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PhillippeHalterIcon...08-09-2014 @ 21:43 
Are horror films healthy...?
Member 5449, 2203 posts
AndyCoupe said:Do you coach weightlifting Phil?

Your a real grafter.

Yeah I coach... Almost all weightlifters or former lifters do as a rule

I received some very good news the other day regarding my previous lifting achieving some notation

A lifetime goal was reached I realised as I unloaded my bar...To be even a small part of such an achievement in future is definitely worth my efforts


I do my fair share I'll give you that... My determination and my commitement are my strongest suits

My weakest is my natural talent but I knew that when I was 11
PhillippeHalterIcon...08-09-2014 @ 21:45 
Are horror films healthy...?
Member 5449, 2203 posts
So I am going to go through the missed sessions in my journal and simply jot down any specifically noteworthy efforts on the watt bike for reference purposes
little_aIcon...08-09-2014 @ 21:48 
still a devious weightlifting bastard
Member 43, 14374 posts
PhillippeHalter said:
I received some very good news the other day regarding my previous lifting achieving some notation
A lifetime goal was reached I realised as I unloaded my bar...To be even a small part of such an achievement in future is definitely worth my efforts

What the deuce is all this about?
PhillippeHalterIcon...08-09-2014 @ 21:49 
Are horror films healthy...?
Member 5449, 2203 posts
little_a said:
What the deuce is all this about?

Excellent question

PM sent
AndyCoupeIcon...08-09-2014 @ 22:07 
His levers get the bar up.
Member 2919, 8635 posts
SQ 195, BP 127.5, DL 225
547.5 kgs @ 77kgs UnEq
PhillippeHalter said:
Yeah I coach... Almost all weightlifters or former lifters do as a rule
I received some very good news the other day regarding my previous lifting achieving some notation
A lifetime goal was reached I realised as I unloaded my bar...To be even a small part of such an achievement in future is definitely worth my efforts
I do my fair share I'll give you that... My determination and my commitement are my strongest suits
My weakest is my natural talent but I knew that when I was 11

Do you have any videos of your lifting? Sounds like good news that you speak of?
PhillippeHalterIcon...08-09-2014 @ 22:51 
Are horror films healthy...?
Member 5449, 2203 posts
AndyCoupe said:
Do you have any videos of your lifting? Sounds like good news that you speak of?

I think you asked me that before... Yeah I have some videos knocking around somewhere

It was good news...well, is.

Re HR monitors... I'm going to buy a suunto avtiv2

I have heard good things of them and I will take good care of one
PhillippeHalterIcon...09-09-2014 @ 21:35 
Are horror films healthy...?
Member 5449, 2203 posts
Tuesday 9th September 2014

A log of Words

Today I started the day as I always do with a twenty minute walk walking my dog. I'm sure that over time this low impact cardiovascular exercise will have a positive training effect on me as will my very busy working day.

However in terms of logging I will only be including activities where I actively go out of my way to work up a sweat rather than for professional or habitual reasons...The only exception to this will be when I start cycling to work I will add up my weekly miles traveled and post them when I weigh myself on Mondays.

So today I did some more weightlifting. My left knee hurt more than my right but both are stiffer than I'd like due to lots of bike based exercise. Also my pubis is still bruised so I still cant snatch yet.

I warmed up well as I have to nowadays as I'm never far away from my last tough session... Did five sets of five on power snatches with forty kilos and then started to think about snatch pulls to knee. For these I did threes and held every rep for five seconds, building up to one hundred and thirty kilos. This amount of weight is more than enough currently. I then played with a few sets of three power cleans with seventy kilos then onwards to some full clean singles. They went seventy, ninety, one ten, one thirty and then one forty to finish.

With my knees hurting and almost out of time I then did twenty reps of back squats with an empty bar and then committed myself to five minutes of stretching with the bar in the squat position. Being ever the optimist I have lots of ground to gain in this department.

That was a productive morning albeit stuck in traffic alot... I am very much looking forward to the benefits of cycling places and not waiting with my hand on the clutch knee trying not to get pissed off listening to tracks thinking if I could use ity in a spin class.

In the afternoon I did my Watt bike for half an hour and later on did a BodyPump class again with the aforementioned poundages.

Today's Watt Bike statistics were:


Av Power 182W

Av Speed 22.1MPH

HR Av 131BPM

11.04 Miles

And that's me done for another day
PhillippeHalterIcon...13-09-2014 @ 21:47 
Are horror films healthy...?
Member 5449, 2203 posts
Wednesday 10th September 2014



In the morning I did a fitness class aimed at improving strength and fitness. First of all was barbell deadlifts with sixty kilos for a minute or so followed by the same length of time doing burpees and then finally plank star jumps...There was a small rest period in between these exercise but nothing of consequence. We did this three times. Next we did barbell bent over rows, high knees and plank get ups using the same format as it the circuit earlier. Last of all the exercises were... With the same sixty kilo bar... Push press followed by squat jumps and then a plank hold.

My lats were cramping an awful lot during this class for some reason... But my traps were no longer aching unlike first thing in the morning.

After them nine sets of work we did three sets of various abdominal work adding up to three hundered repititions. As a workout it achieved its goals just.


I was obviously very warm now. I did snatch pulls with my fantastic straps, building up to one hundred and thirty kilos for three sets of three. This is all I need to do for now and maybe even a bit more than necessary especially given how fast they were.

Having pondered my excellent pulls I decided to find out how much I could back squat for three repetitions. Taking small increases I managed a hundred and sixty kilos... Again this is good I feel/felt.

