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is my weak ass squat holding my deadlifts back?!?!?!

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haydnwardIconis my weak ass squat holding my deadlifts back?!?!?!31-01-2012 @ 18:52 
Member 3148, 473 posts
SQ 180, BP 145, DL 210
535.0 kgs @ 87kgs UnEq
i know the way to improve a squat/exercise in general is to actually do it, and i am, but im struggling soo much to get the weight up on my squat as well as keeping to a proper depth.
is the fact my squat is weak stopping my deadlift from improving? is there a direct cross over between the two?

should i start from scratch with my squat: what i mean is my pb is 150: should i do a 5x5 starting at say 90 and adding 5-10kg each week, or use a 5/3/1 method, or is the method not important?
what have you guys found out to improve your squats?

my current routine:
mon - deadlift and squat (legs)
wed - overhead pressing (log and axle) and assisstance (inc bench etc)
fri - pulling - 15inch deads, rows, assistance
sun - events - usually farmers, yoke, stones.

i kno squats arent overly important for strongman as they dont overly feature in events, however, who doesnt squat?!?!?!?!

as usual, much apreciation for any help given guys.
FazcIcon...31-01-2012 @ 18:56 
Sports an extremely muscular arse.
Member 38, 6253 posts
haydnward said:should i start from scratch with my squat: what i mean is my pb is 150: should i do a 5x5 starting at say 90 and adding 5-10kg each week

That works.

But what exactly is stopping you from getting depth, is it flexibility? Or are you just cutting short on heavy sets?

If it's the latter then you just need to focus to committing to the depth. Knowing what exactly the issue is will help you when you build back up.
haydnwardIcon...31-01-2012 @ 19:04 
Member 3148, 473 posts
SQ 180, BP 145, DL 210
535.0 kgs @ 87kgs UnEq
Fazc said:
That works.
But what exactly is stopping you from getting depth, is it flexibility? Or are you just cutting short on heavy sets?

If it's the latter then you just need to focus to committing to the depth. Knowing what exactly the issue is will help you when you build back up.

i can tell you exactly what happens:
60kg = ass to floor, no exageration
100 = comfortably do several sets of 10-15, ass to heels
120 = going proper parallel is ok for sets of 8 max
140 = my bum gets just slightly higher than my knee hight, so im afew degrees shy of parrallel and i instantly just start moving back up! lol

ive starting putting my feet slightly wider and this does feel more comfortable, however it doesnt matter how i stand, once i get above 3 plates, my body kinda bails on me before i do if that makes sence, like an automatic safety switch lol

i kno its not flexibility as ive done over 20 years martial arts, and ive had no problem taking my 100kg up in reps, its just when i get to 3plates a side, i cant get propper depth, and i dont count a rep if its not proper depth. my squats have always sucked tho, proper annoying!!

any ideas?
FazcIcon...31-01-2012 @ 19:08 
Sports an extremely muscular arse.
Member 38, 6253 posts
haydnward said:140 = my bum gets just slightly higher than my knee hight, so im afew degrees shy of parrallel and i instantly just start moving back up! lol

Lol, why does this happen Tongue

Probably should drop and build back up, concentrating on depth each rep. You might wanna squat twice a week too if you're going to drop back to 90ish. I squatted to a box to gauge depth for a good long while after my injured my hamstring, since getting to depth was very difficult.
haydnwardIcon...31-01-2012 @ 19:17 
Member 3148, 473 posts
SQ 180, BP 145, DL 210
535.0 kgs @ 87kgs UnEq
Fazc said:
Lol, why does this happen Tongue
Probably should drop and build back up, concentrating on depth each rep. You might wanna squat twice a week too if you're going to drop back to 90ish. I squatted to a box to gauge depth for a good long while after my injured my hamstring, since getting to depth was very difficult.

i think its automatic defence mechanism lol

ill cut it back and try twice a week Happy ta!
FazcIcon...31-01-2012 @ 19:21 
Sports an extremely muscular arse.
Member 38, 6253 posts
Some people really promote pause Squats so you're more comfortable 'in the hole' (OI OI!! Tongue ).

