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» Powerlifting Bar between £300 and £500 (Go to post)20-09-2021 @ 13:44 
rawlifter said:Thanks for the advice - next question - any suggestions to get the Rogue Ohio UK and not pay shipping

The primal strength Austin power bar is very similar to the ohio power bar, same thickness and sleeves/stoppers. Had mine for almost 2 years and it has treated me well
» WSM 2021 (Go to post)19-06-2021 @ 19:24 
Quite surprised about Brian getting 3rd in that as he has often been off the pace in the last few years
» WSM 2021 (Go to post)19-06-2021 @ 19:07 
What where the 1st event results?
» Impressive social media lifts (Go to post)19-08-2020 @ 20:36 
JCarter123 said:
Did he do 440/290/410?

It was 440/270/390
» Deans injury log! (And some gainz) (Go to post)07-06-2020 @ 11:03 
Friday 6th June

70kg just did a load of sets and reps to get some blood flow going. Hip still recovering.

Paused Bench

SLDL 200x8

Bodyweight down another pound to 235
» Deans injury log! (And some gainz) (Go to post)03-06-2020 @ 08:50 
Tuesday 2nd june

Paused bench
Bar x20
140 2x3

Band face pulls

External rotators

Hip feeling a bit better but still a bit of pain, i think its my tfl but not entirely sure.
» Deans injury log! (And some gainz) (Go to post)02-06-2020 @ 13:46 
Post Edited: 02.06.2020 @ 13:46 PM by DeanW92
Saturday 30th

147.5 8x4

Paused bench
115 6x6

Bench was nice and easy but f**ked up with squats, had some hip pain and should of stopped but increased my rests and finished my sets, feeling pretty sore now and ive strained a muscle in that area. Next week planned volume deload anyway but might have to just do 1 light lower body session at the end of the week
» Deans injury log! (And some gainz) (Go to post)02-06-2020 @ 13:43 
Thursday 28th may

180 6x6

Prone incline bench bb rows
70kg 4x12

Face pulls

Deadlifts feeling pretty good form was, feeling like my bar path is much better and getting more of a pop off the floor now
» Deans injury log! (And some gainz) (Go to post)27-05-2020 @ 09:29 
Tuesday 26th may

135 6x6

Paused bench
132.5 8x4

Had some pain in my left knee recently, got some issues with my left ankle and tight calf which is causing me to shift when squatting. Trained in flats with a wider stance today to work around this.
» Deans injury log! (And some gainz) (Go to post)25-05-2020 @ 20:12 
Saturday 23rd

157.5 10x3

Paused bench
120 5x7


Bodyweight down another 2pounds this week to 236
» Deans injury log! (And some gainz) (Go to post)23-05-2020 @ 09:58 
Thursday 21st

190 7x5 2 mins rest between sets

Inverted rows

Chest supported t bar row
+65 3x6
» Deans injury log! (And some gainz) (Go to post)21-05-2020 @ 09:47 
Tuesday 19th May

Highbar Squats
140 7x5

Paused bench
135 10x3

Facepulls 3x12

Began trying to loose some timber, morning weight has been around 242 pounds, down to 238 now. 100kg bodyweight for my holiday in september is my target but we shall see.
» Raw. Like, real RAW raw (Go to post)21-05-2020 @ 09:30 
Never used wrist wraps for bench and have been ok up to 200 without them.

Dont use a belt for deadlifts as i dont feel it helps at all and sometimes even a hindrance as it nips me. I mainly hook grip but straps are good as my hands tear up doing multiple sets.

Squats i feel the belt helps me massively and knees feel much better with sleeves so i use both of these
» Deans injury log! (And some gainz) (Go to post)18-05-2020 @ 13:06 
Saturday 16th may

Highbar squats
150 8x4

Paused bench
112.5 6x6

External rotators 3x12
Band pull aparts 3x20

» Deans injury log! (And some gainz) (Go to post)15-05-2020 @ 17:32 
Tuesday 12th May

130 6x6

Paused bench
120 8x4

Thursday 14th May

175 6x6

Inverted rows

Prone machine row

Straightbar curls

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