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Nice session!
Thanks Happy
I just did 8 reps on my CoC #2. I'm starting to think I could close the #3 eventually
11th April 2013

Had to do this session quickly today.

Bar x 8
40 x 8
60 x 5
80 x 5
90 x 8 x 3 sets.

That's the last of my technique work done and everything looks good now. Depth looked shallow from front in mirror but was ok from the side.
Next week I will start 3 sets of 5 linear progression on 100kg

paused bench:
Bar x 5
40 x 5
60 x 5
80 x 3
90 x 3 x 3 sets harder than it should have been.

3 x 6 @ bw
Post Edited: 07.12.2014 @ 11:58 AM by Joe_MF
Squats are really good, dat dorsiflexion
unit94 said:Squats are really good, dat dorsiflexion

thanks! I did a bit of ankle mobility a few weeks back so ive got more flexion there now, although it still feels a bit tight at full flexion
I think the pauses are fine for training. Obviously you'll want longer for competition.

Have you always benched so narrow?

Squats look nice, knees causing you no problems?
EllD90 said:I think the pauses are fine for training. Obviously you'll want longer for competition.

Have you always benched so narrow?

Squats look nice, knees causing you no problems?

I think I will try and increase pause length just to be safe for competition.

I used to bench wide, but im stronger in this position.

No problems at the moment - sleeves are helping lots and so is the wide stance I think. The tendon is still slightly damaged as when I press into it, it hurts. But it seems to give less pain every week so hopefully it's healing. Happy
Nice med-close benching, sure to prevent shoulder injuries and increase bench raw powerWink
Nice lifting mate, the spotter on the bench video looks like he's levitating the bar off your chest though Grin
Thanks guys,
Danny I have actually been getting a few shoulder bugs recently but I have been using a lacrosse ball on my pecs and back which seems to have worked wonders Happy

Mehrad - only just noticed that, but I guess its better than a guy a few weeks back who just walked away after the lift out Roll-Eyes
Good spotting for a gym bro.
EllD90 said:Good spotting for a gym bro.

Yeah I did my usual speech of 'lift out and then hands off until I say, please'. He actually offered to spot me. I vaguely know him too, nice enough guy
16th April 2013

Semi-sumo as usual. Felt really good today
Using the new gym bumpers. they seem a bit light.

60 x 8
100 x 8
130 x 5
147.5 x 3
167.5 x 3 DOH pb beltless
190 x 3 Happy

If the plates were correct weight then im setting up nicely for a pb soon.
Also my grip is getting a lot stronger as I naturally set up to DOH the 190 without thinking Roll-Eyes

Just need to watch that back, starting to round over.

Strict Press:
bar x 8
40 x 5
52.5 x 3
60 x 3
67.5 x 6 probably a pb Happy

felt really light! needed 3 and got 6...

Has anyone had experience with Bodymax black bumper plates? That's what we have and they seem light. Might just be me but the 20kg non-bumper rubber plates we have seem heavier.


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