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If in doubt do some squats!

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James26Icon...07-12-2012 @ 09:15 
Member 2298, 1768 posts
SQ 255, BP 200, DL 320
775.0 kgs @ 127kgs UnEq
Careful with those cleans mate, but good luck with the powerlifting.

Do you train at monster gym in cheshunt? Its not far from me in Hatfield but never given it a try. Do they have strongman equipment there?
glen_danburyIcon...07-12-2012 @ 09:20 
Member 735, 1193 posts
SQ 220, BP 135, DL 235
590.0 kgs @ 80kgs UnEq
they have three different size logs, titans tank and outside have some axles with wheels on, two 300kg tyres and two 400kg tyres and a keg loaded with cement to around 100kg

luckily it was only 60kg but shins and ankles are killing where bar caught me, but its minor compared to my pride for making such a t**t of myself Happy
glen_danburyIcon...10-12-2012 @ 08:20 
Member 735, 1193 posts
SQ 220, BP 135, DL 235
590.0 kgs @ 80kgs UnEq

Squats 163 x 5,2,5,5,5
Bench 80kg,90kg, 95kg, 102kg, 107.5kg x 5
Cleans 55,60,62,65,72 x 5

Constantly rushing these sessions – squats started off beltless but on second set went down, went to deep and didn’t feel stable and got stapled to the squat racks, put belt on for the next few sets and felt fine. Bench was surprisingly easy! Consider it’s the one I struggle with was very surprised how good this went up. Full cleans was ok, didn’t kill myself today but did find as I tired the full clean turned into a pwer clean as I wasn’t dropping into the squat enough.

Going to do some additional work tonight to catch up on accessory stuff and get some conditioning done as well
glen_danburyIcon...11-12-2012 @ 10:37 
Member 735, 1193 posts
SQ 220, BP 135, DL 235
590.0 kgs @ 80kgs UnEq
Last night did a little extra in the gym due to a rushed morning session and think this will become a consistant thing

5 mins cycling
Burpee into jump pull up 3 x 8
Crossfit Kettlebell swing 3 x 10 24kg
Stretches for hips and glutes
RodgerIcon...11-12-2012 @ 12:44 
salad dodger *missing*
Member 1805, 10367 posts
SQ 215, BP 121, DL 240
576.0 kgs @ 100kgs UnEq
You the EQ Nutrition chap from the naturals finals?
Nice lifts - good luck with the journal mateHappy
glen_danburyIcon...11-12-2012 @ 13:59 
Member 735, 1193 posts
SQ 220, BP 135, DL 235
590.0 kgs @ 80kgs UnEq
yep thats me Grin cheers

had a jig of the program - due to the fact i will only get to monster gym two times a week I need to do the following for my barbell work - friday doesnt look nice!!!

Day Exercise Reps Wk 1 Wk 2 Wk 3 Wk 4 Reps Wk 5 Wk 6 Wk 7 Wk 8 Wk 9
Monday Squat 5 145 163 181 190 3 190 196 201 207 212
5 145 163 181 190 3 190 196 201 207 212
5 145 163 181 190 3 190 196 201 207 212
5 145 163 181 190
5 145 163 181 190
Bench 5 73 82 91 96 3 101 103 105 107 110
5 79 89 98 103 3 113 116 118 120 123
5 84 95 106 111 3 126 129 131 134 137
5 90 102 113 118
5 96 108 120 126
powerclean 5 49 55 61 64 3 67 69 70 71 73
5 52 59 66 69 3 76 77 79 80 82
5 56 63 70 74 3 84 86 87 89 91
5 60 68 75 79
5 64 72 80 84

Squat 5 119 134 149 156 3 164 168 171 175 179
5 128 144 160 168 3 185 189 192 196 201
5 138 155 172 181 3 205 210 214 218 224
5 147 165 184 193
5 156 176 196 205
Deadlift 5 155 174 193 203 3 203 209 214 220 226
5 155 174 193 203 3 203 209 214 220 226
5 155 174 193 203 3 203 209 214 220 226
5 155 174 193 203
5 155 174 193 203
OH press 5 53 59 66 69 3 69 71 73 75 77
5 53 59 66 69 3 69 71 73 75 77
5 53 59 66 69 3 69 71 73 75 77
5 53 59 66 69
5 53 59 66 69

on wednesdays I will be doing some overhead kettlebell squats, dumbell zavikas presses and pull ups using the 5x5 template as per normal and doing two crossfit style conditining sessions probably on monday and friday evening

lets see how it works
glen_danburyIcon...12-12-2012 @ 08:20 
Member 735, 1193 posts
SQ 220, BP 135, DL 235
590.0 kgs @ 80kgs UnEq
Post Edited: 12.12.2012 @ 08:20 AM by glen_danbury

