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» off the feed, worth a watch (Go to post)22-07-2009 @ 19:57 
lil_lee said:
u must understand i am taking nothing away from the man... its a great achievement!!!

Even more remarkable is that Hauschildt is unable to use his legs. < its a bench comp!


Love the vid; awesome upper body strength!
» 140kg Box Squat critique please (Go to post)21-07-2009 @ 21:26 
Looks pretty good to me. It's a fairly low box so it might be hard to sit back much more but really keep focusing on that when box squatting - like Lou says "a box squat is like a hamstring curl" because a lot of the time they sit back hard enough the shins are perpindicular to the ground, sometimes even with the knee slightly behind ankles. I know how damn hard this is with a low box though (I just did 10" box squats for the first time in a year and I had to bring my stance in significantly to reach the box haha)

It almost looks like you drive with your legs off the box first; try making your first movement driving your head directly into the bar. John Bott (used to train at Westside) has helped me with my squat a lot lately and that's how he's had my fix the problem - changed my grip, really focusing on driving my elbows under the bar (I still suck at this though haha), and making the first part of the ascent with my head
» Interview with Big Iron coach Rich Hussey (Go to post)21-07-2009 @ 21:18 
Just found this on the Big Iron site. Great interview - the guy is a certified badass in my books. Still came in to coach is guys which undergoing chemo!
» Beer, Moose, and Poutine - A Canadian Strength Journey (Go to post)21-07-2009 @ 21:06 
haha I noticed that too. I'm guessing I either meant lbs, or tried changing my deadlift or something haha. Ah well, I like the sounds of 256kgs - it shall stay Grin
» Beer, Moose, and Poutine - A Canadian Strength Journey (Go to post)21-07-2009 @ 20:32 
Cheers Small. I just wish my next meet wasn't for so long.. maybe I'll find a push-pull I can hit up at the end of the summer (I really just want to hit my 400+ bench, but I can't in good concious do a bench-only hahaha)
» Beer, Moose, and Poutine - A Canadian Strength Journey (Go to post)21-07-2009 @ 20:32 
The next looooong while will be 90% focused on raw strength. My return to the platform will see me hitting huge prs - 800+/500+/600+ (mind you return to platform will most likely be next summer haha)

I weighed in at 264lbs, but we stopped at 3 truck stops to eat on the way up, and I weighed in with all my clothes on (including shoes), and even stuff in my pockets haha. Managed to put on a few lbs the 2 weeks before the meet aswell. I should be able to drop down again pretty quick at first
» Back In Business! (Go to post)21-07-2009 @ 20:28 
I'll meet you at 110kg haha

My thoughts are based around how long I plan on being in the sport and when I want to hit my "competitive peak" - I plan on being a superheavy (or 308 if my body can't deal with being a super haha). If I bulk up to that now I'll be really fat and not get full advantage of the weight. If I cut back a bit now then slowly bulk up I'll be atleast a bit more muscular on my new 300+ frame.

Join me Tom - we must become skinny to become huge hahaha
» Back In Business! (Go to post)21-07-2009 @ 19:30 
Cut down to the very lowest weight class and rule it with an iron fist!
» Beer, Moose, and Poutine - A Canadian Strength Journey (Go to post)21-07-2009 @ 19:01 
Thanks Tom. I feel like I have a huge total pr waiting for me as soon as I manage to actually put it together on the platform

July 21/09 @ Ironworks

Pulldown (wide neutral handle) - up to 3x195x8
Straight Arm Pushdown // High Band Rows - 2 sets
Stairmaster (3 mins hard) // Bent Over Band Row // Pullaparts

-high frequency upper back with lots of variation will be my saviour
» Beer, Moose, and Poutine - A Canadian Strength Journey (Go to post)20-07-2009 @ 20:22 
Here's the vid of the heaviest SSB squat:
» Beer, Moose, and Poutine - A Canadian Strength Journey (Go to post)20-07-2009 @ 20:04 
Did a light bench workout yesterday but for some reason couldn't get on here when I was posting it elsewhere. 6 sets light benching, 3 sets light dumbells, and 4 sets of cable rows

