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glen_danbury | ... | 26-05-2015 @ 18:40 | |
Member 735, 1193 posts SQ 220, BP 135, DL 235590.0 kgs @ 80kgs UnEq | feel like coming down with a cold as throat sore as hell benxh 60kg x 5 80kg x 5 100kg x 1 110kg x 1 115kg x 3,3,3,3,5 - was wanting eight but all with decent pause incline dumbell press 47.5kg x 10, 5 pull ups bw x 23 overhead press 50kg x 10, 8 pendlay rows 60kg x 10 90kg x 10 | ||
glen_danbury | ... | 28-05-2015 @ 08:01 | |
Member 735, 1193 posts SQ 220, BP 135, DL 235590.0 kgs @ 80kgs UnEq | full of snot and feel like crap. had an EQ preworkout + which took the edge of the lethergy deadlifts 655kg x 5 100kg x 5 140kg x 3 180kg x 1 hook grip beltless 200kg x 1belt on alternate grip 217.5kg x3, 3,2. poo as scheduled to do five sets low bar squats 65kg x 5 105kg x 5 145kg x 3 175kg x 1 190kg x 2, 3 meant to do 2 reps for three sets but did a triple which felt good and left it there. legs felt drained pull ups bw x 23 | ||
glen_danbury | ... | 29-05-2015 @ 08:07 | |
Member 735, 1193 posts SQ 220, BP 135, DL 235590.0 kgs @ 80kgs UnEq | snot and lethargy still present but feelimgetting better push press bar x 5 40kg x 5 60kg x2 80kg x 1 85kg x 3ish, 3ish - not looking out 80kg x 3 close gripbench press 80kg x 10 90kg x 10 100kg x 5 - no spotter so stopped well short of failure pull ups bw x 23 +10kg x 5, 5 lateral raises 12kgs x 15, 15 incline dumbell curls 12kgs x 12, 12 | ||
glen_danbury | ... | 31-05-2015 @ 16:44 | |
Member 735, 1193 posts SQ 220, BP 135, DL 235590.0 kgs @ 80kgs UnEq | disappointing session highbar squats 60kgx 5 100kg x 3 140kg x 3 160kg x 1 belt on 180kg x 1 195kg x 1 205kg x 2 - first was shallow. wanted three low bar squaf 140kg x 3, 1 - lowerback tweaked sumo deadlifts 100kg x 3, 140kg x 3 169kg x 1 180kg x f - back didnt feel right pull ups bw x w3 | ||
glen_danbury | ... | 02-06-2015 @ 19:25 | |
Member 735, 1193 posts SQ 220, BP 135, DL 235590.0 kgs @ 80kgs UnEq | today. lowerback still stiff upon waking bench bar x 5 60kg x 5 80kg x 3 100kg x 1 110kg x 1 120kg x 1 125kg x 4 - wanted 5-6 but 4 equates to just over 140kg max incline dumbell press 50kg x 10, 5 pull ups bw x 24, +15kg x 5,5 kettlebell swings 16kg x 10 20kg x 10 24kg x 10 - amazing how these always make my back feel so much better dumbell curls 15kgs x 10, 10 feel incredibly excited. purchased a new needle bearing barbell today - should arrive later this week. as soon as the Worlds are done it's a race to a 300lb clean and jerk. also made the decision to have ten to twelve weeks of no back squatting. Two reasons, one to have a break from it but secondly to give it front squats a real focus and get that 180kg mark | ||
glen_danbury | ... | 04-06-2015 @ 08:20 | |
Member 735, 1193 posts SQ 220, BP 135, DL 235590.0 kgs @ 80kgs UnEq | very early session this morning. want back to be 100% so did overhead work push press bar x 5 40kg xx5 60kg x 3 80kg x 1 90kg x 3 - really poo and struggled with lockouts. need to focus on lockout strength going forwards pull ups bw x 24 close grip bench 60kg x 5 80kg x 10 90kg x. 10 100kg x 7 got some bench pointers from tony the owner of 1RM. my set up is definitely poo and feel withbeing tighter could see a drastic improvement in bench kettlebell swings 20kg x 10 date nailed down for BDFPA east midlands. need to get new tshirts and medals designed as want this to be a premium comp | ||
glen_danbury | ... | 05-06-2015 @ 17:29 | |
Member 735, 1193 posts SQ 220, BP 135, DL 235590.0 kgs @ 80kgs UnEq | today. slightly tentative as back still felt tight. had to wait ages as equipped lifters were taking for ever deadlifts 60kg x 3 100kg x 3 140kg x 3 180kg - hookgrip beltless 200kg x 1 belt alternate grip 220kg x 1 235kg x 2 - solid and if I had been bolder could have been a third there low bar squats - had to use the power rack as equipped lifters were now hogging racks 60kg x 3 100kg x 3 140kg x 1 160kg x 1 belt on 180kg x 1 195kg x 1 - got pissed off as floor had a bump and stood on it every rep! 205kg x 2 - asked to work in at the rack. felt much better and again if had been bold there was more reps there pull ups bw x 24 feel very confident for next week . equipped lifting is not my cup of tea - a session must take four hours as it takes 20 mins between sets to get suited and wrapped up!!!! | ||
glen_danbury | ... | 08-06-2015 @ 18:47 | |
Member 735, 1193 posts SQ 220, BP 135, DL 235590.0 kgs @ 80kgs UnEq | last session before worlds on friday trying to keep volume low and intensity high but it was a mental battle as feel you aren't doing enough low bar squats 60kg x 5 100kg x 3 140kg x 2 160kg x 1 belt on 180kg x 1 195kg x 1 205kg x 1 - went up like a rocket. stood afterwards tempted to rep out as felt i had at least five in me pull ups bw x 25 eager to compete and get started on a new training focus but this session left me with good confidence for friday. all I want is a PB!!!! | ||
glen_danbury | ... | 15-06-2015 @ 12:14 | |
