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Pec tear recovery and beyond!

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SawyersIconPec tear recovery and beyond!12-03-2012 @ 11:04 
Member 2713, 1887 posts
SQ 242.5, BP 140, DL 285
667.5 kgs @ 84kgs UnEq
Post Edited: 04.06.2012 @ 09:25 AM by Sawyers
The link explains in more detail with pictures etc..
In short:
November 2011 I completly ruptured the sternal head of my right pectoral at the muscle-tendon junction.
8th Feb 2012 this year I had it re-attached.
Il log my training/recovery etc here.
Its been just less then 5weeks since the surgery now so Ive started safety bar squatting.

19 years old, training for the past 10 years (mainly Judo, weight training 8-12months (ish).

Goals for 2014 are:
Return to competitive Judo & Martial Arts.
Compete in a strongman event.
Compete in a pl meet.
ThingIcon...12-03-2012 @ 11:06 
a large fingered spastic that demolishes plant
Member 89, 31706 posts
SQ 260, BP 220, DL 290
770.0 kgs @ 142kgs UnEq
might be worth Speaking or PMing BALDT here as i think he suffered a Pec Tear injury too.
deleted2_20210523Icon...12-03-2012 @ 11:08 
Member 2606, 11453 posts
SQ 170, BP 117.5, DL 215
502.5 kgs @ 91.6kgs UnEq
SawyersIcon12/03/201212-03-2012 @ 11:10 
Member 2713, 1887 posts
SQ 242.5, BP 140, DL 285
667.5 kgs @ 84kgs UnEq
Post Edited: 12.03.2012 @ 11:29 AM by Sawyers

Todays training:
Safety bar squats
25kg x 5
65kg x 3
85kg x 3
97.5kg x 3
110kg x 3 x 5

Decline situps/leg raises supersetted
20 reps x 3

Didn't have much time to train before Uni this morning but still got it done.

Pec feels good, scar is closed up now but there is still a lot of bruising.

Todays weight 74.9kg
Todays food 220/200/50 (Protein/Carbs/Fat)
SawyersIcon...12-03-2012 @ 11:12 
Member 2713, 1887 posts
SQ 242.5, BP 140, DL 285
667.5 kgs @ 84kgs UnEq
kirkynick said:Good luck with your recovery mate! I'm never doing incline flyes again, that's for sure...

Thanks! I dont think it was 100% because I was doing flys, more the stupidity to do them so heavy. Along with the fact I had been doing Judo the night before and was already sore. Wont be making that mistake again! Happy
SawyersIcon...12-03-2012 @ 11:13 
Member 2713, 1887 posts
SQ 242.5, BP 140, DL 285
667.5 kgs @ 84kgs UnEq
Thing said:might be worth Speaking or PMing BALDT here as i think he suffered a Pec Tear injury too.

Thanks, il send him a message! Happy
fctilidieIcon...12-03-2012 @ 11:36 
Grandad Goatse
Member 2494, 5035 posts
SQ 120, BP 110, DL 125
355.0 kgs @ 67kgs UnEq
Good to see you posting in here matey. I'm sure you'll come back even stronger from the injury.
SawyersIcon...12-03-2012 @ 11:39 
Member 2713, 1887 posts
SQ 242.5, BP 140, DL 285
667.5 kgs @ 84kgs UnEq
fctilidie said:Good to see you posting in here matey. I'm sure you'll come back even stronger from the injury.

Cheers Paul, thats the plan! Got years of lifting ahead of me Happy
JoniIcon...12-03-2012 @ 11:40 
left the country satisfied
Member 10, 19241 posts
SQ 240, BP 150, DL 270
660.0 kgs @ 107kgs UnEq
had the same in 2008.

it was caused from tight grip on squat bar in low position causing small tearing, and then finished off with bench press.

i havent benched since, and feel like i havent lost anything from it. Obviously I am not as good of a presser than i would be if i was 100% but its ok.

good luck with the build up - dont rush it!
SawyersIcon...12-03-2012 @ 11:46 
Member 2713, 1887 posts
SQ 242.5, BP 140, DL 285
667.5 kgs @ 84kgs UnEq
Joni said:had the same in 2008.

it was caused from tight grip on squat bar in low position causing small tearing, and then finished off with bench press.

i havent benched since, and feel like i havent lost anything from it. Obviously I am not as good of a presser than i would be if i was 100% but its ok.

good luck with the build up - dont rush it!

