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deleted2_20210523Icon...23-03-2014 @ 22:13 
Member 2606, 11453 posts
SQ 170, BP 117.5, DL 215
502.5 kgs @ 91.6kgs UnEq
MattD90Icon...25-03-2014 @ 17:30 
Skaven for the win !!
Member 2490, 3589 posts
SQ 180, BP 120, DL 230
530.0 kgs @ 82kgs UnEq
Post Edited: 25.03.2014 @ 17:30 PM by MattD90
Thanks everyone

Not gonna update this all the time but yesterday:

ATG Leg press
60 x 8
100 x 5
140 x 5
180 x 5
220 x 5
260 x 5
300 x 5
320 x 5
340 x 5
360 x 5 PB
310 x 10

walking DB lunges
25s x 8 each leg
35s x 8 each leg. easy

My leg press i'm using atm is a hinged one, not one that slides. I find these a lot easier and I'm around 100kg stronger on them. On a normal slidey leg press I honestly struggle with about 260, even if I just cut depth at "just in". I have no idea how people with 4-5 plate squats put like 400+ on them, baffles me.

Couple of days ago I did HIIT on a bike and got quad burnz to f**k

Tonight I'm doing some cardio, high rep sit ups, 5x20 calf raises and can very tentatively do 3x15 on seated row and curls.
jreppIcon...26-03-2014 @ 10:20 
Member 299, 579 posts
SQ 250, BP 200, DL 282.5
732.5 kgs @ 109kgs UnEq
Nice to see you getting some work in m8..I think my best leg size gains on legpress was when I was doing sets of 10reps adding a plate each set..and I was one of those 3-4plate squatting but could do 400kg legpress guys at the time lol
JohnGymIcon...26-03-2014 @ 10:22 
Hamstrings feel activated.
Member 1107, 6964 posts
SQ 220, BP 152.5, DL 252.5
625.0 kgs @ 93kgs UnEq
Keep updating! I enjoy your journal. Don't deprive your fans!
EllD90Icon...26-03-2014 @ 11:06 
Member 4522, 1898 posts
SQ 222.5, BP 152.5, DL 245
620.0 kgs @ 120kgs UnEq
What John said! Keep the motivation going and where the f**k are the calf raises?!
MattD90Icon...26-03-2014 @ 12:27 
Skaven for the win !!
Member 2490, 3589 posts
SQ 180, BP 120, DL 230
530.0 kgs @ 82kgs UnEq
JohnGym said:Keep updating! I enjoy your journal. Don't deprive your fans!

EllD90 said:What John said! Keep the motivation going and where the f**k are the calf raises?!


Calf raises 6x20 + 1 supersetx15
Tentative tricep pushdowns 5x15
Very tentative seated rows 5x12
Sit ups +10kg held to chest with 1 arm lol 2x25

jrepp said:Nice to see you getting some work in m8..I think my best leg size gains on legpress was when I was doing sets of 10reps adding a plate each set..and I was one of those 3-4plate squatting but could do 400kg legpress guys at the time lol

Yeah I'm alternating atm mate some days I go for a 5 rep PB on leg press other days i Just do 5x12 to make quads cry.
MattD90Icon...26-03-2014 @ 12:33 
Skaven for the win !!
Member 2490, 3589 posts
SQ 180, BP 120, DL 230
530.0 kgs @ 82kgs UnEq
Post Edited: 26.03.2014 @ 12:36 PM by MattD90
Tricep cables and seated row can be "done" physically but only carefully. I can't really describe how strange a sensation it is having muscles in your rotator cuff you have no control over anymore and have atrophied to nothing.

The other day at a meal I couldn't physically lift the jug of water off the table. I suspect a couple of other muscles may be partly affected but won't know until EMG. You don't realise how much you need those muscles. It's the strangest of sensations, in some planes of motion my arm sort of trembles because the wrong muscles are trying to do the rotator cuff's job, so there are compensations and the other muscles aren't as co-ordinated at doing it. When I raise a large bottle of water to my face sometimes it wobbles and is weak and I need to lean my upper body back to swig it.

For this reason I have to only do seated row occasionally and can't "smash dat back", scapular rhythm has to be good throughout (i don't know how to tell this but physio said it was good) and I only use about 80% of my previous weight on the stack. So it's more like trying to maintain a little lats because I can, than actually progress. Same with tri extensions. A time may come in further months when I get classic impingement symptoms because my humeral head is constantly anteriorly subluxated as no infra/supra are pulling it back. I suppose I'll cross that bridge if I come to it.

Thanks for reading
LuuuuuukeyIcon...26-03-2014 @ 12:39 
Hill sprints are fun!
Member 731, 3253 posts
SQ 200, BP 127.5, DL 232.5
560.0 kgs @ 80kgs UnEq
Sounds s**t.

However, its going to be pretty cool when you're 80kg of nothing, but quads!
MattD90Icon...26-03-2014 @ 12:57 
Skaven for the win !!
Member 2490, 3589 posts
SQ 180, BP 120, DL 230
530.0 kgs @ 82kgs UnEq
Luuuuuukey said:Sounds s**t.

However, its going to be pretty cool when you're 80kg of nothing, but quads!

lol fingers crossed that won't happen

It seems that holding DBs by my sides for long sets of walking lunges, light seated rows and cable tricep work, and some sit ups/hyper extensions is doing enough to lightly maintain muscle of abs, erectors, lats, tris, bis etc. I'm now 6 weeks in doing the above (plus hammering leg press and leg machines) and the only place I can see myself definitively shrinking is the lateral delts (I'm narrower for sure).

Fingers crossed I won't be this

Power_nashIcon...28-03-2014 @ 20:48 
Member 1163, 217 posts
SQ 390, BP 302.5, DL 320
1012.5 kgs @ 161kgs Eq
Mate, its good to hear you are still working though.
MattD90Icon...29-03-2014 @ 10:56 
Skaven for the win !!
Member 2490, 3589 posts
SQ 180, BP 120, DL 230
530.0 kgs @ 82kgs UnEq
yeah keep plodding on

the other day did a PB walking dumbbell lunges lol, 37.5s x 8 each leg
and a PB leg press on one of the days, 352.5x8
EllD90Icon...29-03-2014 @ 11:04 
Member 4522, 1898 posts
SQ 222.5, BP 152.5, DL 245
620.0 kgs @ 120kgs UnEq
Leg press every day brah.
MattD90Icon...29-03-2014 @ 14:08 
Skaven for the win !!
Member 2490, 3589 posts
SQ 180, BP 120, DL 230
530.0 kgs @ 82kgs UnEq
Post Edited: 29.03.2014 @ 14:08 PM by MattD90
Goals for end of this yr

ATG leg press 400 x 5
DB walking lunges 45s x 8 each leg
Glute ham raises with weight
Legs an inch bigger lol (26"? not sure what they measure)
Be able to lift my kettle off the table x1
Squat and deadlift again

Found a lad online who happens to be the same age as me and have exactly the same muscles affected as me, and also happens to be into his lifting. 1 in a million, currently asking him lots of Q's and putting me in a v good mood Happy
MattD90Icon...04-04-2014 @ 21:18 
Skaven for the win !!
Member 2490, 3589 posts
SQ 180, BP 120, DL 230
530.0 kgs @ 82kgs UnEq
Big PB tonight, 40kg DB lunges x 8 each leg

MattD90Icon...04-04-2014 @ 23:41 
Skaven for the win !!
Member 2490, 3589 posts
SQ 180, BP 120, DL 230
530.0 kgs @ 82kgs UnEq

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