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Moz's training log

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mozIconMoz's training log21-04-2014 @ 17:35 
Feasting on humble pie.
Member 51, 1692 posts
SQ 227.5, BP 185, DL 272.5
685.0 kgs @ 90.4kgs UnEq
Hey dudes! 

I'm posting my training on FB every time I lift so may as well keep a log here again. Some guys on here will know me others won't. I'll be doing AMH_POWER training routine that he posted in a bench thread... means I'm on the gym x2 a week. Suits me fine at the moment with summer just around the corner and I have other interests like skating, sunbathing and seeing my daughter. 

so last week did a comp for charity so I've based my maxes from this 220/182/272 @90kg. obvs goals are 250/200/300.
mozIcon...21-04-2014 @ 17:36 
Feasting on humble pie.
Member 51, 1692 posts
SQ 227.5, BP 185, DL 272.5
685.0 kgs @ 90.4kgs UnEq
Post Edited: 21.04.2014 @ 17:39 PM by moz
Sat 19/4/12
Gym with Matthew Pickstock

mobility and warm up.

bar x 10
70 x 10
110 x 10
140 x 8s x 2

bar x few
70 x 10
120 x 5
160 x 2
180 x 1
200 x 1
160 x 7s x 3
160 x 5

back pump!!!! Not used to this conditioning
mozIcon...21-04-2014 @ 17:38 
Feasting on humble pie.
Member 51, 1692 posts
SQ 227.5, BP 185, DL 272.5
685.0 kgs @ 90.4kgs UnEq

mobilty/warm up

squat (high bar)
bar x 10
70 x 8
110 x 5 x 3



speed work on squats to get stiff legs working. not part of the programme but can't hurt to do them to loosen off before yoga.
mozIcon...21-04-2014 @ 17:38 
Feasting on humble pie.
Member 51, 1692 posts
SQ 227.5, BP 185, DL 272.5
685.0 kgs @ 90.4kgs UnEq
Rick do your magic and delete the other log please Happy
RickIcon...21-04-2014 @ 17:47 
I am a bench-only guy
Member 3, 10038 posts
SQ 185, BP 175, DL 235
595.0 kgs @ 140kgs UnEq
Done, chum.
dr_hazbunIcon...21-04-2014 @ 18:13 
tabbouleh and fattoush salads were very refreshing
Member 267, 8548 posts
SQ 220, BP 165, DL 250
635.0 kgs @ 90kgs Eq
Always enjoyed following your training. Welcome back.
DHIcon...21-04-2014 @ 19:47 
Member 1762, 624 posts
SQ 152.5, BP 125, DL 170
447.5 kgs @ 81.5kgs UnEq
dr_hazbun said:Always enjoyed following your training. Welcome back.

LuuuuuukeyIcon...21-04-2014 @ 22:52 
Hill sprints are fun!
Member 731, 3253 posts
SQ 200, BP 127.5, DL 232.5
560.0 kgs @ 80kgs UnEq
Ive been having a nosey at your training on Facebook lately. Good to see you back on here!
mozIconDeadlift22-04-2014 @ 10:04 
Feasting on humble pie.
Member 51, 1692 posts
SQ 227.5, BP 185, DL 272.5
685.0 kgs @ 90.4kgs UnEq
Right so im at the start of a new cycle and I've recently pulled 272 and attempted 280 which left the floor to about my knees and I feel like this would fall pretty soon. So here's my plan... critique please gents, these lifts will be performed on Wednesday after squat and bench (I like a full power day conditions you for comp). I'll be doing a max single then 90% of that single for 5.

week 1
1 x 230, 5x207
week 2
1 x 240, 5x215
week 3
1 x 250, 5x225
week 4
1 x 260, 5x235
week 5 (deload)
1 x 240, 5x215
week 6
1 x 250, 5x225
week 7
1 x 260, 5x235
week 8
1 x 270, 5x245
week 9
pb... 280!?

I've been pulling 240x6 no probs in training so I think these weights are more than manageable and it's how I took my dead from 250 to 270.... don't fix something that's not broke? altho it's a set of 5 each rep will be done like a single. effort concentrated on speed.
LuuuuuukeyIcon...22-04-2014 @ 10:48 
Hill sprints are fun!
Member 731, 3253 posts
SQ 200, BP 127.5, DL 232.5
560.0 kgs @ 80kgs UnEq
Is there going to be a competitive comeback?
AMH_PowerIcon...22-04-2014 @ 11:10 
we ride at dawn
Member 4363, 1442 posts
SQ 310, BP 250, DL 320
880.0 kgs @ 104kgs UnEq
moz said:Right so im at the start of a new cycle and I've recently pulled 272 and attempted 280 which left the floor to about my knees and I feel like this would fall pretty soon. So here's my plan... critique please gents, these lifts will be performed on Wednesday after squat and bench (I like a full power day conditions you for comp). I'll be doing a max single then 90% of that single for 5.

week 1
1 x 230, 5x207
week 2
1 x 240, 5x215
week 3
1 x 250, 5x225
week 4
1 x 260, 5x235
week 5 (deload)
1 x 240, 5x215
week 6
1 x 250, 5x225
week 7
1 x 260, 5x235
week 8
1 x 270, 5x245
week 9
pb... 280!?

I've been pulling 240x6 no probs in training so I think these weights are more than manageable and it's how I took my dead from 250 to 270.... don't fix something that's not broke? altho it's a set of 5 each rep will be done like a single. effort concentrated on speed.

Really good linear periodization here Moz, but you could hit a bigger single with a taper.

You have two blocks of accumulation divided by a deload. I'd keep this method when away from comp, but approaching a comp. I'd keep incrementing the weight, but the weekly tonneage needs to start decreasing... Accumulation allows you to hit the overreach, but accumulating while in overreach will just flatten off the peak well before it's potential.

A very similar method can be found in the Ed Coan/Phillipi routine, which is doing heavy followed by light, but he properly tapers to hit a big single at the end.

I think you've naturally almost landed yourself on that very routine, see what you think... it's programming is correct and pretty flawless:

Like I said, your lifting method is very similar this (and maybe similar to Andy Boltons if I'm not mistaken). If it works for you stay with it, but I'd definitely consider the use of tapers just for meets.

Fingers crossed for the new pb for you mate, good luck.
RodgerIcon...22-04-2014 @ 13:01 
salad dodger *missing*
Member 1805, 10367 posts
SQ 215, BP 121, DL 240
576.0 kgs @ 100kgs UnEq
The lifts in that comp on that vid were fantastic mate!
deleted2_20210523Icon...22-04-2014 @ 13:05 
Member 2606, 11453 posts
SQ 170, BP 117.5, DL 215
502.5 kgs @ 91.6kgs UnEq
mozIcon...22-04-2014 @ 13:38 
Feasting on humble pie.
Member 51, 1692 posts
SQ 227.5, BP 185, DL 272.5
685.0 kgs @ 90.4kgs UnEq
Cheers Aaron. The problem if I run the Coan routine is that I'll be doing session 2 squat 8x2x175,bench session one E1rm, 8x3@140 etc then having to do 2 singles and another 8 sets of deads!!!!

how about in the later weeks it drops to just three reps? after the deload?
mozIcon...22-04-2014 @ 13:43 
Feasting on humble pie.
Member 51, 1692 posts
SQ 227.5, BP 185, DL 272.5
685.0 kgs @ 90.4kgs UnEq
Rodger said:The lifts in that comp on that vid were fantastic mate!

I was well pleased with my squat and deadlift. I have the ability to bench more so not overly chuffed with that.


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