July 20/09 @ Ironworks

Warmup - dynamic stretching, foam roll, band dislocates, 3x8 pullaparts

SSB Box Squat (10" box) (only used a belt):
**last one was real tough.. felt strange struggling that hard with sub-500lbs haha
**10 inches feels really low haha. Moved my stance in a bit to try and find where I'll set up for raw work

BB Row (varying grips):

High Pulls - 3x135x5
Pullthroughs - 3xaveragex12
Bent-leg Situps - 3x25x10

Finished with 20 minutes stretching and foam rolling

-2 huge priorities for the next little while need to be abs and upper back
» Beer, Moose, and Poutine - A Canadian Strength Journey (Go to post)19-07-2009 @ 10:18 
July 18/09 SSA Nationals

Squat (ace pro briefs, viking squatter, convict wraps):
1st Attempt - 670 - 3 whites
2nd Attempt - 715 (10lb pr) - 3 whites
3rd Attempt - passed
*squats felt REALLY heavy.. apparently I crushed my 1st attempt, but it felt like I battled it for a bit haha

Bench (double rage-x):
1st Attempt - 390 (5lb pr) - 3 whites
2nd Attempt - 415 - miss
3rd Attempt - 415 - miss
*f**k benching
*I killed my 1st.. so much so I was already thinking ahead to a 440 3rd attempt and 460ish on a 4th haha
*2nd attempt was within a centimeter, but I just suck way too much to officially bench over 400 apparently

Deadlift (viking squatter)
1st Attempt - 500 - 3 whites
2nd Attempt - 560 - miss
3rd Attempt - pass
*I was so tired by this point it was insane. Lowered my openner to something I can hit no problem.. good thing too haha
*I tried to muster up a little bit of fire for my 2nd attempt but I was too much of a pussy hahaha

Overall this was like all my other meets; mediocre. I can never seem to put it together on the platform. My bench is getting a bit better, but I'm not consistant at all.

Back in the gym tomorow haha
» The SMALL Workout log. (Go to post)11-07-2009 @ 19:42 
Nice work lately dude.

Stairs are brutal haha. I've been doing some hills lately and it's killer
» Beer, Moose, and Poutine - A Canadian Strength Journey (Go to post)11-07-2009 @ 19:39 
Thanks man. I'm actually feeling fairly healthy right now considering how much band tension I've been using on my squats.. chiropractor is awesome! Anyone in the area - Dr.Matheson is a life saver!

July 11/09 @ Ironworks

up to 275xmiss.. got totally stapled haha. Ah well, now I have a goal for the first bit of this upcoming raw cycle lol

2 ply Rage-X:
365x3 1 board
385x1 1 board **probably open with this
405x1 2 board
435x1 2 board
455x1 3 board
475x1 3 board **damn tough but I got 'er

4 Board Raw:

Kettlebell Upright Row:

-my pr on the 3 board is 465, and exactly one month ago I missed 455 twice, so I'm pretty damn pleased with this haha
-last meet Shooter and I went into it ending on a terrible workout.. we ended up getting 1 bench in between us (1 for 6 haha). This meet we both ended on a high note; let's kill it!
» Beer, Moose, and Poutine - A Canadian Strength Journey (Go to post)09-07-2009 @ 00:29 
deffinatly a different one, but feels like it'll be good for back strength; the first part makes you push with almost all low back, then forces you to keep it tight/stable during the squat portion of the lift

July 8/09 @ ironworks

Tonnes of mobility/stretching/foam rolling.. stupidly sore today from those goodmornings

Box Squats (14"):
+Viking VStance (straps down):

Seated Cable Row (wide neutral grip) - 3x200x8
High Band Row - 3x2 doubled minisx15
Seated Crunch Machine - 3x240x10
Rev Pec Dec // Band Side Bend - 2 sets

-decent workout; starting to turn it down a notch. 1.5 weeks out now, so just gonna hit my bench openner Saturday with some lockout work, then take it easy
-chiropractor is awesome; back is sooooo much better than before I met with him. Still some pain, but only slight, and not at all on light sets

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