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» This will be my log (Go to post)09-03-2016 @ 20:57 
Not a great session tonight. Knee still the same.


135 x 5/5/5

Again trying to fix my form. The video will tell how it went, but I still don't think I am successful.

Bench press:

102.5 x 3/2/1
80 x 6/6 - paused.

Disappointed with these.

Pull ups:

bodyweight x 6/5/4

Then home.
» This will be my log (Go to post)07-03-2016 @ 21:41 
danbaseley said:What is this trouser splitting programme you follow?


Some good lifts in here: and you must be the most beloved person at Sports Direct!

I just use basic novice type programming from Rippetoe although I had bumped my squat up to intermediate for a few weeks before my knee disagreed with my squat technique.
» This will be my log (Go to post)07-03-2016 @ 21:40 
Okay session this evening. Knee still the same.


132.5 x 5/5/5

Obviously weight not bad, just trying to control knee slide. Need to learn to stick hips back and lean over more and not collapse into the bottom.


74 x 5/5/5

Very difficult. Abs really feeling it.

Tried some pull ups and chins but wrist not liking them. So did some stretching then home.
» This will be my log (Go to post)04-03-2016 @ 21:11 
Little bit disappointing tonight. Knee still the same. Traps and neck feeling tight too.


130 x 5/5/5

Really deloaded these to try to get them right. Last time squats were just as bad as Monday's. Need to deload by quite a lot it seems to get the hang of shoving hips back and not dive-bombing into it with knees sliding forward.

Bench press:

102.5 x 2/3/3

First set a bit poor but surprised I got the second two. Also 102.5 is the most I have ever benched.


190 x 3

Kinda f**ked up as I missed 170 double overhand and I should know by now not to push my grip on my warm-ups as it f**ks up my set.

Then home.
» This will be my log (Go to post)02-03-2016 @ 22:13 
Same as last time.


152.5 x 5/5/5

Same as last time.


72.5 x 5/5/5

Very difficult, but happy with this.

Power cleans:

87.5 x 3/3/3/3/3

Form going a bit. Need to keep tight.

Some lacrosse ball work then home.
» This will be my log (Go to post)29-02-2016 @ 21:15 
Okay session tonight.


150 x 5/5/5

Not bad, de-loading to work on eliminating knee slide. A bit harder on the low back, and still have work to do.

Bench press:

100 x 3/3/3
90 x 7

Not bad.


bodyweight x 5

Wrist not feeling it.

Then home.
» This will be my log (Go to post)26-02-2016 @ 20:22 
Meh session tonight. Knee still the same - think it's rectus remoris trigger points, as the pain is under my knee cap and extends up the thigh a bit. I think these trigger points are caused by shifting too much of the weight to my right side. I think this occurs for a few reasons, with one of them being the racks are not level with the mirrors and although I look down I still get a glimpse of my shins and knees in the mirror and my whole set-up feels a bit off. I also think that my right hamstring is excessively tight and that this may be causing a slight twisting at the bottom. I may even have uneven shoulders, too.


177.5 x 2

Knee not feeling right and form was poor. Tore trousers, as they were too tight and restrictive. Disappointing.


71 x 5/5/5

Decent enough, a new PR.


185 x 5


Then home.
» This will be my log (Go to post)24-02-2016 @ 21:13 
Decent session tonight.

Pause squats:

120 x 3/3

Only light, to try and feel the correct bottom position and try to help against knee slide.

Bench press:

97 x 5/5/5

Difficult, but finally got them all.


bodyweight x 6/6/2

Tried some pull-ups with my new and improved bodyweight. Surprised I managed 6. Not sure what happened on the last set though.

Then home.
» This will be my log (Go to post)22-02-2016 @ 21:09 
Decent session tonight. Knee still the same.


155 x 5/5/5/5/5

Okay. Trying to stay in the hips and prevent knee slide.


69 x 5/5/5


Power cleans:

85 x 3/3/3/3/3

Okay again.

Then home.
» This will be my log (Go to post)19-02-2016 @ 20:42 
Decent enough session tonight. Knee still the same.


175 x 5

Very difficult. Think I have a bit too much knee slide going on, and an excessively tight right hamstring.

Bench press:

97 x 5/5/4

One more than last time. Last rep of first set was an absolute grinder, so happy to have gotten another set of five and then an extra rep compared to last time. Just need to keep in the groove.


182.5 x 5

Better this time. Different bar, and took off my shoes. Just need to practice pulling hard and keeping tight, and also head position.

Then home.
» This will be my log (Go to post)17-02-2016 @ 21:30 
Light session tonight. Right knee still feeling awkward.


122.5 x 5/5

Light squats, but always feel a bit heavier on light day.


67 x 5/5/5

Not too bad at all.


bodyweight x 7/5/3


Some stretching then home.
» This will be my log (Go to post)15-02-2016 @ 21:26 
Average session tonight. Knee still not feeling right. I'm going to add the excuse of a little less sleep than usual. Gym was really busy tonight.


152.5 x 5/5/5/5/5

Not too bad. Bit tiring though.

Bench press:

97 x 5/5/3

A bit disappointed about the last set but still a PR.


182.5 x 3

Meh, failed the 4th. Not really sure what's up with my deadlift; perhaps it was the aforementioned excuse, or perhaps it was the squats, or perhaps it was the bar (I don't like deadlifting on the bar I used tonight).

Then home.
» This will be my log (Go to post)12-02-2016 @ 20:38 
Decent session tonight. Back the same as usual.


172.5 x 5

Quite difficult. Think I'm sliding forward into my knees a bit too much as they feel a bit awkward after squatting sometimes. Perhaps mainly on heavier weights as sometimes I feel a bit too scared to lean over enough. But none of this is for certain.


65 x 5/5/5

De-loading these as I have failed too many times in a row now.


bodyweight x 7/7/5

Bodyweight increased to mid 90s now.

Some stretching then home.
» This will be my log (Go to post)10-02-2016 @ 21:10 
Good session tonight. Right knee feeling a bit awkward, though, and back still the same as usual.


120 x 5/5

Light squats. 80% of Monday's 5x5.

Bench press:

95 x 5/5/5
80 x 6

Happy with this. First set worst as I set up too close to the uprights and hit them once.

Power cleans:

82.5 x 3/3/3/3/3

Not too bad.

Then home.
» This will be my log (Go to post)08-02-2016 @ 21:39 
Okay session tonight.


150 x 5/5/5/5/5

Not too bad, just starting out on the 5x5s.


72 x 4
60 x 6/5

Last set might have been 6 but can't remember so will write down 5. My press has obviously stalled. Going to reset it.


180 x 5

Reset my deadlifts because I wasn't happy with back position. A bit happier tonight overall, although was failed to pull the slack out of the bar before the pull, leading to jerkiness off the floor and losing back position slightly.

Then home.

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