Do you not bench now because you physically cant, or by choice? I wont be rushing, its not worth it if it doesnt recover properly!
plonkerIcon...12-03-2012 @ 14:14 
The world famous projectile vomit master
Member 1293, 443 posts
SQ 210, BP 155, DL 280
645.0 kgs @ 105kgs UnEq
another member of the gammy pec club...

did mine june 2010... i had surpassed all previous pbs (except bench) by july 2011...

like joni i no longer bench... i realise now it offers very little in strongman..

my strict press is now stronger now that i do no chest work... good luck with the recovery
JoniIcon...12-03-2012 @ 14:53 
left the country satisfied
Member 10, 19241 posts
SQ 240, BP 150, DL 270
660.0 kgs @ 107kgs UnEq
by choice, i have hear of guys who get back into benching but no point for strongman.

Also my pec didnt heal properly, one of the tendon heads didnt attach well, so i dont want to risk it.

My overhead is better than before injury anyway, so its all good for strongman.
SawyersIcon13/03/201213-03-2012 @ 20:03 
Member 2713, 1887 posts
SQ 242.5, BP 140, DL 285
667.5 kgs @ 84kgs UnEq
Post Edited: 13.03.2012 @ 20:35 PM by Sawyers
Today wasn't supposed to be anything specific for training, but had a few hours to kill before going on placement..

10min stationary bike, 10min stepper, 20min cross trainer (no arms), some foam rolling and stretching.

Weighed 75.0kg
Food: 222/201/54

Thanks for the words of encouragement.

I have an appointment tomorrow with my consultant (first time seeing him since surgery), hopefully it's healing well and I can start physio soon. I was told 4weeks immobilised, tomorrow will mark 5weeks so hopefully the extra week has been beneficial.

Tomorrows training should hopefully be -

Safety bar squats
80 x 5
90 x 5
102.5kg x 5

Foam rolling and stretching.

Short, light session.

Then over to a commercial gym on the afternoon for some hamstring curls and leg presses for 5 x 10ish as I don't wanna do any GHR and risk landing on my pec if I fail just yet.. Might try some one arm deadlifts depending on time, if not il do them on Saturday.
SawyersIcon14/03/201214-03-2012 @ 17:54 
Member 2713, 1887 posts
SQ 242.5, BP 140, DL 285
667.5 kgs @ 84kgs UnEq
Post Edited: 14.03.2012 @ 18:21 PM by Sawyers
Today's training:
Safety bar squats
80kg x 5
90kg x 5
102.5kg x 5

Over to another gym:
5 sets of 10 hamstring curls
Few sets of light presses and rows with my left arm.

Weight 74.8kg
Food: 220/155/63 - ate to much fat today, but didn't have as many carbs as usual.

Hospital rang and cancelled my appointment this morning, been changed to Friday morning... Session went as planned.
SawyersIcon16/03/2012 - Long post...update on the pec recovery.16-03-2012 @ 19:50 
Member 2713, 1887 posts
SQ 242.5, BP 140, DL 285
667.5 kgs @ 84kgs UnEq
Crazy few days...

Yesterday I didn't train.

Today I had my hospital appointment finally! The verdict - I'm 7weeks ahead of where I should be. No more brace and I can start light weight training with my right arm now, avoiding any movements that involve my pecs as best I can. I've not been sent to physio and am not back at hospital for a few months. I'm going to speak to my club physio and ask their advice on what kind of things to do, in the mean time I'm gonna do tons of flexibility work to get back to the same range of motion as what I previously had. Also, turns out he used an anchor into my humerous, so not only did he attach the muscle and tendon back together, he effectively gave me a double tendon, attaching the muscle to the prosthetic tendon and pin which is drilled into my arm! He said when it's properly fused, the joint will probably be stronger then it was previously. Also, at least 6months before I'm even allowed to attempt to do a pushup or anything else that is a direct stimulus of the pec major.

Training today looked like this:

Lateral raises 4kg x 15 x 4
Db curls 4kg x 15 x 4
Rear felt flys 4kg x 15 x 4

This is where I'm going to need to actually think about what im doing in the gym now.

Tomorrow I'm going to work up to a reasonably heavy single on the safety bar squat and (attempt) a full cycle of smolov, whilst doing my pec rehab.

In terms of food, I'm not going to bother counting anything for a while as for some stupid reason..l forgot that I won't need to be making any weight class for a while! So will just eat freely, mainly meat/eggs/veggies which are what I already eat anyway. Im also only going to get weighed once/twice a week.

I've got a shiny new pair of addidas lifting shoes waiting for me at the gym for tomorrow, can't wait!

For the next few weeks, aside from the obvious rehabbing pec, the goal is a 180kg safety bar squat (maybe to ambitious, but it won't hurt to try!).



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