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» new training journal! (Go to post)26-08-2011 @ 12:57 
deadlifts yesterday,

60kg x5x2
100kg x5
140kg x5
180kg x2
200kg x2
220kg x2
230kg x2 damn slog,
240kg x1 few was hard work

double oh, with hold on the last rep,

140kg x5
140kg x5
140kg x5
140kg x5
140kg x5

grip was killing afterwards,

cross trainer for 20mins afterwards. done and done!
» new training journal! (Go to post)23-08-2011 @ 12:31 
Post Edited: 23.08.2011 @ 12:32 PM by jpeacock
last two sessions,

20mins on the cross trainer,

3 sets of 10 seated row
3 sets of 10 underhand pulldown
5 sets of 10 lat pulldown
5 sets of 10 seated cable row
3 sets of 20 kroc rows

20mins on the rowing machine.

Yesterdays training,

10mins on the bike,

stretching and single leg work

hang cleans,

5x5 with 60kg

squats, no belt

60kg x5
100kg x5
120kg x2
140kg x2
160kg x2

30mins on the cross trainer.

left it there, knee feeling strong but didnt want to push it any further.

they felt quite easy though tbh! which i was glad about!
» new training journal! (Go to post)21-08-2011 @ 14:55 
dead and bench,


60kg x10
100kg x5
140kg x5
180kg x1
220kg x1
240kg x1 gonna go for reps next week.

bar xlots
60kg x10
80kg x5
100kg x5
120kg x5
120kg x4
120kg x3
120kg x2
120kg x1
120kg x1paused

incline db bench,

30kg 3 sets of 10 paused for 2 seconds at the bottom of every rep.

seated press plate weight only,

1 arm at a time,

40kg x10
60kg x10
60kg x10
60kg x10

cable flys,

5x10 20kg

tate press,

10kg x15
15kg x15
20kg x15
10kg x10

oh tri extension,

3 sets to failure

face pulls,

4 sets of 20 50kg

rowing machine

2000m in 10:27

damn i was tired!
» new training journal! (Go to post)17-08-2011 @ 15:24 
strict press today,

warmed up well on the bike and stretched my hips, legs and shoulders for around 15mins.

also did some single leg extensions and curls and lunges. all light weight and high reps for my knee recovery.

Strict press,

barx10 btn x10 in front x2
40kg x10
60kg x10
70kg x5
70kg x5
70kg x5
70kg x5
80kg x5

DB shoulder press

25kg dbs x10x4

side raises



60kg x5
60kg x5
100kg x5
140kg x5
180kg x5
200kg x1
220kg x3

happy with that, zero pain in my knee.

hyper extensions,

3sets of 20 with a 10kg medicine ball

core work and more leg extensions curls and lunges.

lots of stretching!
» Meniscus tear treatment! (Go to post)16-08-2011 @ 23:16 
brynevans said:Go and see either a good physio or your GP, injuries are a very individual thing and you cannot assume that the pain one person felt and how they treated it will be of any use to how your problem should be dealt with. I know you are just looking for some kind of reassurance and that other peoples posts here are well intentioned but are in no way a substitute for a professional assesment.

Definitely, thanks Bryn!
» Meniscus tear treatment! (Go to post)16-08-2011 @ 22:54 
brownbear said:You have to be sure you have a meniscal tear to know what the best treatment option is. There is no real effective medical treatment for a meniscal tear. If it's a large tear, it can be surgically debrided and/or repaired, BUT this is entirely dependant on the size of tear and degree of limitation it causes the patient. Non-surgically, meniscal tears are treated with rest and physio.

Yeh, thanks mate, i think rest and physio might be best because its not that debilitating, just annoying and sometime painful!
» Meniscus tear treatment! (Go to post)16-08-2011 @ 22:48 
Dave85 said:I've torn both mine. Best thing I did was a lot of single leg work.

If you have keyhole surgery you will probably get muscle wastage and this really helped me.

Be really careful squatting before and after the op because you may begin to favour one leg. I carried on trying to squat and ended up with one strong leg and one weak leg with a noticeable difference in the quad - especially the VMO.

Cycling before and after is really, really good for it.

Thanks mate, i dont think ill need an op, hope, but im gonna go to the docs anyway!

after you did yours did it stop locking after a few days? but still carried on being painful right in between the joint?
» Meniscus tear treatment! (Go to post)16-08-2011 @ 22:43 
drew2 said:If it locks up thats a sign of meniscus tear. I tore the medial posterior horn of the meniscus in my right knee running in the woods, of all things, and it swelled up and stayed like that for a nearly a year. Went to the docs but obviously it started with the old "take some brufen and rest it for a few weeks". Eventually got physio done (if its a minor tear the physio is an option but doesnt usually do much)and its a lot better. Didn't really affect deadlift but I didn't squat for a long time. Still can't run so am thinking of having surgery. If I was you I'd get to the docs asap, like I said it took me a year to get NHS treatment.

bad times mate, it is a real pain in the arse!

it did lock up at first and swelled but it stopped after a few days!

