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His pec is f**ked too Unhappy
JackRevans said:
I could continue but I will always have a squashed disc. Anyway iv already left the GBPF Facebook page so it's too late

Sorry to hear of your trouble Jack.
As you have already hit the nuclear Facebook button perhaps this comment is redundant, but did the dr. not prescribe physio?-) Usually a physio will be able to recommend the exercises to sort the inflammation and build up the support muscles around the area to compensate. As you've said you have had a misshapen disc for years (since birth?) and built up some impressive strength. Maybe it’s a bit premature to totally give up your hobby.
I will be seeing a physio courtesy of the NHS in 1 month. If this is unsuccessful then I will be offered injections (presumably cortisone) into the spine. Although I don't know if that is a long term solution.

I have had this for about 3 years
How did you do the injury mate?

Was it during a specific lift on a specific day or was it just lifting generally over time?
If you want to continue 3 lift powerlifting, you'll have to be smart about it. It's doable if you really want to but you'll have to become an expert at listening to your body (your back specifically). Also, forget about following prescribed routines.

I reckon, with lots of trial and error, you'll still be able to squat and deadlift heavy weights. My guess is that you'll have to train with significantly reduced frequency and volume ie squatting once every 7-10 days and pulling twice a month. Basically, Sheiko ain't for you, but I'm sure you don't need me to tell you that.

My back isn't as bad as yours, but it isn't great. I have a few squished disks too. I personally found squatting and deadlifting so infrequently didn't satisfy me but it was all I could do. I eventually got bored (never ever thought I'd say that) and fell out of love with lifting. It does happen.
dr_hazbun said:If you want to continue 3 lift powerlifting, you'll have to be smart about it. It's doable if you really want to but you'll have to become an expert at listening to your body (your back specifically). Also, forget about following prescribed routines.

I reckon, with lots of trial and error, you'll still be able to squat and deadlift heavy weights. My guess is that you'll have to train with significantly reduced frequency and volume ie squatting once every 7-10 days and pulling twice a month. Basically, Sheiko ain't for you, but I'm sure you don't need me to tell you that.

My back isn't as bad as yours, but it isn't great. I have a few squished disks too. I personally found squatting and deadlifting so infrequently didn't satisfy me but it was all I could do. I eventually got bored (never ever thought I'd say that) and fell out of love with lifting. It does happen.

This quote makes great sense, but even more so considering you are a Doctor and a lifter.

Could Jack still do a lot of speed work and go heavy sometimes? I would imagine somebody could be competitve doing that. Unfortunately most would hate to always hit sub max weights constantly. However the body would thank you for it.
AdamT said:
Could Jack still do a lot of speed work and go heavy sometimes?

Don't know. It's a case of try and see. For me, it didn't work as I found speed work too jarring to do frequently. I still had to space my workouts out a lot and with them so spaced out, the weights had to stay medium to heavy in order to get any training benefit.
Thank you I really appreciate your advice. I will consider it , but right now I am not that depressed about the thought of doing lat pull down and side raises.

Rob, I'm 99% certain it started with a 230kg semi sumo deadlift in October 2012
Yeah but if Jack trained with low frequency/volume Sugden might get all angry and knicker-twisty with him.
If I was to squat once every 10 days and deadlift twice a month, would I just go up to 1 top heavy set of say 1 to 3 reps? And would I be able to do things such as leg press and what have you on days in between that? Like once every 5 days?
I think Bolton trains infrequently, consider shooting him a PM?
Several years back I ran into a disc issue (L4/5 so just a tad higher than yours) that meant I had to stop training in a 'tradtional' manner & stop doing the big 3. Never mind spinal loading via squats or deadlifts, even arching my back for bench caused me problems. My problem was due to a very slight congenital hip condition; not a problem in day to day life, but not good for powerlifting.

After a couple of years of constant re-injury & spending a stupid amount on physios/osteopaths and the like eventually I got to the stage where a specialist who'd worked at places like Loughborough Uni told me I should quit the gym altogether. So yes I was pretty depressed about it for a while but then decided to reassess my training style & now looking back it was the right decision & I'm stronger than I was before. Plus I'm not risking the long term health of my spine for a hobby!

Thesedays my upper body work is based around dip & pull up variations. This may sound limited but once you add weight via a belt, use paused rep patterns, work on gymnastic rings etc etc there is plenty of scope for progression. The gymnastic rings were the best £40 I've ever spent. I 'enjoy' learning gymnastic moves like muscle up, levers & crosses to keep things varied.

Lower body is more tricky obviously. Hip belt squats (using the 'super squats' belt sold by Ironmind) are a great way to squat with almost zero pressure on the spine. Of late my preferred option is to start a leg session with very heavy prowler pushes, then move onto Bulgarian split squats - by doing the prowler first I can then use relatively much lighter weights for the squats. Kettlebell swings & hip thrusters are a good way to keep the 'hinge' movement you'll lose if you stop deadlifting.

I guess what I'm saying is that there is life after powerlifting so don't get too down about it.

I have no real positive input to help with your situation, well other than insulina... But I do wish you all the best and nothing but warmth, love and joy.
JackRevans said:If I was to squat once every 10 days and deadlift twice a month, would I just go up to 1 top heavy set of say 1 to 3 reps?

Yeah, I'd say so. Whether you go for the 3 or the single will depend on how you felt that day, hence the issue with pre-prescribed workouts.

And would I be able to do things such as leg press and what have you on days in between that? Like once every 5 days?

That should be ok as long as you're sensible eg choosing lat pull down over bent over row so as to avoid stressing the back.


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