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knee pain.. help please

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Hy everyone, while training for my last meet i began to suffer with terrible pain in both my knees...particularly the left one. It was a BDFPA meet so i couldn't wear any supports while squatting and deadlifts seem to bring it in bad as well. I ended up pulling out of the meet as i was terrified my knees were going to pop while squatting something big. Since then (February) i have just trained upper body and the pain has completely disappeared. However i did a small deadlift session the other week and the pain returned. Just easing of today but as i am very keen to do another meet and don't really want to retire to bench only just yet i would like to be fixed. Who do i need to see?? I live in Sheffield. Thanks everyone
I had a really bad injury early last year were i missed a squat with 230 and the bar came down my back and caught my belt crushing my knees. I recovered over a couple of months and came back to get it. Everything seemed ok but don't know if this event was somehow related. I did the training for 230 in wraps so maybe this held off some sort of tendonitis??? Who knows just thought I'd mention it.
Thanks again
Hard to say.
See a specialist for sure but also think about f**king BDFPA off and going somewhere where they give a s**t about your joints. Bare knees are for 20 year olds.
Yeah moving over to abpu mate, do i need a chiropractor, physiotherapist or what?? I don't know what to do, r8 frustrating
JohnGym said:Hard to say.
See a specialist for sure but also think about f**king BDFPA off and going somewhere where they give a s**t about your joints. Bare knees are for 20 year olds.

hench why i left bdfpa. they need to stop beeing so pedantic
Can you touch your butt with your heels? Sit on your feet with them tucked underneath?
Yes mate
No pain, can't sit crossed legged though
We'll I can but it hurts a bit
Sorry to hear that its s**t when this happens,For what it's worth....did you suffer knee pain before the accident? And also did you hit both knees? If you hit just the one did you over compensate so over use on one and slightly still injured ont tuther? If honestly not perhaps and please don't hate me but maybe a form thing. Do your knees fold in for example? Is you stance to wide or narrow? Just some ideas.
Not really mate, used to get bad knee pain from jogging a few years ago. Never had any lifting pain before this though, seems to be deadlifting that brings it on worse than anything i think my form is pretty standard. Not really changed in the 5 years I've been lifting
JohnGym said:Hard to say.
See a specialist for sure but also think about f**king BDFPA off and going somewhere where they give a s**t about your joints. Bare knees are for 20 year olds.

I hear you John. Neoprene sleeves imo add little, but some protection and a lot of sweat. I really do get f**k all out of SBD knee sleeves. I imagine those that do, probably get a very minor increase.
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