I can run and squat without pain, although it does feel sore a few hours after squatting, so maybe its only minor!

i reckon ill go to the docs soonish anyway!
» Meniscus tear treatment! (Go to post)16-08-2011 @ 22:07 
A few weeks ago I injured my knee from lifting a rock out of the garden for my mum, i didnt know i injured at the time but it did notice a fairly loud pop. Im pretty sure its Meniscus!

Later on that day i trained and did again the day after, after which my knee started to hurt and locked up. I rested up and after a few day full ROM returned and it felt better. However it still is fairly painful know and again. It mainly hurts if i jump or spring of to sprint. I can squat and deadlift without pain!

I know its no replacement for medical opinion, but what are your guys experience with this? the best way to treat it and such?

thanks guys!
» new training journal! (Go to post)13-08-2011 @ 14:40 

didnt expect much today as I have a damn cold, I couldn't breath very well at all!

bar times lots,
60kg x5x2
80kg x5
100kg x5
120kg x1paused
120kg x1paused
120kgx2 +2 assisted

100kg x3
100kg x3
100kg x3 all paused


60kg x12
60kg x12
60kg x12

tate press

10kg x15
12.5kg x15
15kg x15
10 x15

quite like these, gonna focus on them for a few weeks.

1 arm seated row,

20kg x15
40kg x15
40kg x15
20kg x15 each arm

tricep extensions and machine fly to pump the blood through.


3sets of 20

tidy session despite a cold.
» Free ebook by dave tate (Go to post)12-08-2011 @ 18:15 
i got this, its pretty cool!
» new training journal! (Go to post)11-08-2011 @ 14:52 
Deadlifts today with a cold, yes!!

still not fully recovered from the last session, i wanted to squat but not doing for a few weeks to allow my knee to fully heal.

60kg x5
100kg x5
140kg x5
180kg x1
220kg x1
240kg x1
260kg xf just tired!
220kg x1 went up slower than the 240kg

180kg x5
180kg x4
180kg x3
180kg x2
180kg x1

deficit dead, bar resting just above my feet,

140kg x5
140kg x5
140kg x5
140kg x5
140kg x10

real tired now!!

4 sets of 20 decline situps!

pleased with that session though, when im fully fresh without a cold 260 might just be there!
» The bear is back (Go to post)10-08-2011 @ 21:33 
that push press was awesome! very strong mate!
» new training journal! (Go to post)08-08-2011 @ 14:06 
today was a killer!

i did a circuit today which i went through 5 times without stopping going heavier each time. I nearly vomed half way through! Unhappy

Db bench 20kg x20
db row 20kg x20
face pull x20
bbcurl 20kg x20
oh tri ext 20kg x20
uprightrow 20kg x20 straight into,

Db bench 30kg x20
db row 30kg x20
face pull x20
bbcurl 30kg x20
oh tri ext 30kg x20
uprightrow 30kg x20

Db bench 35kg x20
db row 35kg x20
face pull x20
bbcurl 35kg x20
oh tri ext 35kg x20
uprightrow 35kg x20 then,

Db bench 40kg x could only get 12
db row 40kg x15
face pull x15
bbcurl 40kg x15
oh tri ext 40kg x15
uprightrow 40kg x15 didnt feel so gd,

Db bench 25kg x15
db row 25kg x15
face pull x15
bbcurl 25kg x15
oh tri ext 25kg x15
uprightrow 25kg x15

that was rough, very hard but want to do more session these cos rugby starts again soon!

took me around 15mins to finish it so ill try it again in a week or two and try ond go quicker,

20mins on the bike and then lots of stretching!
» new training journal! (Go to post)06-08-2011 @ 14:25 
todays training,

strict press, really neglected these and i felt it today!
bar xlots,

60kg x5
70kg x5
100kgxf x1push press! rubbish! gonna work on this

60kg x5x5

incline bench,

60x10 paused
80kg x8paused
80kg x7paused
60kg x10 paused


100kg x5
140kg x5
180kg x1
220kg x1 felt real fast
240kg x1 easiest its ever felt
250x1 PB

very pleased, didnt get a vid but will do so next week!

ive been doing lots of db rows which seen to really help!


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