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Northern Englands Strongest Man u105kg 2011

Archived Competition - This competition has occured.
Date10/04/2011 12 PM
RegionNorth West
LocationSalt Ayre Sports Centre, Lancaster
PostcodeLA1 5JS
WebsiteNone given
Submitted ByBen_F
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Competition Information
This is a qualifier for England's Strongest Man which will be a qualifier for UK's Strongest Man.

Athlete application forms by request: benfrance

Athlete entry fee: £15 to be received no later than 10th March 2011 (includes event t-shirt, trophies and prizes for top three and the "Strongman's Strongman" award).

Spectators: £3 Adults, £1 Children (Competetion starts at 12pm)


1) Vehicle Deadlift (one at a time)

Max reps in 75 seconds - front bar, equivalent to approx 260kg

2) Carry & Drag Medley (head to head)

2 x 100kg kegs x 20m, 240kg sled x 20m

3) Arm-over-Arm (one at a time)

16 Seat Mini-bus with passengers x 20m

4) Press Medley (head to head)

keg 90kg-100kg, IFSA spec log 105kg, axle 115kg, 69kg baby inch d'bell, IFSA spec log 130kg

5) Farmers Walk (two at a time)

2 x 120kg x 40m (JT farmers)

6) Stone Loading with run-in (head to head)

100kg to 60” from 4m, 120kg to 56” from 3m , 140kg to 52” from 2m , 160kg to 48” from 1m

Sponsored by...

Olympic Sports Gym, Ashton-under-Lyne
Platinum Sports Nutrition

Forum Thread
2011 Northern England's Strongest Man u105kg started by Ben_F (1608 replies)

Members Who Attended
Competitors - shane28 hixxy1985 JC BigSam Joni PAGAN
Spectators - Riain TravisFandango adam1980 MikeBromby1 BEAST
Officials/Loaders - richards9876 MrSmall James_94 Pete
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Archived Competition - This competition has occured.
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