I'm finding my weightlifting to be getting strong quicker than I thought... But then again I am training my wotsits off. I then gave myself ten miuntes to stretch off.

In the afternoon I went on the Watt Bike for half an hour and managed the following:


Av HR 138

11.49 miles

Then later did a spin class and clocked up eight point seven miles in forty minutes and that was that
PhillippeHalterIcon...19-09-2014 @ 08:51 
Are horror films healthy...?
Member 5449, 2203 posts
Thursday 11th September 2014


In the morning I did a forty five minute circuit using different vipr logs as well as bodyweight exercises in between. It was pretty fun although I am still far too large for this stuff... For now. My left lat cramped up again in between stations, I had to cross my arms and lean over with my elbows on my thighs while the discomfort passed. I had completely forgot about this since the last time I had it on the class a few days earlier. I think there is some movement of balance changing within my shoulder joints since stopping pressing so much and returning to Olympic weightlifting.

A short period later after I had a slush puppy I did a different session with the same group of people. It was almost exactely the same as the sixty kilo barbell circuit I did the day before. Again it was forty five minutes long and we all did fifteen minutes of abs after that. My lat cramp passed during this session.

To be continued...
PhillippeHalterIcon...19-09-2014 @ 11:24 
Are horror films healthy...?
Member 5449, 2203 posts
Thursday 11th September 2014


I started off with five sets of five strapped hang power snatches. I then build up on singles up to a hundred kilos. I could go any reps due to my pubic bruising and my dicky wrist. The next time I do these I am going to try and use my pulling straps over my wrist supports... If I'm going to get any benefit from these in future I simply must make this adjustment. I went back to forty kilos and did five sets of three hang snatches and then decided to live to fight another day. So on to front squats.... May aswell power jerk the last rep too. Forty, sixty, eighty, a ton and one ten to finish. I knew I could power clean with my soft tissue damage so I went up to one twenty as the last exercise before I had to leave.


On this bike it said just over seven miles and nearly three hundred calories in half an hour. It's accuracy is a consideration but not a concern... I cant wait to start attempting to work within some predetermined zones

A very busy day at work meant I did lots of other stuff and returned home with a very full bag of washing to do
PhillippeHalterIcon...19-09-2014 @ 13:50 
Are horror films healthy...?
Member 5449, 2203 posts
Friday 12th September 2014

I had to cancel my Pilates class which was a bit of dampener but as Fridays go it wasn't a bad one. My training started as follows. I did ten sets of ten reps on barbell bicep curls and diamond press ups. I did this as fast as I could and it was grim. During the day I manged to cycle twelve miles in an hour... But from my memory fails me with any more details... I don't know if that was in one go or broke up into small intervals. I'm not bothered anyway because these bikes mark you low anyway.


I power cleaned one hundred and forty kilos and back squated the bar for twenty. The fact I managed this before the gym shut was a success in itself. I them driven past an award winning fish and chip shop who's legendary stays is the stuff of legends.

When I say driven past that was not before I gave myself then treat I deserved of double fish and chips... This will be a frequent event I am sure.
PhillippeHalterIcon...19-09-2014 @ 13:52 
Are horror films healthy...?
Member 5449, 2203 posts
The literary errors in that post are an irritation... But not a big enough one to EDIT out

It makes sense at least... Most of it
PhillippeHalterIcon...20-09-2014 @ 10:03 
Are horror films healthy...?
Member 5449, 2203 posts
Saturday 13th September 2014

Cycling Class

I did eight point two miles in forty minutes.


A one hour class.

Watt Bike

My bum was only in the seat for fifteen minutes unfortunately but I managed to spend almost three hundred calories at almost twenty five miles an hour average. The important info for reference were an average power output of two forty watts and a bpm of one four two.
PhillippeHalterIcon...21-09-2014 @ 10:25 
Are horror films healthy...?
Member 5449, 2203 posts
Sunday 14th September 2014

Cycle Class

I did two of these back to back and kept my heart rate above one twenty for both and my revs per minute over eight except when told otherwise. The most my heart reached was one hundred and sixty eight beats per minute.


I tried a new cross trainer out... It was a good one. I just did ten minutes at one ten bpm and left it there as I wanted to do some weightlifting


The following session is pretty similar to others I have done. This is deliberate and to my credit. After my rest period I am evolving my training.

On this day I started on power snatches and did fifteen reps on forty kilos split between five sets. I then went up to a hundred kilos in singles. This was a solid set up for snatches but after the same warm up I stalled at seventy with a busted pubis.

Onto cleans. Starting with power cleans and one red in the bar. I did five threes and without fear of pain moved up to a peachy lift a shade more than your bathroom scales can tolerate. Returning to the opening weight I clean and power jerked my way up towards one hindered and forty kilos.

All going well here I needed to pull and squat to call it great. For threes. I pulled three reds and back squatted two reds and a yellow.

The chippy wasn't opening so I ran around the local park which took half an hour or so before it did. I purposefully didn't time it but being the first time I have ran in a long time I wanted to start and finish without an messing about in between. This brought back some memory's of being caught many a time by the son of a Busby Babe... In my youth everybody always said you couldn't get away from Stiles

I ran at times as if I had caught his gaze over the pond or through the trees. Three times.
PhillippeHalterIcon...21-09-2014 @ 10:26 
Are horror films healthy...?
Member 5449, 2203 posts
In the first paragraph I meant eighty rpm not eight

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