think i may have just altered grip a little when not using wrist support)
VanillaGorillaIcon...19-04-2013 @ 13:56 
the UK's leading expert in bio mechanics
Member 1973, 7379 posts
Basically an imbalance in the shoulders. Likely tight through anterior delt. Causes internal rotation of the humerus, can manifest itself in tightness through bocep tendon pain and poor external rotation, poor neutral positioning and poor flexibility in, for example, the rack postion and snatch / dislocation positions.
fongIcon...19-04-2013 @ 14:06 
really really interesting
Member 3474, 2816 posts
SQ 170, BP 120, DL 260
550.0 kgs @ 100kgs UnEq
VanillaGorilla said:Basically an imbalance in the shoulders. Likely tight through anterior delt. Causes internal rotation of the humerus, can manifest itself in tightness through bocep tendon pain and poor external rotation, poor neutral positioning and poor flexibility in, for example, the rack postion and snatch / dislocation positions.

i had to google every other word but i think i follow you now, thanks Happy
VanillaGorillaIcon...19-04-2013 @ 14:10 
the UK's leading expert in bio mechanics
Member 1973, 7379 posts
fong said:
i had to google every other word but i think i follow you now, thanks Happy

I started writing an article on this a while ago. If I dropboxed it and can access it from home I might finish it and stick it on my site if people are interested?
fongIcon...19-04-2013 @ 14:10 
really really interesting
Member 3474, 2816 posts
SQ 170, BP 120, DL 260
550.0 kgs @ 100kgs UnEq
definitely, would be much appreciated!
rich_86Icon...19-04-2013 @ 16:57 
Member 1255, 806 posts
SQ 220, BP 135, DL 260
615.0 kgs @ 85kgs UnEq
VanillaGorilla said:
I started writing an article on this a while ago. If I dropboxed it and can access it from home I might finish it and stick it on my site if people are interested?

Yea, for sure. What is your site?
brownbearIcon...19-04-2013 @ 17:01 
Morrisons - rump - 7£
Member 2206, 11578 posts
SQ 228, BP 150, DL 260
638.0 kgs @ 98kgs UnEq
rich_86 said:
Yea, for sure. What is your site?

gorilla pt . com
IainKendrickIcon...19-04-2013 @ 21:27 
some nice relaxing jazz.
Member 77, 12599 posts
SQ 265, BP 165, DL 280
710.0 kgs @ 93kgs UnEq
External rotation of the shoulder is for loosers.

For max strength the joint needs to be imobile unless going for a max lift.

Common sense really.

jtIcon...19-04-2013 @ 21:36 
old age traveller
Member 332, 7867 posts
just do this
Wayne_CowdreyIcon...19-04-2013 @ 23:56 
Still got a little bit of strength
Member 400, 22063 posts
I haven't had a bar on my back for so long now that I'm doubtful I could even get into position.
tonyRAWIcon...21-04-2013 @ 10:33 
Member 4417, 163 posts
SQ 200, BP 142.5, DL 262.5
605.0 kgs @ 95kgs UnEq
Stolen the following from Rippetoe forums :-

Soon after I acquired a nasty case of golfer's-elbow from Low-bar Squats, I decided to do some research on the forum for a solution. I quickly found that this is one of the most commonly addressed problems on the Starting Strength forum, and it took me hours to sort through all of the posts for advice. So, I decided to take the advice from everyone and compile it into one neat list, with hopes that it will be a time-saver to those who run across this problem in the future:

1. Try a wider grip. I have to put my hands pretty close to the collars in order to squat pain free. In order to keep my wrists straight, I can only rest my middle/pinky/ring fingers on the bar.
2. Make sure the bar isn't TOO low on your back. Also, make sure it's completely centered, or else you risk pushing on the heavier end while attempting to keep the bar straight.
3. Keep you back arched and tight, chest and elbows up. Focus on not pushing/pulling/supporting the bar with your arms. It can be hard to focus while squatting with your maximum work weight, but you have to try.
4. Stretch beforehand. Do some high-rep curls to get the blood flowing in your arm.
5. Use neoprene sleeves over your elbows to keep them warm, and for support. Wear them during your warm-up so they can retain more heat.
6. If your gym allows it: Chalk your back
7. Do shoulder dislocates on a daily basis to stretch your shoulders. Do a set of 25 right before your squat session.
8. Learn to ignore the pain. Once you've damaged the tendons, the pain is there to stay for awhile. Maybe weeks, maybe months. Stop being afraid of it. Accept that your elbow is going to hurt.

As far as maintenance for the pain: Ibuprofen, Ice immediately after working out, heat later in the day. Massage the area. Rip's advice for rehabbing the injury is to do high-volume chins. Aim for 25 sets of 2. Be aware, that these chins are going to hurt like hell.


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