Squats 142kg x 5,5,5,5,5
Deadlift 172x5,5,5,5,5
Overhead press 60kg x 5,5,5,4

Really felt my hips fatigued on the deadlifts – started them at 6:30 and was done with all five sets within twelve minutes so was going at a reasonable pace – last two sets I put the belt on.
Again was rushing the overhead presses and had done all four sets in around ten minutes meaning I missed the last rep on the fourth set and due to time binned the last set. Don’t know why the squats took so long considering they are relatively light???
glen_danburyIcon...14-12-2012 @ 08:01 
Member 735, 1193 posts
SQ 220, BP 135, DL 235
590.0 kgs @ 80kgs UnEq
Not bad session – cleans were ropey so only did three sets otherwise I ended up power cleaning them and wanted to focus on proper full clean form

Squats 135,145,155,165,180 x 5
Bench 100kg x 5,5,5,5,5
Cleans 65kg x5,5,5
Pendlay rows 85kg x 10
Dips +5kg x 15
glen_danburyIcon...17-12-2012 @ 13:24 
Member 735, 1193 posts
SQ 220, BP 135, DL 235
590.0 kgs @ 80kgs UnEq
Feel the workload stepping up – took my until third set to feel comfortable with the squats which was a combination of the temperature and the fact I spent the entire weekend humping furniture and boxes upstairs as I moved places

Squats 180kg x 5,5,5,5,5
Bench press 90, 100,105,110,120 x 5
Cleans 60,65,70, 75, x 5, 80kg x3

By the time I was doing the cleans I felt I wasn’t getting any drop and was essentially power cleaning it. might need to think about doing cleans a s a warm up to my squats which would both save time and also mean I do this technical movement fresh
glen_danburyIcon...19-12-2012 @ 20:43 
Member 735, 1193 posts
SQ 220, BP 135, DL 235
590.0 kgs @ 80kgs UnEq
did a quick session yesterday

pull ups +8kg x5,5,5,5,5
zavickas press 20kg kettlebells x 5,5,5,5,5
overhead squat 2x12kg kettlebells x 5

stabilizing my shoulders on the overhead squats was near impossible!!!!
glen_danburyIcon...21-12-2012 @ 09:13 
Member 735, 1193 posts
SQ 220, BP 135, DL 235
590.0 kgs @ 80kgs UnEq
First time doing the deads after squats on the 5x5 and I had to cut it to three sets due to time limitations and the fact it felt bloody arduous!!

155,165,175,185 x 5, 195 x 4
192kg x 5,5,5
Overhead press
70kg x 5,5,4
Incline neutral grip dumbbell presses 14,24, 30kg x 15, 30kg x 11

Ended up cutting the overheads as well due to missing the fifth rep of the third set – not bad workout but might find the deadlifts hit towards the end of the program but it doesn’t matter as long as the squat keeps going upwards

might have a circuit session later wioth the gym team as bonding exercise with all the rest of the centres staff - should be fun Roll-Eyes
glen_danburyIcon...02-01-2013 @ 08:23 
Member 735, 1193 posts
SQ 220, BP 135, DL 235
590.0 kgs @ 80kgs UnEq
Christmas eve

squats 190kg x5,5,5,5
bench 95,105,110,115 x5, 125x3
cleans 65x5, 70kg x2 - gave up
hypertension +20kg x15

fridays session

squats - worked upto 205kg x5
deadlifts 203kg x3 - lowerback went into spasms - agony all weekend

monday was tentative

squats 190kg 2x3
bench worked up to 125kg x 3
cleans 60,70,80kg x 3

squatting was easy but unracking and walking out the weight was agony as my lower back started to spasm and only stopped when I flexed my hips indicating again its my glute medius causing all the issues
glen_danburyIcon...02-01-2013 @ 12:48 
Member 735, 1193 posts
SQ 220, BP 135, DL 235
590.0 kgs @ 80kgs UnEq
Did a quick session at the work gym in my break

Overhead kettlebell squats 8kg,12kg, 16kh, 20kg x 5.

Pull ups bw,10kg,16kg x 5

Zavickas presses with dumbells – 16kg’s, 20kg’s x 5, 26kg x 3
Dips bw x 20,20
throwerIcon...02-01-2013 @ 13:51 
Member 384, 353 posts
SQ 250, BP 162.5, DL 287.5
700.0 kgs @ 88kgs Eq
Well done.Like your log of training .Why not also do (token) full power at the British on April 6th?.Keep the door open for the Worlds in Glasgow later in the year.Just a thought!

follow us on facebook-bournemouthbarbell-daily reports on W/L--P/L//Strength training.
glen_danburyIcon...02-01-2013 @ 22:17 
Member 735, 1193 posts
SQ 220, BP 135, DL 235
590.0 kgs @ 80kgs UnEq
did think about it Paul but could only afford (both financially and time commitment) to do one really and after last year really enjoyed going abroad to compete so antwerp is the focus - that and the fact I despise benching Happy

might see if I can get to the full power just to help pat out

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