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MattD90Icon...14-06-2013 @ 17:24 
Skaven for the win !!
Member 2490, 3589 posts
SQ 180, BP 120, DL 230
530.0 kgs @ 82kgs UnEq
Post Edited: 14.06.2013 @ 17:30 PM by MattD90
Quality day today, picked up a book I've been looking for for ages for a quid, then got a nandos PB after gym


Front squats
120 x 2
120 x 2
120 x 2 bit s**t but they were atg
100 x 3 with narrower stance
100 x 3

100 x 3
130 x 3
147.5 x 3
160 x 5 PB and easy

Ab wheel
+0 x 10
+10 x 8 +0 x 8
+15 x 5 +10 x 5 +0 x 5

Pull ups (palms away)
+0 x 5
+10 x 5
+20 x 5
+30 x 5
+35 x 5

Lat pulldowns 5x8
Weighted situps +20 x 15 with twists
Power_nashIcon...14-06-2013 @ 19:38 
Member 1163, 217 posts
SQ 390, BP 302.5, DL 320
1012.5 kgs @ 161kgs Eq
Nando's pb lol, i was out gunned!
Adam_CIcon...14-06-2013 @ 21:10 
Member 4424, 104 posts
SQ 165, BP 145, DL 170
480.0 kgs @ 94kgs UnEq
MattD90 a nandos PB after gym

That'll be £30 please.
MattD90Icon...14-06-2013 @ 21:12 
Skaven for the win !!
Member 2490, 3589 posts
SQ 180, BP 120, DL 230
530.0 kgs @ 82kgs UnEq
Power_nash said:Nando's pb lol, i was out gunned!

lol only just
jreppIcon...14-06-2013 @ 21:18 
Member 299, 579 posts
SQ 250, BP 200, DL 282.5
732.5 kgs @ 109kgs UnEq
Do you even eat? Lol
MattD90Icon...15-06-2013 @ 00:24 
Skaven for the win !!
Member 2490, 3589 posts
SQ 180, BP 120, DL 230
530.0 kgs @ 82kgs UnEq
jrepp said:Do you even eat? Lol

MattD90Icon...15-06-2013 @ 00:39 
Skaven for the win !!
Member 2490, 3589 posts
SQ 180, BP 120, DL 230
530.0 kgs @ 82kgs UnEq
Adam_C said:
That'll be £30 please.

haha. I have no idea how but I got an NHS discount for being a vet student lmao

Only paid like 12 quid for a whole chicken and chips
LuuuuuukeyIcon...15-06-2013 @ 10:43 
Hill sprints are fun!
Member 731, 3253 posts
SQ 200, BP 127.5, DL 232.5
560.0 kgs @ 80kgs UnEq
MattD90 said:
haha. I have no idea how but I got an NHS discount for being a vet student lmao
Only paid like 12 quid for a whole chicken and chips

That's brilliant!
MattD90Icon...15-06-2013 @ 10:57 
Skaven for the win !!
Member 2490, 3589 posts
SQ 180, BP 120, DL 230
530.0 kgs @ 82kgs UnEq
Luuuuuukey said:
That's brilliant!

lol yeah it's such a rip off place normally.
MattD90Icon...15-06-2013 @ 12:49 
Skaven for the win !!
Member 2490, 3589 posts
SQ 180, BP 120, DL 230
530.0 kgs @ 82kgs UnEq
160x5 stiff leg

MattD90Icon...16-06-2013 @ 00:55 
Skaven for the win !!
Member 2490, 3589 posts
SQ 180, BP 120, DL 230
530.0 kgs @ 82kgs UnEq


PLan said 105 for singles but I pretty much did this the other week (by accident) so again just did a top triple, not too bad

90 x 3
95 x 3
102.5 x 3

Close grip 90x3

Seated DB press 3x10
Skullcrushers 4x10
Facepulls 3x16
MattD90Icon...17-06-2013 @ 16:53 
Skaven for the win !!
Member 2490, 3589 posts
SQ 180, BP 120, DL 230
530.0 kgs @ 82kgs UnEq

Fuarking quality sesh today, trained with the brother and two adams, us three got some coaching pointers and everyone lifted well.

50 x 8
70 x 3
90 x 1
110 x 1
130 x 1
145 x 2
145 x 2

Pause sq
130 x 3
130 x 3
130 x 3
130 x 3
130 x 3
130 x 3

Ab wheel
+0 x 10
+10 x 10 +0 x 10

Weighted situps +20 2x15 with twists

Ham curls 4x10
EllD90Icon...17-06-2013 @ 17:10 
Member 4522, 1898 posts
SQ 222.5, BP 152.5, DL 245
620.0 kgs @ 120kgs UnEq
Any tips with the SLDLs? I'm going to start training them. Deadlift but forget about your legs?
MattD90Icon...17-06-2013 @ 19:33 
Skaven for the win !!
Member 2490, 3589 posts
SQ 180, BP 120, DL 230
530.0 kgs @ 82kgs UnEq
EllD90 said:Any tips with the SLDLs? I'm going to start training them. Deadlift but forget about your legs?

Different people do them different ways. There's people on here alot stronger than me that do them from the floor, with a very rounded upper back which then extends at the top to work their back from flexion through extension.

I do them very rigidly and "bodybuilder" style with a straight back and slow negatives getting a big stretch in my hams

I don't know which way is "wrong" or "right" if any but I suppose that's two ways of doing them Happy
MattD90Icon...18-06-2013 @ 23:02 
Skaven for the win !!
Member 2490, 3589 posts
SQ 180, BP 120, DL 230
530.0 kgs @ 82kgs UnEq

70 8x2 with 60 sec rest, all paused

Seeated DB press 2x8
DB bench 1x8
Skullcrushers 3x10

Pull ups (palms away)
+0 x5
+10 x 5
+20 x 5
+30 x 5
+40 x 5 Pb this grip? all easy tonight.

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