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Weight transferring to toes on squat

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I found when squatting last night that when I go deep the weight starts transferring to my toes, rather than through my heels.

I have been squatting with a fairly narrow stance, and it has generally been fine, but I was always quite rounded at the bottom, infact I was rounded right from lift off.

I have sorted the walkout and am a lot more upright through the lift, so this might be why it feels different on my feet.

Any ideas? My heels are not actually lifting, but the weight is not going through them either if that makes sense
what shoes are you wearing? I have that when I wear oly shoes, flat shoes and the problem does away.
baldy said:what shoes are you wearing? I have that when I wear oly shoes, flat shoes and the problem does away.

I am wearing oly shoes. but I have moved to them from hiking boots which had a thicker heel.

It doesn't happen when I squat in a suit either, maybe because I am transferring the weight back more?
Do you do any hip mobility work or stretches for your hams glutes qauds aducturs and calfs after you warm up but before you sqaut if I don't do multiple warm UPS and mobility stuff I go on my toes
Just static stretches Milsy? Or the defranco stuff? or what?
I have this issue sometimes too. Plays havoc on calves.
Post Edited: 21.06.2011 @ 11:31 AM by mikex101
Ive been doing some defranco-esq stuff recently for hams and calfs due to getting too tight. Seems to do the trick.

single leg calf & Acillies stretchs, lying dynamic leg raises etc. Has helped me out loads. Downside is ive been going a bit low.
The Agile 8 stuff?
Post Edited: 21.06.2011 @ 12:14 PM by davycummings
Cool, thanks for the replies. Kinda glad that for once its not just me

I dont really do anything beforehand, just go in and squat. I probably should do some by the sounds of it.

Exercise suggestions would be appreciated
Post Edited: 21.06.2011 @ 12:18 PM by davycummings

Interesting vid, I am sure she looks a lot better doing those exercises than I would
Il put video up of what I follow when I get home on pc but I like to do kosac sqauts or how ever its spelt to get my hips going its amazing how much better your sessions are when you warm up properly and get your body ready
davycummings said:
Interesting vid, I am sure she looks a lot better doing those exercises than I would

well you said it
milsy said:Il put video up of what I follow when I get home on pc but I like to do kosac sqauts or how ever its spelt to get my hips going its amazing how much better your sessions are when you warm up properly and get your body ready

Cossack Squat - the Diesel Crew Lads that put vds on you tube highly recommend this movement for any lower body flexibility issues. i couldn't do them before maybe i should try them again
Olympic shoes do have a habit of throwing some people forward due to the heel.
milsy said:Il put video up of what I follow when I get home on pc but I like to do kosac sqauts or how ever its spelt to get my hips going its amazing how much better your sessions are when you warm up properly and get your body ready

This is more true than most would believe.

There's a reason why pretty much all pro athletes in any sport spend a long time getting themselves warmed up and ready to do their thang. Yet I see a lot of lifters, some at a fair level seemingly not taking this on board.

It's the thing I would add if I had more time in the gym.


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