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Unimpressive journey to mediocre.

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mark_f1Icon...30-05-2020 @ 00:30 
not actually strong
Member 5779, 811 posts
SQ 220, BP 150, DL 285
655.0 kgs @ 105kgs Eq
Not updated this for a few weeks pulled my back on the last set of a great deadlift session.

18th May
260x1 no belt or straps
180 x15 d.o.h was going for 20 but glasses fell off.
240 x3 was going for 5 but pulled back on 4th rep. Heard a pop in my lumbar region.

Had a week off, went on lots of walks, as in pain when sat/laid down.

25th May
Snatch grip Deads
Banded rows
60kg 10x6
Lat pull downs

26th May
Incline bench feet up no supports
95 2x5
100 2x5
105 1x5

Standing strict press
60 5x8

27th May
2hr walk

29th May
Yoke strict press
60 5x5
65 3x5
70 2x5
75 2x5
80 1x4

90 2 singles with a push, struggled as not getting any leg drive.
mark_f1Icon...02-06-2020 @ 02:08 
not actually strong
Member 5779, 811 posts
SQ 220, BP 150, DL 285
655.0 kgs @ 105kgs Eq
Banded deadlifts
60 3x5
100 x5
140 x3
180 x1
140 4x5 workinh in tekkers and letting back heal.

20kg 3 x10
mark_f1Icon...06-06-2020 @ 13:00 
not actually strong
Member 5779, 811 posts
SQ 220, BP 150, DL 285
655.0 kgs @ 105kgs Eq
Incline Bench Feet up no supports
100kg 5x5

Seated Press
60 4x8

Banded high box squats beltless
155 4*5

05/06/2020 (was meant to be yoke press but getting bad nerve pain down left leg so decided to have a lay down instead).
20 x lots felt good
60 3x5
100 x5
130 x1 Surprisingly easy.

Sleeves, wrists straps and belt on.
150 x1 P.B!!! (Lost my line a bit too so could have been easier).
155 Spoto P.B - pussied out less than half an inch off my chest, but didn't realise thise was a SPOTO press so I'm taking it
mark_f1Icon...12-06-2020 @ 22:19 
not actually strong
Member 5779, 811 posts
SQ 220, BP 150, DL 285
655.0 kgs @ 105kgs Eq

Beltless SSB Box squat
155KG 4x5


Paused Bench
105kg 2x10, 1x11

Light Accessories.

Going to build up for a 160 bench this year.

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