Member 735, 1193 posts SQ 220, BP 135, DL 235590.0 kgs @ 80kgs UnEq | no PB! so friday was a mixed bag. ended up in third place in seniors (and third place for whole class including all the competitors) felt ok going into this - had a nervous night before hand doing my international reffing exam. warm up felt good. spent a lot of time woth wes mcguiness who placed second at the British and knew we would be a close contest. first was out of the question as Moldovan guy was opening around 220 and eventually finished his third on anew world record of 245kg. I opened in 205kg - no problem 217.5kg secong lift - no lift. was worried over depth and pretty much took it as deep as possible and didnt recover it on the asccent. at this point wes had missed the same lift and i knew we was battling for second and third. if i went heavier and missed could drop out of top three so ended up taking same weight again. Wes was up first and hit it. i felt this was a good indication i had 220kg + in me today as took it as deep as necessary and it went up fairly easy. due to bodyweight this meant wes beatme as he was 0.1kg lighter and took the new British record we had both just did. moving up to u90kg now as weight cuts are hitting my progress I think - that and I like my food! | ||
glen_danbury | ... | 15-06-2015 @ 20:53 | |
Member 735, 1193 posts SQ 220, BP 135, DL 235590.0 kgs @ 80kgs UnEq | decided to have an easy fun week before embarking on new program. c took my new needlebraribgbar for a spin (pun intended!). needto get some flexibility back!!! heaving snatch balance bar x 5 40kg x 5 50kg x 5 60kg x 3 high hang cleans 1+ jerk 60kg x 3+1, 3+1 pull ups bw x 25 dumbell curls 24kgs x 10, 10 11 weeks without back squatting - can I cope!!! | ||
glen_danbury | ... | 16-06-2015 @ 19:43 | |
Member 735, 1193 posts SQ 220, BP 135, DL 235590.0 kgs @ 80kgs UnEq | another light session hifh hang snatches bar x 5 30kg x 3 40kg x 3 50kg x 3 60kg x 2 bench press bar x 5 60kgx 5 80kg x 3 100kg x 1 110kg x 2 - trying slightly altered tecnique - wider grip, more up on shoulders, feet turned out more pull ups bw x 25 - last three a bit to swingy recording nutrition which i havent done in a long time. slow growth up to 90kg | ||
glen_danbury | ... | 18-06-2015 @ 09:21 | |
Member 735, 1193 posts SQ 220, BP 135, DL 235590.0 kgs @ 80kgs UnEq | getting a nice groove going - starting weights for program in full next week but withmuch lower volume clean and jerks bar x3 +1 40kg x 3+1 60kg x 3+1 80kg x 2 - missed the last rep as over pulled and just kida stood there with it front squats 60kg x 2 80kg x 2 100kg x 2 130kg x 2 deadlifts beltless and hook grip 120kg x 2 140kg x 2 180kg x 2 192.5kg x 2 pull ups bw x 25 all my volume deadlifts will be done beltless and hook grip. same with front squats as will be beltless. rep days will be belted with aim of max performance | ||
glen_danbury | ... | 22-06-2015 @ 12:25 | |
Member 735, 1193 posts SQ 220, BP 135, DL 235590.0 kgs @ 80kgs UnEq | today - first day of new program heaving snatch balance bar x 5 40kg x 3 50kg x 3 60kg x 5, 5 high hang cleans + jerks 50kg x 1+1 65kg x 3+1, 3+1, 3+1 front squats 80kg x 1 112.5kg x 12 - dissapointed as needed 18 to keep on track for 180kg max deadlifts. beltless and hook grip 110kg x 3 150kg x 3 192.5kg x 2,2,2,2,2,2 pull ups bw x 20 - just too knackered | ||
glen_danbury | ... | 23-06-2015 @ 19:40 | |
Member 735, 1193 posts SQ 220, BP 135, DL 235590.0 kgs @ 80kgs UnEq | today highhang snatches bar x 5 40kg x 3 45kg x 3,3 wasnt pulling myself under the bar enough but still pretty smooth benching 60kg x 5 80kg x 3 100kg x 12 overhead press 60kg x 2 75kg x 2,2,2,2,2,2 pull ups bw x 5 +10kg x 10,10, 5 dumbell curls 12kgs x 15, 15 trying new set up on bench. wider grip, tighter set up and. feet turned out more. feels stronger but found losing form as reps went on. pressing muscles didnt give out but couldnt maintain the set up as set went in. overhead press was harder than i thought - think set my 1RM for estimating 80% too high. will stick with this though finding hitting my target kcals tough as often need another 300kcals come the end of the day - not going to complain though! | ||
glen_danbury | ... | 25-06-2015 @ 16:35 | |
Member 735, 1193 posts SQ 220, BP 135, DL 235590.0 kgs @ 80kgs UnEq | great session today at 1RM. started off with clean and jerks and worked in with a guy prepping for a BWL comp. made me really try and hit my positions well and is exactly the reasin I changed gyms clean and jerks bar x 3+1 40kg x 3+1,3+1 60kg x 3+1, 3+1 70kg x 3+1,3+1 80kg x 3+1,3+1,3+1 deadlifts 140kg x 2 170kg x 12 - belt on alternate grip front squats 60kg x 2 100kg x 2 130kg x 2,2,2,2,2,2 bulgarian split squats 22.5kg bells x 10, 10 both legs pull ups bw x 16,10 - too fatigued asked the gym if they knew of anyone selling a squat suit and tony the owner lent me a size 38 titan suit. going to have a play and see where it takes me | ||
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