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Squat and deadlift in the same session??

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As the title says. Worth doing or train on separate days?
I see loads and loads doing this these days ....much more than in the past , but its not for me
I'm doing this now, I train squat, Ohp, deads and bench in that order. I'm obviously not a very advanced lifter (see pissweak lifts!) But I find it ok. It probably does take a tiny bit out of the one I do second but not too much. I squat first as I think this is my slowest progressing lift.
not a problem for most.
I currently speed squat then heavy deadlift or heavy squat followed by speed deadlift. I used to go heavy on both but my deadlift suffered for it.
I've recently started doing and not getting on well with it. Think if the balance of volume, intensity etc on both lifts is found then it can be done. Ie. one heavy, the other light. I need to find it.
I currently squat 4x a week with deadlifts on 2 of those days.

I squat up to a top set of 1-5 reps and do a higher rep backdown down set after if im having a good day. 2x a week i then do heavy deads after, usually up to a top set of 1-5 reps again. Sometimes i leave a rep or two in the tank and sometimes il push both to the limit.
Does it make a noticeable difference to deadlift if you do squat heavy in the same session to those that dont do it?
If you compete I'm not sure why you wouldn't do them both on the same session
As others have said no probs. I personally do so every session...bench too. Squat, bench and dead x3 a week. Well it was until my latest sprog was born so now its x2 a week Unhappy
edi86 said:Does it make a noticeable difference to deadlift if you do squat heavy in the same session to those that dont do it?

I use to squat once a week and deadlift once a week, back then i believed in the whole cns fatigue etc. I would have a few decent weeks and then feel like a zombie for the next month and my lifts wouls regress. Back then i wouldnt deadlift after squats as i would feel drained from the squats and this would have affected my deadlift, at one point i thought about squatting one week and deadlifting the next.

Decided to go against what i thought was right at the time, i thought i needed more recovery time but decided to try out high frequency instead.

Now i dont believe in the cns fatigue shezzam, my body adapted and i no longer feel worn down after pushing squats or deads to their limit.
I've trained both together since August / September last year.

Was a bit weird at first having always had them as separate sessions, but feel great now. Only thing I have to be mindful of is not pushing myself too hard on squats that it affects my deadlift session too much, but that largely because my deadlift is aweful.
Have trained both in the same session for years. Doesn't seem to negatively affect the deads, and both lifts are improving well.

I actually find my deadlift is a little more comfortable after a few squats. Plus i can't imagine doing squats on one day, deadlifts on another, and something like yoke on yet another. Lower back would be in bits.
Depending on your background it can be fantastic

Personally I would advise squatting and deadlifting in that order... But for lots of reasons it isn't quite as straight forward as that

To start with I would need a reason to keep them separate... If I was you... And then take it from there

Like I say it does depend in a few things


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