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» program idea/ critique please (Go to post)06-04-2015 @ 18:11 
Week 1: Hypertrophy (3x8 isolation)
Week 2: Strength (5x5 lift variants)
Week 3: Power (6x3 70% on variants, box jumps etc)
Week 4: Speed (50% max, lots of doubles for speed/deload)
Week 5: Realization

where you say realization, what exactly do you mean?
» program idea/ critique please (Go to post)06-04-2015 @ 14:40 
With your new method on board, and the advice in your other post, ill prob set a tonnage per workout to hit between for the big lifts, and ensure i atleast hit the minimum if having a pants day, and if feel great, go for the maximums, this way i kno as the program progresses ill be still getting to the numbers needed.
» program idea/ critique please (Go to post)06-04-2015 @ 14:36 
Thankyou for taking the time with your amazing post. It totally makes sence, as well as the better acessory work Set up.
So i can choose how to do the setsxreps within those rep ranges with the % involved.
Thank you once again for an amazing post, i shall scrap my idea and adjust thusly

AMH_Power said:
Thanks for the kind words!
Right, I am going to take onboard the suggestions, in particular, yours Phil. The thumb has been pulled out. Game time.
» program idea/ critique please (Go to post)05-04-2015 @ 09:50 
so, been playing on paper with this idea for a progressive program: 5 week cycle, looking to increase weight but drop reps. based on 4 days:
1) 'bench' plus back
2) 'squat' plus core
3) 'light bench' plus assist (shoulders, triceps, lats)
4) 'light squat' plus assist (so, for my weakness, glutes, ham, alil lower back too)

the 'light bench/squat' stays at 5x3 @50% to help aid recovery and enforce technique.

the main bench/squat rotates throught this pyramid cycle:
week 1) 10x10@60%
week 2) 8x8@70%
week 3) 6x6@80%
week 4) 4x4@87.5%
week 5) 2x2@92.5%
week 6 would be replacing the above with a second light session, so 2 sessions of bench and two of squat, both 5x3@50%, then we restart the program, add 2.5kg to the previous weights.

the assistance would be 3-5 sets at 6-10 reps depending on the exercises used. keep to 1-2 exercises per assistance. so example week looks like:

bench 10x10
db row - 4x6 per side
lat pull 3x10
face pulls 3x10

squat 10x10
roll outs 5x5 (hold for 5 secs)

day 3)
light bench
weighted dips 5x6-8
seated shoulder press 4x6-8
face pulls 3x10
lat pulldown 3x10

day 4)
light bench
stiff leg deadlifts 5x6-8
ham culrs 3x10
cable pull throughs 4x8-10

assistance exercises could be changed to variations/alternatives every week, or, stick to same exercises for entire cycle then change.

if in the reps pyramid, you miss, for example, in the 4x4, you managed 2x4, 1x3 then 1x2, you then go back to 6x6, but drop the weight and start from there again.
the goal would be by cycle 4, your doing 2x2 with your previous 1rm from 4 months ago.
does this look like too slow a progression?
too aggressive an incline?
too much volume?
general thoughts? going in the right direction, or just a pile of dog crap?

just thought as not competing any time soon, this would be a good way to build up time under the bar, get a fair few reps in, help build alil bit of mass as well as a lil bit of strength, it doesnt look like the fastest of progression, but maybe a slowly slowly easy easy aproach whilst 'off season' might help boost the numbers up?
» advice, which type of squats? (Go to post)11-03-2014 @ 21:54 
Lay off wasnt due to injury, without going into details was a bowel issue and I couldnt eat properly so had toget that sorted so couldnt train, now its all in check ive been back training fine, not like I blew my knee out or anything major.
had a feeling it would be go by feel. I tend to go ass to grass, but low bar, so bit of a mish mash. I know it takes time, wouldnt mind if my numbers were decent in the first place, but they were far from it lol. Thanks for your reply anyway.

ironcolin said:Not an expert by any means but my opinion would be that your strength will come back
eventually depending on the reason of your layoff.

It will come just don't rush it, be patient.

Regards to squat style, I asked something similar only last week and what I learned was that do what feels right for you and possible vary it from time to time.
» advice, which type of squats? (Go to post)11-03-2014 @ 21:30 
Post Edited: 11.03.2014 @ 21:33 PM by haydnward
Hey guys, hope all are well, ill try and keep this breif:
Had a good 7 months off training and eating properly due to health, started back in january, trying to get my numbers back up. Been advised high frequency would be good so im using hatfields method as advised elsewherr, but squating 3 times, with the added squats in form of 8x3 dynamic on deadlift day. The question at point, would I be better off doing oly squats due to the frequency, just stick to powerlifting low bar squats, try incorperating both or is it more a case of what works for you?? Ive tried to look into it, and all powerlifters curse oly squats, but seeing all these tiny oly guys smashing huge weights as well as the frequency tells me they must be onto something? I just want to get my numbers back where they where as they were starting to not completely suck balls, and now I feel weak as piss, and without sounding homo its proper disheartening knowing I couldnt squat today what I would have been doing this time last year.
for example, before my lay off last year id managed to squat 200x3 in belt and wraps, and saturday I did 5x3 at 130 in just knee wraps and set 3 4 and 5 were grinders.

