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Joint tested and non tested comp

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JoeBIcon...20-11-2007 @ 17:42 
social skills of a house brick
Member 35, 316 posts
SQ 320, BP 195, DL 280
795.0 kgs @ 90kgs Eq
RobThomas said:
Well both the WSA and the WPU have been around for a few years now and WPU (BWLA) members can use the comp as a qualifier to the British and other BWLA members (English, Scottish and Northern Irish) can lift there and qualify for the Brits themselves - so long as they pay £5 to join the WSA.

As I said, there are in effect TWO COMPS running side by side - one tested (and running under BWLA/IPF rules), the other one not so how can that break any BWLA/IPF rules? There are no non-tested lifters lifting in the A stream and all lifters in the A stream must be BWLA members (the BDFPA no longer lift here anymore).

As for only encouraging drug tested lifting, that's fine if you only want to lift clean and lift within BWLA as most of us do but believe it or not, some people want to take gear and/or don't want to lift in BWLA. Some of these lifters enjoy lifting just as much as we do so isn't it only right that they have somewhere to lift too? I'd much rather see those lifters lift in the WSA's B stream and then possibly move on to the BPC or BPO instead of them "cheating" and trying to lift in BWLA.

Also, some lifters simply want to lift in double ply equipment which isn't allowed in BWLA, others like to lift in comps full of the "razmataz" that comes with the BPC comps, surely it's all about choice and that's what the WSA does, it gives people the freedom/choice to lift wherever they like but then we can all have a bit of a get together a few times per year and have a really great day out.

Hi Rob, I think the job that you and the little 'mexican', do down in Wales is superb, keep it up.
RobThomasIcon...27-11-2007 @ 21:19 
Benches more than he deadlifts.
Member 110, 91 posts
SQ 340, BP 275, DL 270
885.0 kgs @ 150kgs Eq
Post Edited: 27.11.2007 @ 21:20 PM
Hi Joe, thanks mate. It was good to meet you at the 4 Nations mate.

No Rick, I won't be starting a log, got to keep my lifts a secret from Big Jim because he's going to be gunning to get his British Bench Press title back next year.

By the way Jim, I think you should try a size 68 Fury for the British bench and open on 337.5, you are looking very strong these days and I don't think you should mess around with any weights below that.
BoarIcon...27-11-2007 @ 21:22 
Nothing left in the tank.
Member 5, 25591 posts
CarlIcon...28-11-2007 @ 05:07 
Loves rugby league ...
Member 13, 14460 posts
SQ 230, BP 180.5, DL 262.5
673.0 kgs @ 128kgs UnEq

everyone open on 400 on every lift

has anyone ever failed their second deadlift at say 280 and just asked for 460 on the dead lol

that would be comical
IainKendrickIcon...28-11-2007 @ 12:32 
some nice relaxing jazz.
Member 77, 12599 posts
SQ 265, BP 165, DL 280
710.0 kgs @ 93kgs UnEq
has anyone ever failed their second deadlift at say 280 and just asked for 460 on the dead lol

I supsect that joke may be lost on the loaders!
CarlIcon...28-11-2007 @ 15:18 
Loves rugby league ...
Member 13, 14460 posts
SQ 230, BP 180.5, DL 262.5
673.0 kgs @ 128kgs UnEq
i think your right
tomIcon...13-12-2007 @ 23:25 
Member 105, 11 posts
SQ 291, BP 190, DL 245
726.0 kgs @ 70kgs Eq
JoeB said:
/quote]rob, I think the job that you and the little 'mexican', do down in Wales is superb, keep it up.

rob is a cock
where is my tshirt joe


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