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If in doubt do some squats!

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glen_danburyIcon...22-04-2013 @ 09:42 
Member 735, 1193 posts
SQ 220, BP 135, DL 235
590.0 kgs @ 80kgs UnEq
Today – felt very weird with a deload week, didn’t feel like I needed it but thought it would be best to stick to the program

Squats 80,100,120 x 5
Hang cleans 70kg x 3,2 80kg x 3,3,3
Jerks 80kg x 2
Safety bar good mornings 60,80 x 10

Was meant to do 3x6 with 70kg on the hang cleans – first few sets were dreadful and just couldn’t drop. Sat and thought about what I was doing and how the way I have my loading increases set up in my deload week I have the highest volume for Olympic lifts, as such decided to pull next weeks loads forward one week. As such as the weeks go by I will now do

Week 1 3x4
Week 2 3x5
Week 3 3x6
Deload 3x3 – heavier weight

The benefit of this is a reduced volume in my deload week keeping in line with the rest of the program, but also when I am fresh from not killing myself on squats or deads I should be good to get comfortable with the new heavier weight before ramping up the volume with it in the following weeks – 80kg 3x3 felt easier than the 70kg – seemed to move quicker and really nail getting underneath the bar better
glen_danburyIcon...24-04-2013 @ 09:07 
Member 735, 1193 posts
SQ 220, BP 135, DL 235
590.0 kgs @ 80kgs UnEq
Hating this deload rubbish

Oh press 35,40,45 x 5
Bench 45,55,65 x 5
Hang cleans 50 x 3, 70 x 2, 80, 1 90 x F,F,F,F
Pendlay rows 100kg ,110kg x 10

Bench and press overhead might well have not even bothered with, thought would try and work up to a single hang clean but couldn’t get my feet moving quick enough – majorly peed off with it. happy with pendlay rows
glen_danburyIcon...26-04-2013 @ 09:20 
Member 735, 1193 posts
SQ 220, BP 135, DL 235
590.0 kgs @ 80kgs UnEq
Woke up so tired this morning - normally this happens I have a coffee, shrug it off and get on with it but the motivation wasn’t there due to this dealod nonsense

Deadlifts 85,105,125 x5
Snatches 40kg x 3,3,3
Front squats – worked up to 120kg x 8

Happy with the front squats that was progress and possibly could have done more if I wanted to grind them out and fight to keep the bar in place but thought it best to rack the bar once form deteriorated
Snatches are getting a tad better but still are power snatched – which is annoying as when I actually do full bore power snatches I can lift more than this! In the end it turned into a power snatch overhead squat complex – think I just need to practice snatching everyday with a broomstick or something at home until it feels natural
glen_danburyIcon...29-04-2013 @ 09:26 
Member 735, 1193 posts
SQ 220, BP 135, DL 235
590.0 kgs @ 80kgs UnEq
Feels good to be under challenging loads again

130 x 5
150x 5
175 x 11 – belt on

Hang cleans 80kg 3x4
Safety bar good mornings 80kg 3x10

Hang cleans were messy on first set but almost perfect second and third set. Think this was just due to jelly legs from the squats – 175kg x 11 was same reps as four weeks ago but 5kg higher – disappointed as wanted 12 but last rep wasn’t pretty to stop at this point
glen_danburyIcon...01-05-2013 @ 09:19 
Member 735, 1193 posts
SQ 220, BP 135, DL 235
590.0 kgs @ 80kgs UnEq

OH press 50,55 x 5 65 x 9
Bench 70,85 x 5, 95 x 14+1
Pendlay rows 60,100 x 10, 120 x 4
Incline sit ups bw x 10 +10kg x 10,10