Might be worth trying a few sets after your Squat work.
haydnwardIcon...31-01-2012 @ 19:26 
Member 3148, 473 posts
SQ 180, BP 145, DL 210
535.0 kgs @ 87kgs UnEq
Fazc said:Some people really promote pause Squats so you're more comfortable 'in the hole' (OI OI!! Tongue ).

Might be worth trying a few sets after your Squat work.

so what if did 2x week, first time do lo box squats and second time do paused squats?
or just stick to one method for 4-6 weeks then switch up?
FazcIcon...31-01-2012 @ 19:30 
Sports an extremely muscular arse.
Member 38, 6253 posts
Post Edited: 31.01.2012 @ 19:32 PM by Fazc
Well I do some kind of squat three times a week, I just switch it up every time. Tom Martin would Squat way more then that even and he's way stronger than me, pretty sure Milsy does a lot of squatting too so I wouldn't worry about doing too much especially if you're dropping back in weight.

If you're going to Squat just twice then I'd do your regular Squats, to a box to gauge depth if you want to, then finish up with some pause squats for a few triples. Or if you're really going to smash the volume then do Squats one day and Pause Squats the next.

Sorry that's a lot of rambling, basically whatever you think you can handle. Don't be afraid of pushing it a little since you're dropping back. Here you go, picture of boobs I'm much better at posting boobs than giving advice:
haydnwardIcon...31-01-2012 @ 19:32 
Member 3148, 473 posts
SQ 180, BP 145, DL 210
535.0 kgs @ 87kgs UnEq
Fazc said:Well I do some kind of squat three times a week, I just switch it up every time. Tom Martin would Squat way more then that even and he's way stronger than me, pretty sure Milsy does a lot of squatting too so I wouldn't worry about doing too much especially if you're dropping back in weight.

If you're going to Squat just twice then I'd do your regular Squats, to a box to gauge depth if you want to, then finish up with some pause squats for a few triples. Or if you're really going to smash the volume then do Squats one day and Pause Squats the next.

awesome, thanks for the advice!! hopfully my squat will play catch up to my other lifts!!! lol

cheers once again
haydnwardIcon...31-01-2012 @ 19:35 
Member 3148, 473 posts
SQ 180, BP 145, DL 210
535.0 kgs @ 87kgs UnEq
Fazc said:

Sorry that's a lot of rambling, basically whatever you think you can handle. Don't be afraid of pushing it a little since you're dropping back. Here you go, picture of boobs I'm much better at posting boobs than giving advice:

thanks for the boobs! it all helped! lmao
shanejerIcon...31-01-2012 @ 21:12 
Member 1307, 14110 posts
SQ 355, BP 240, DL 370
965.0 kgs @ 102kgs UnEq
Perhaps because your doing farmers, yoke and stones. Then the next day deadlifting. Then trying to squat!

I'd rest after a big events session personally. Especially as stones farmers and yoke are pretty hefty on the posterior chain!
MattD90Icon...31-01-2012 @ 21:15 
Skaven for the win !!
Member 2490, 3589 posts
SQ 180, BP 120, DL 230
530.0 kgs @ 82kgs UnEq
The heavy weight is probably "scaring" you into not going to full depth because you might be making big jumps.

If you can hit depth with 100 no problem, try one session doing this:

110 x 1
120 x 1
125 x 1
130 x 1
135 x 1
140 x 1

Small jumps making sure you absolutely hit depth on every one. If you've just smashed a squat to full depth at a given weight, it's not mentally difficult to try and go +5kg to it at the same depth

At the end of the day you just need to stop squatting high lol
slimsimIcon...31-01-2012 @ 21:30 
My asshole is not watertight.
Member 2926, 6050 posts
SQ 217.5, BP 107.5, DL 225
550.0 kgs @ 86kgs UnEq
Always nice to pop into a thread and see a glorious rack like that!Grin

One option you could try and which would avoid dropping your weights down would be to add 2.5kg (total) to the 100kg set each week. Still do your other sets even if they are on the high side but over a 10 week period the 100kg becomes 125kg, hopefully to the same depth as to what you're doing them now.

Probably be worth chucking a set in at 90 once your at 110kg+

Once you're able to do 125 a2g then you could always drop the 140+ sets down a touch but it doesn't then end up feeling like a massive backwards step.
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