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BimIcon...30-01-2017 @ 21:31 
Member 3359, 3677 posts
SQ 250, BP 210, DL 295
755.0 kgs @ 89kgs UnEq
Nice work on the pb. Is the hip the same problem you had last year?
AppetiteIcon...31-01-2017 @ 10:35 
Let do this.
Member 3512, 2473 posts
SQ 200, BP 140, DL 252.5
592.5 kgs @ 80kgs UnEq
Yes mate, last year and the year before. I have seen Physios, Chiroprators and Musco Skeletal specialists. Have had xrays and MRIs and the general consensus is split into 2 camps.

"Its buggered and we dont know how to fix it" from the reputable specialists.

"Its buggered and we dont know whats wrong with it but if you continue to give us money we will keep prodding about with it" from those less reputable.

I have given up on competitive powerlifting now and am finding that just trying to get generally stong and throwing things around an athletics field is a lot more fun than trying bring my deadlift up whilst the limiting factor is always going to be my hip rather than my strength.

I am please to get 180 back on the squat bar and 200 will make me very happy.
AppetiteIcon...31-01-2017 @ 10:40 
Let do this.
Member 3512, 2473 posts
SQ 200, BP 140, DL 252.5
592.5 kgs @ 80kgs UnEq

60 x 5
60 x 5
100 x 3
110 x 1
120 x 1
130 x 1
140 x 1
115 x 10 PB the tenth was probably the most grindy rep I have ever successfully completed. But dammit it went.

Incline Bench
60 x 5
80 x 1
100 x 1
110 x 1
100 x 4
90 x 6
80 x 10

Chest Flyes
27.5 x 11
27.5 x 11
27.5 x 11
27.5 x 11

Bent Over Chest Flyes
60 x 10
60 x 10
60 x 10
60 x 10

Twisting Crunch Bench
20 secs work
10 secs rest
8 rounds

Hack Squat (weight 107)
20 secs work
12 secs rest
8 rounds

Massive chest pump. Really happy with this.

Soundtrack Bolt Thrower I have, on several occasions tried to explain how good Bolt Thrower are to people. Words consistently fail me.
AppetiteIcon...02-02-2017 @ 10:09 
Let do this.
Member 3512, 2473 posts
SQ 200, BP 140, DL 252.5
592.5 kgs @ 80kgs UnEq

Late for work so a quick one today.

bar x 5
bar x 5
60 x 5
100 x 1
120 x 1
140 x 1
162.5 x 2
140 x 6

Leg Extensions
70 x 14
75 x 11
80 x 10
85 x 9
90 x 7
95 x 5

Leg Curls
30 x 9
30 x 9
30 x 9
30 x 9

Soundtrack Mastodon Crack the Skye

AppetiteIcon...03-02-2017 @ 10:02 
Let do this.
Member 3512, 2473 posts
SQ 200, BP 140, DL 252.5
592.5 kgs @ 80kgs UnEq

Incline Bench
50 x 5
50 x 5
70 x 5
95 x 1
105 x 1
115 x 1
105 x 4
95 x 7
85 x 10

feeling stronger

Side Raises
10 x 12
10 x 12
10 x 12
12 x 8
12 x 8, drop to 10 x 4, drop to 8 x 5

Rear raises
12 x 12
12 x 12
12 x 12
12 x 12
12 x 12

Preacher Curls
30 x 10
30 x 10
30 x 10
30 x 10

Hammer Curls
16s x 10
16s x 10
16s x 8
14s x 10

Dumbell Pinch Grip
12s x 10
12s x 10
12s x 10
10s x 30

Tricep Pushdown
60 x 20
70 x 12
75 x 10
80 x 7
85 x 5

Low Pulley Tricep overhead extensions
30 x 8
30 x 8
30 x 8

Rope Tricep Pushdown
30 x 8
30 x 8
30 x 8, drop to 25 x 5, drop to 20 x 5, drop to 15 x 5

Mad pump bro

Soundtrack Macabre Old school hardcoreish, grindish, deathish thing. Lots of fun. Just announced Bloodstock.
AppetiteIcon...06-02-2017 @ 10:15 
Let do this.
Member 3512, 2473 posts
SQ 200, BP 140, DL 252.5
592.5 kgs @ 80kgs UnEq
Post Edited: 06.02.2017 @ 10:17 AM by Appetite

60 x 5
60 x 5
100 x 3
110 x 1
120 x 1
130 x 1
140 x 1
130 x 3

Left shoulder not right. time to step back from these. No more pressing this week. We will see how it is next week.

Lat Pulldown
60 x 12
65 x 10
70 x 8
65 x 10
60 x 12

Barbell Shrugs
90 x 10
90 x 10
90 x 10
90 x 10

Straight Arm Lat Pulldown
30 x 8
30 x 8
30 x 8
30 x 8
30 x 8

Dumbell Shrugs
36s x 11
36s x 11
36s x 11
36s x 11

Standing Low Pulley Rows
60 x 12
65 x 10
70 x 9
75 x 8
80 x 8

Preacher Curls
30 x 12
35 x 9
35 x 9
40 x 6 drop to 30 x 6 drop to 20 x 10

Hammer Curls
16s x 8
16s x 8
16s x 8
16s x 8

Headphones broke on the way in so no music. No heavy pressing for the rest of the week. Still no throwing for another 2 months. Just bodybuilding drudgery.


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