Thought I was going to smash into double figures with the overhead press but paused after the ninth for too long and after that it wasn’t going anywhere above forehead level
Bench happy with – last rep I stalled about two inches from lock out and therefore needed help to complete the rep so only really counting fourteen
Rows felt easy but the jump from 100 to 120 was vast – should have really gone for 112 or 115
glen_danburyIcon...02-05-2013 @ 09:58 
Member 735, 1193 posts
SQ 220, BP 135, DL 235
590.0 kgs @ 80kgs UnEq
last night did some dips 3x15 with +20kg
glen_danburyIcon...03-05-2013 @ 09:16 
Member 735, 1193 posts
SQ 220, BP 135, DL 235
590.0 kgs @ 80kgs UnEq
Don’t know what was happening today – felt strong but lethargic

60 x5 hook grip, beltless
100x 5 hook grip, beltless
140 x5 hook grip, beltless
160 x 5 hook grip, beltless
185kg x 12 alternate grip, belt on

Front squats, beltless
80kg x 10
100kg x1
120kg x 1
140kgx1 PB
120kg x 10 rep PB

60kg x 3
80kg x 1
90kg x 1
100kg x F, F

Took me ages to mobilise my hips and get to my top end set on deadlifts but felt good when starting, tried to ensure I paused on every rep – only one wehre moment got the better of me and I went touch and go and regretted it instantly as bar went up uneven. Was targeting fifteen so disappointed but could feel my shoulders starting to come forward – seems the more I pause between reps the more my lockout is becoming my weakness now. It was a rep PB none the less, especially wiothout straps

Front squats again seemed to rest a bit too much between sets – felt strong and went up to 140kg which I have never managed to a decent depth before on front squats – nailed it and possibly could have done more but went back and hit my target for this week of 120kg x 10, nearly lost it on ninth rep as descended and wetn so deep that the bar hit the squat rack supports at trhe bottom which made fo a battle on the way up as was swaying

Was planning on doing grace but bottled it as couldn’t face it – such a wimp, tried to do cleans from the floor and 90kg was the most technically perfect heavy rep I have done, as soon as I move to 100kg I just don’t seem to be able to move my feet quick enough as the bar comes high enough.
glen_danburyIcon...07-05-2013 @ 09:35 
Member 735, 1193 posts
SQ 220, BP 135, DL 235
590.0 kgs @ 80kgs UnEq


140 x 3
160 x 3
185 x 10 – belt, wrist wraps on

Hang cleans
50kg x 3
80kg x 3+f,f, 3+f, 3 +f

Safety bar good mornings
90kg x 10,10,10

Took a while to get mobile again, hips felt tight, tope set felt good but felt like it took forever as last four reps had serious rest pause between reps

Hang cleans – first three were technically good apart from third rep were I must have pulled the bar back and catching it in the bottom thought I was going to end up on my arse and really had to fight to keep the weight racked- after that my grip seemed to be an issue and couldn’t move my feet quick enough – bar was going high enough but couldn’t move to get under it. very disappointing
glen_danburyIcon...08-05-2013 @ 09:37 
Member 735, 1193 posts
SQ 220, BP 135, DL 235
590.0 kgs @ 80kgs UnEq

OH press
50 x 3
60 x 3
65 x 10

75 x 3
90 x 3
100 x 11

Pendlay rows
65 x 10
105 x 10
120 x 6

Dumbbell curls
15’s x 10
25 x 8
15’s x 20

Thought I would have got twelve on the overhead press but its almost like a wall and once I hit it the weights won’t go past chin height
Nearlu got twelve on bench but was training alone and could feel that my left arm wasn’t locking out – luckily the bench I was using had multiple rack heights and I could just dump it backwards as I was only a few inches from lockout
Rows felt good and threw in some vanity work a well
glen_danburyIcon...10-05-2013 @ 08:33 
Member 735, 1193 posts
SQ 220, BP 135, DL 235
590.0 kgs @ 80kgs UnEq
60kg x 3 hookgrip, beltless, 2 inch deficit
100kg x 3 hookgrip, beltless 2 inch deficit
140kg x 3 hookgrip, beltless 2 inch deficit
150kg x 3 hook grip, beltless 2 inch deficit
170kg x 3 hook grp, beltless
195 x 10 alternate grip belt on
front squat
100kg x 3
120kg x 3
140kg x 2 or 3
wanted twelve on deadlifts so slightly gutted. front squats felt good but as I unracked the 140kg I felt my rhomboid spasm - tried to ignore it but affected depth and third
rep was not what I wanted. didnt do grace again as rhomboid felt sore
glen_danburyIcon...13-05-2013 @ 12:27 
Member 735, 1193 posts
SQ 220, BP 135, DL 235
590.0 kgs @ 80kgs UnEq
Today –

