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Post Edited: 13.11.2010 @ 11:11 AM by likesadeadkf
Well after a few months of following others journals ive decided to start my own. My names Neil Morton im 21 and come from dumfries originally although i started training for powerlifting at Strathclyde uni. Ive trained there for around a year and a half and know a few people on here. I train mainly with supersteel101 and chrisbarr but also head over to the palace of arts sometimes. All my lifts were done at the recent Scottish juniors and think theres a little more there for some of them. Oh and if any of you were wondering i messed up my name and pressed enter before i could change it haha.
I always bench on Mondays but dont follow a routine so thats why my trainings a little odd sometimes. Was in training with supersteel101


Warm ups
Bar x loads
40kgs 2 x 10ish
60kgs 1 x 8ish
80kgs 1 x 5
90kgs 1 x 3
100kgs 1 x 8 (rep pb)

Messed about with a 2 board
100kgs 1 x 3
110kgs 1 x 5
120kgs 1 x 1 (felt hard)

Paused bench
90kgs x 2 x 5

Dumbell shoulder press
30kgs 3 x 5

Bodyweight 10 sets of 5

Dumbell Rows
50kgs x 10 each arm

The paused bench and shoulder press was very easy but i dont often go to failure as i like leaving some in the tank. The pullups and rows were also nice and easy but hadnt eaten much in the morning so was getting hungry and wanted to get some food before class. All in all a good session.
Just thought id write a little more about my training. My lifts when i first started were about 90kgs squat, 80kgs bench and 140/150kgs deadlift. I did my first competition in the 90kgs weightclass in july at the scottish unequipped. I just made the weight class on the limit of 90kgs (probably around 92kgs normally in the morning - some fortunate bowel movements and a jog without water the night before) and totalled 505kgs(160,105,240). In the competition last sunday i didnt bother about my weight and drank and ate loads before i weighed in and competed in the under 100kgs. Thats where my lifts come from. My deadlift is my strongest lift and after watching my technique in the vids think i could get a bit more than 250 using my legs more. My bench has never been great as im quite long armed although lately ive been hitting pbs at a pretty constant rate after a few minor technique changes. Squat ive had a bit of trouble with after i skipped some warm ups and jumped to around 130 for some triples some time last year and tweaked something in my hip with meant i didnt squat at all really over around a 3month period. It seems to have resolved itself now so am finally starting to move my numbers up ther aswell. So thats a brief summary of my powerlifting so far...
Post Edited: 08.11.2010 @ 22:12 PM by SuperSteel101
Hi aye!

I got the feeling you weren't gonna start a journal when you mentioned it in training earlier but it's good you did!

Good benching today, can't argue with PB's Grin

Ps. You should of repped out on the dumbell rows and enjoyed the horrific ill feeling that follows them lol!
Glad to see you have started a blog! Also cool user name...
Here is your last comp video.

Ended up going in by myself today which wasnt ideal but got on with it anyway. Didnt really feel up for it but was pleased at the end result.


Bar x loads
40kgs x 2sets x 10 reps
60kgs x 2 x 4
80kgs x 1 x 4
100kgs x 1 x 4
120kgs x 1 x 4
140kgs (belt on) 1x4 1x3 1x5 1x4 (was meant to be 4x4 but wasnt thinking and racked it after three so made up for it in the next set)

Deadlifts - speedwork no chalk and just fingers (dont ask why)
120kgs x 3rep for a few sets

Some weighted hypers and home.

The sets on 140 felt comfortable although my form was a bit inconsistent. I didnt have a spotter so didnt want to push things too hard.
You should of come to the palace dude, plenty of good spotters there Grin
Close grip bench

bar x loads
40kgs x 10ish
(Added doubled mini bands)
Bar with bands x 10
40kgs+bands x 10
60kgs+bands x 5
80kgs+bands x 3
100kgs+bands x 1 (felt heavy at the top)
70kgs+bands x 5 sets x 6

Fancied some horrid stuff so...
40kgs+bands 2sets x 20 (5x chest, 5x 2boards,5x 3board,5x 4board)

Military press

40kgs x 2 x 6
50kgs x 2 x 6

Kept the military press very light as my triceps were pretty fried with all the close grip stuff. Good fun session.
Was doing my second week of this cycle of deficit deadlifts

Deficit Deads (standing on 25kg and 10kg plate) All beltless
Bar x loads
70kgs x 2 sets x 8
120kgs x 2 sets x 3
160kgs x 1 sets x 3
190kgs x 5 sets x 3

120kgs x 3 x 10

Pullups (wide grip)
(Bwt + 5kgs) - 10 sets of 5 reps
Fancied going for a new PB today on bench after feeling like there was more there from the comp.

bar x loads
40kgs x 10
60kgs x 2 x 8
80kgs x 5
90kgs x 3
100kgs x 1
110kgs x 1
125kgs x 1 (PB)
130kgs x F
90kgs x 5 x 5

Military Press
40kgs x 8
60kgs x 3 x 5

Machine Rows
50ish x 10
105 x 3 x 8

Was meaning to do some pullups but had been in for quite a big session so thought id leave it there. Very happy with my PB and dont think 130kgs is far away.
The 125 was a very easy rep dude, definately more to come!
Yep think im gonna have another go at 130kgs after a bit of a deload. My shoudlers are feeling it alot today so im not sure whether ill be benching thursday. Will see how it feels then though
great vid !! it was that vid that persuaded me to get a HD camera !! lovely !

although holding the competition in an office is a little odd !!
I wasnt really sure what to do today but quite enjoy beltless stuff so went with that.

Lots of shoulder mobility stuff to start as they were feeling sore after yesterdays benching.

Squats (beltless)
Bar x loads
40kgs x 2 x loads
60kgs x 8
80kgs x 5
100kgs x 5
120kgs x 5
130kgs x 5 x 5

70kgs x 2
80kgs x 2
90kgs x 1
100kgs x F

My forms a bit crappy on powercleans and dont use any dip really. Just kind of throw it up. Pleased with the squats.
Boar said:great vid !! it was that vid that persuaded me to get a HD camera !! lovely !

although holding the competition in an office is a little odd !!

Yeh the quality was really good on the video. It was taken on my friends flip HD camera. And i saw the one you ended up getting on the other thread. Contemplating getting one so i can start adding some training vids. Bargain at that price!

Haha yeh they had us lifting in just in front of the reception in the gym. Think it was because that was the only area they could get a seating area.


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