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» WSM 2022 (Go to post)24-05-2022 @ 12:18 
The_Lone_Wolf said:Bit of a s**tty thing to do really, recording what I assume is a private converation and the releasing it... I'm sure Luke will be delighted that he is the one talking about a day or 2 before worlds. Cheers.

Secondly, are we surpised? We have heard rumours for years how the golden boy is looked after better, or somehow events are suited to the current champ or fave. People said it for years about Z, there has been a ton of stuff said about Ed being looked after. It is not new.

Colin Quagmire Byrce is a smart man, a business man, and wants to make worlds as big as possible, and of course, make loads of cash. The current big names will always attract more paying fans, so it is normal.

Worlds gone mad mate, everyone has far to much to say these days.
» Sam Martin (Go to post)19-01-2022 @ 11:28 
Samthepigman said:Soooo first day back training after 12 days off over Christmas

30 x 5
30 x 5
70 x 5
70 x 5
90 x 5
100 x 3
100 x 3
100 x 3
100 x 3
100 x 3
100 x 3
100 x 3
100 x 3
100 x 3
100 x 3
All 10 sets felt like an empty log :0

Leg press
150 x 10 x 10

Bench press
70 x 5
100 x 5 x 10

Could t ask for a better first session back, thought I'd be abit sore and creaky but everything felt great

Also, a new natty fed has popped up in the UK with some decent backing by the sounds of it. So I think I'm going to enter both the natty leagues and forget about the untested this year. I realistically couldn't commit to all 3 leagues and still spend as much time with the family as I like to.

What's the new natty fed Sam?
» Arnold's 2022 (Go to post)04-01-2022 @ 20:14 
» Arnold's 2022 (Go to post)04-01-2022 @ 20:14 
I think the events are brilliant, finally a mac squat in a big comp!
» Arnold's 2022 (Go to post)04-01-2022 @ 20:13 
Surprised this hasn't got a thread yet, the events are..

Event 1: The Heavy Squat-Using a Barbell
Rising bar system. Each athlete will have three attempts to establish their max weight. New event for Arnold Strongman Classic.

Event 2: Monster Dumbbell Press for Reps with 275 pounds
Dumbbell taken from floor to overhead for repetitions in 90 seconds.

Saturday, March 5

Event 3: Austrian Oak for Max
Rising bar system. Each athlete will have three attempts to establish their max weight. Starting log weight TBD.

Event 4: Timber Carry
Carry the 880-pound Timber frame up a 35-foot ramp. Straps not permitted. Time Cap: 30 seconds.

Event 5: Stone to Shoulder
With Odd Haugen's Stone. Lift Odd Haugen's famous "tombstone" from the ground to a stationary position on top of the shoulder for as many reps as possible. Tacky not permitted; tacky towels provided. Time Cap: 2 1/2 minutes.

Novikov for the win for me
» Impressive social media lifts (Go to post)12-08-2021 @ 07:51 
Loz broke the dinnie stone farmers walk record last weekend
» Impressive social media lifts (Go to post)12-08-2021 @ 07:51
» WSM 2020 (Go to post)14-11-2020 @ 12:56 
On paper this must be the closest wsm final for years!
Don't know what Novikov and Caron are hitting on log at the minute, maybe that could be a banana skin for them??

Can't really see Shaw outside the top 3 &rt; 4 on any event so he's going to be there or there about isn't he?
Anyway should make great tele in a months time!!
» Ermm here goes (Go to post)10-10-2020 @ 21:04 
I read pal
» UK's Strongest Man (Go to post)05-10-2020 @ 21:57 
I said:Gav Bilton won.
Not sure of the name of the bloke who came in 2nd.
Mark Jeanes 3rd
Paul Smith 4th
Phil Roberts 5th (what a comeback that is!)

Mark Felix came 2nd!!
» UK's Strongest Man (Go to post)05-10-2020 @ 21:28 
Gav Bilton won.
Not sure of the name of the bloke who came in 2nd.
Mark Jeanes 3rd
Paul Smith 4th
Phil Roberts 5th (what a comeback that is!)
» 1306lb abomination (Go to post)05-10-2020 @ 17:14 
Sorry I don't really know how to imbed video's lol, if anyone can figure it out it doesn't look half as bad from this angle. Still high like but better
» 1306lb abomination (Go to post)05-10-2020 @ 17:13
» Sam Martin (Go to post)23-09-2020 @ 11:20 
Training is looking great pal, I'm looking to take another run at strongman after competing in powerlifting the last few years.

I work in construction like you so I've been able to make alot of the equipment myself so I have it at home to train with.
I've noticed you do mostly the strongman events themselves rather than worrying about BB/assistance type work.
Have you always trained like this or did you build up your base first before switching over to purely event based training?

Thanks for any help pal its highly appreciated and good look at Britain's hopefully see you at a Bnsf event someday!
» BSM 2020 (Go to post)11-12-2019 @ 14:12 
I believe its..
Log medley
320 axle dead
Fitness is going to be massive, so completely agree with your prediction mate


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