100kg x 3 beltless
140kg x 1 beltless
150kg x 5 beltless
170kg x 3 beltless
195kg x 6 belt on

Hang cleans
80kg x 5,1,2

Safety bar good mornings 60kg x 10, 100kg x 10,10,10

Squats felt good – depth on first two was slightly high for my liking but last four were good. Hang cleans are peeing me off – done the first set with a crap bent bar and it felt dreadful but was dropping cleanly under it, swapped bar and for some reason it went to pieces! Going to swap to sumo deads from next week instead of good mornings
glen_danburyIcon...15-05-2013 @ 09:14 
Member 735, 1193 posts
SQ 220, BP 135, DL 235
590.0 kgs @ 80kgs UnEq
Monday night
Pull ups bw x 10, +10kg x 10,7

Last night
Metcon challenge at works gym – 40kg kettlebell front squats (2 x 20kg bells), inverted TRX rows – 5 on each alternating for AMRAP in ten minutes. Did 165 reps to take the leader board but it killed me, disappointed as wanted 200 total reps but after five minutes I died

OH press
55kg x 5
60kg x 3
70kg x 6 – belt and wrist wraps on
85kg x 5
95kg x 3
105kg x 11
Kroc rows
30kg x 20
35kg x 20
Overhead band pull a parts 2 x 20

Improving on the OH but wanted eight really, happy with bench as its progressing nicely. Upperback and hips were mashed from the previous nights silly fun so rather than pendlays did kroc rows – shame it’s a pitiful weight
glen_danburyIcon...19-05-2013 @ 23:10 
Member 735, 1193 posts
SQ 220, BP 135, DL 235
590.0 kgs @ 80kgs UnEq
fridays session beflore heaing off to bodypower

deadlifts hookgrip off 2 inch deficit
100kg x 5
140kg x 1
160kg x 5

deadlifts alternate grip
185 x3
205kg x 8

front squats - worked up to 140kg x 1 nice and deep, tried 150kg but got stapled at the bottom
glen_danburyIcon...24-05-2013 @ 09:36 
Member 735, 1193 posts
SQ 220, BP 135, DL 235
590.0 kgs @ 80kgs UnEq
Haven’t been doing much this week as stated, today was deload deadlift day – nothing to write home about!! on wednesday night did my works metcon challenge and added twenty five reps to my total from last week so 190 reps in the ten minutes

However got myself a PB today which is always nice – was doing some overhead squats, never gone higher than 45kg for reps before as part of warm up sessions. Today did doubles up to 50kg, then singles with 60kg, 70 and then 80kg. shaking like bambi on the 80kg.

Its amazing how the squat is easy but the workload through your upperback is immense – need a lot more mobility around the shoulder though. Aiming for 100kg by the end of the summer
glen_danburyIcon...28-05-2013 @ 09:35 
Member 735, 1193 posts
SQ 220, BP 135, DL 235
590.0 kgs @ 80kgs UnEq
Proper poo session

OH squats – worked upto 80kg, attempted it three times in the same set but couldn’t get deep enough without feeling it start to tip forward – more flexibility needed

Squats 135 x 5
155x 5
175 x 8 (was meant to get 12!)

Hang cleans 85kg x 1

Hang clean pulls 105kg x 3,3
Hang cleans 85kg x f

Sumo deadlifts 140kg x 5

Everything just felt like an effort and nothing was going to plan – hope to set the day right by getting 200 reps in the metcon session tonight

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