if any of you have a better program to advise to get my numbers up im happy to listen to all advice, just dont wana suck anymore.
Thanks for reading
» 2013 - do it again, but do it properly! (Go to post)05-03-2013 @ 09:55 
mon 4/3/13
4x9@ 97.5

90x12 negative down,paused, exsplosive press
80x10 every rep i did a half rep then a full rep

short n sweet.

im structuring around smolov at the min with basic upper body work to keep muscle upper body, build size and strength lower body. once i finish smolov and im happy with my numbers again, ill switch to a more westside me/de program to build size and strength again.
» 2013 - do it again, but do it properly! (Go to post)05-03-2013 @ 09:52 
so last tuesday i got food poisoning so i was off work and in bed for 3 days, got back on friday and straight into routine:


db rows 3x10 50kg
db bends 3x6 at 40kg


band pull aparts 5x10
shrugs 3 x 10 at 140kg
bicep curls 3x10 14kg dbs
» Flat Back Benching? (Go to post)24-02-2013 @ 10:25 
You bench 230, thats enough! Lol all I can say is from my own experience, I used to bench flat and maxed at a measly 120, I started training with proper ex power lifter/current strongman who showed me how to bench and is sored to 145. However, by your numbers im guessing your a wayyy more advanced lifter so prob wouldnt benifit as much, but, I think it def would benifit adding afew extra kgs to it.
» Any body done 13week smolov??? (Go to post)24-02-2013 @ 06:43 
Rico said:If you are going to do the russian routine, do it in its entirety. Don't mess about with itl

I only say/suggest as afew people have said deadlifting heavy the same as squats isnt good for either lift, especially as I need more focus on squats.
» Any body done 13week smolov??? (Go to post)23-02-2013 @ 21:39 
With rsr (if got template for bench and squats, im gona deadlift, but only the 6x build ups only, just repeat them n maybe add 5kg), the work sets go 6x3/6x4/6x5/6x6/5x5/4x4/3x3/2x2/attemp 1rm pb
Now, would it be benificial to add extra phase in:
Once done 6x6, start again, same weight, but add bands, build back up to 6x6, then continue as usual. Im looking at adding the bands to maybe increase my explosiveness on my lifts. Would it work/be benificial? Be a waste of time?
» Any body done 13week smolov??? (Go to post)23-02-2013 @ 21:09 
ben66 said:I think the Russian squat routine is better than Smolov- I've done both, and gains for effort were best on the Russian one than Smolov, which proper f**ks you!

Not what you asked though...

But if rsr is better for gains id run that, im not 100% set on smolov, just want wats gona giv best results Happy
» Any body done 13week smolov??? (Go to post)23-02-2013 @ 20:20 
As some of you may have seen by my previous thread ive devised my own program structure, however afew have advised me that as I feel my squat needs most work that I should focus on that first, get happy with it, then do my programe. Ive looked at smolov and got 13week weights set, however I have a question for anyone whos done it, what upper body did u do and when/how?! Im looking for enough.that I dont go backwards pressing wise. Any help would be apreciated. Ta Happy
» Have a butchers and critique please (Go to post)23-02-2013 @ 18:18 
JamesH said:If you want your squat to go up, squatting more than once a week is a good plan for a few weeks, at least in my experience.

I can't really offer any definite answer on percentages, sets etc. However, I can say that I find sticking to one type of squat is best. currently I prefer back squats, but have had decent success with fronts too.

During that time you will need to hold back with the deadlifts. It will be difficult to pull big weights as you will still be recovering from the squats. But it doesn't matter.

When you have made some solid progress, switching back to once weekly might then be a good time to reap the benefits. You can then begin to demonstrate some of the strength with heavier deadlifting too.

After looking about, Im considering doing the 13week smolov first to bring my squat up, then run this program method and work then on slowly bringing up all 3. Just worried about my pressing declining during smolov
» 2013 - do it again, but do it properly! (Go to post)23-02-2013 @ 10:58 
Made today short n sweet:
Squats: 5@60, 5@80 6x2@102.5
Bench: 5@60, 3@80, 6x3@90

Quick workout sandwhiched between pt client and starting my shift. Ive created a strength build program but discussing currently with the more experienced lifters weather to.start it yet, or work on my main weakness, being my squat. I have the full smolov 13 week program I may run to pick squat up before my general

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