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OPINION - Ed Coan NOT the greatest powerlifter

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jwalksIcon...09-04-2014 @ 14:46 
Member 4526, 107 posts
SQ 200, BP 140, DL 240
580.0 kgs @ 96kgs UnEq
Multiple failed drug tests. Lifetime ban. If he is the greatest of all time it says a lot about the sport.
IrishMarcIcon...09-04-2014 @ 14:55 
no really Irish
Member 1196, 5908 posts
SQ 312, BP 230, DL 320
862.0 kgs @ 114kgs UnEq
FazcIcon...09-04-2014 @ 15:13 
Sports an extremely muscular arse.
Member 38, 6253 posts
jwalks said:Multiple failed drug tests. Lifetime ban. If he is the greatest of all time it says a lot about the sport.

It is Weightliftings retarded, drug abusing, STD ridden brother.
little_aIcon...09-04-2014 @ 15:22 
still a devious weightlifting bastard
Member 43, 14379 posts
JC said:
Mick Ashurst coolest PL of all time. ...closely followed by John 'Marsbar' Marsden

Cooler than Fat Pete? I like you James but I'm not a believer. I like Mick too though, and John.
Funky_monkeyIcon...09-04-2014 @ 15:50 
403 forbidden message
Member 160, 5121 posts
SQ 190, BP 137.5, DL 225
552.5 kgs @ 86kgs UnEq
Fazc said:
It is Weightliftings retarded, drug abusing, STD ridden brother.

Surely it should be "Weightlifting's retarded...."
slimsimIcon...09-04-2014 @ 17:44 
My asshole is not watertight.
Member 2926, 6051 posts
SQ 217.5, BP 107.5, DL 225
550.0 kgs @ 86kgs UnEq
Funky_monkey said:
Surely it should be "Weightlifting's retarded...."

YOU missed the question mark!
JackRevansIcon...09-04-2014 @ 17:55 
'There was also a sausage in my mouth.'
Member 2477, 16481 posts
SQ 190, BP 130, DL 235
555.0 kgs @ 83kgs UnEq
slimsim said:
YOU missed the question mark!

no that was a statement not a question you norris
dr_hazbunIcon...09-04-2014 @ 17:58 
tabbouleh and fattoush salads were very refreshing
Member 267, 8548 posts
SQ 220, BP 165, DL 250
635.0 kgs @ 90kgs Eq
kyle said:Why do powerlifters insist that Ed Coan is the greatest of all time and possibly the strongest human ever?

I mean look, Inaba (little Japanese guy) has won the IPF world title more times than anyone else. Malanchiev, Stan Efferding, Don Reinhoudt etc have all totaled RAW almost as much as Ed's EQUIPPED total. There are also guys who have out-totaled his single ply total (Brian Siders etc). Finally in terms of wilks, there are a bunch of East European midgets who out-do him...

So remind me why is Ed Coan the greatest powerlifter of all time?

Ed who?

Tom Martin unofficially beat his deadlift record in Oxfordshire a few years ago and walked off the platform like nothing had happened.
slimsimIcon...09-04-2014 @ 18:01 
My asshole is not watertight.
Member 2926, 6051 posts
SQ 217.5, BP 107.5, DL 225
550.0 kgs @ 86kgs UnEq
JackRevans said:
no that was a statement not a question you norris

"surely it should be" is definitely part of a question, however, I do not deny my norris like attitude.
IainKendrickIcon...09-04-2014 @ 18:10 
some nice relaxing jazz.
Member 77, 12599 posts
SQ 265, BP 165, DL 280
710.0 kgs @ 93kgs UnEq
kyle said:
Malanchiev, Don Reinhout, Stan Efferding

They are all in 1 to 2 weight classes heavier than him. Add to that the equipment Coan used in his prime is no way close to single ply now days.

I can see why some call him the greatest. I think his 900lbs deadlift @100kg is one of greatest deadlifts of all time. I'd put money on him beating Dan Green raw best vs best. However Green may well surpass him.

If you like Innaba (spelling? lol) cool. I may well agree with you. However it's not crazy to say Coan was at least one of the greatest. Plus if people (not sure which?) want to say he was the greatest then fine. Its not an insane thing to say.

He was a 'drug cheat', but then it looked like all the top guys were at the time?
EvisIcon...09-04-2014 @ 21:54 
Member 2202, 346 posts
SQ 282.5, BP 220, DL 320.5
823.0 kgs @ 120kgs UnEq
I guess Coan would have been able to total 1000kgs+ at 110kg bw without wraps, walked out squats, with a 2-hour weigh-in and a regular bar for deadlifts. Pretty crazy, no matter how much drugs he used.
JamieGIcon...09-04-2014 @ 22:31 
Tom's CNS is better than steroids
Member 2886, 2973 posts
SQ 190, BP 122.5, DL 210
522.5 kgs @ 90kgs UnEq
dr_hazbun said:
Ed who?
Tom Martin unofficially beat his deadlift record in Oxfordshire a few years ago and walked off the platform like nothing had happened.

Once Tom pulls 450kg at u93 no one will even remember Coan!
Luke_ReynoldsIcon...09-04-2014 @ 23:52 
Member 3070, 170 posts
SQ 260, BP 220, DL 320
800.0 kgs @ 165kgs UnEq
Post Edited: 10.04.2014 @ 00:13 AM by Luke_Reynolds
The single ply of coans day cannot be compared to the single ply of today. also only 2 metre wraps were used. IPF judging.

consider these lifts-


436kg@ 97kg
418kg@ 97kg
462kg@ 107kg


409kg@ 100kg- RAW
403kg@ 110kg

Bench Press-

265kg@ 110kg

Here is a link to an article explaining how good ed coan was

obviously the article is dated but makes good points nonetheless.


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